Mar 28, 2025  
2019-2020 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog 
2019-2020 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Fields of Study (A-Z)

Majors are the primary undergraduate fields of study.

Minors are fields studied in addition to the major.

Concentrations focus on a specific and often highly specialized area of study within a major. For instance, there is a concentration in criminology within a sociology major. Concentrations (also called Specializations in some areas) are listed along with their parent major or area of study; more information regarding specific concentrations can be found in the area of the catalog referencing those majors.

For information on teacher certification, pre-professional fields, and temporary designations for students who have not declared a major, see below.


Undergraduate Minor

Undergraduate Certificate

Undergraduate Concentration

Accelerated Bachelor’s to Master’s Degree

Intra-institutional Dual Degree

Inter-institutional Dual Degree



Graduate Minor

Graduate Certificates

Graduate Certificate Preparation Programs

Graduate Concentration

Doctoral Track

Temporary Designations for Students Who Have Not Declared a Major

Special temporary designations are intended to provide appropriate advisement to students who have not yet declared a major. Students declaring a temporary designation will take courses to complete core curriculum and GPA requirements in preparation for entering a major. Academic advisors from the supervising college or department will assist students with exploring possible majors and determining appropriate course options based on that exploration.

To file a degree plan, students must declare a major. Students normally change from the temporary designation and declare a major by the time they have earned 45 to 60 semester credit hours.

Students who have not decided on a major should consider one of the following alternatives for a temporary designation:

  • An undecided student can be designated initially as University Undecided and Exploratory. The Exploratory designation is most appropriate for students who are exploring majors in a variety of academic disciplines and colleges. Through the university’s Discovery! process , students can explore best-fit majors by aligning values, interests, skills, and abilities. Exploratory status allows students the freedom to explore best-fit academic majors while staying on track in progress toward a degree. For more information on the University Undecided and Exploratory designation, contact Texas Tech University Advising, 79 Holden Hall, T 806.742.2189, F 806.742.2200,,
  • Students who are only exploring majors that fall within one particular academic college should check with advisors in that specific college.
  • Students who aspire to apply to a law, dental, medical, nursing, optometry, or pharmacy school or to one of a full range of health career professional schools (e.g., physical therapy, physician assistant) should consult the Pre-Professional Programs  section of this catalog and seek appropriate advisement as recommended.
  • Students who aspire to pursue pre-veterinary medicine should refer to Pre-Veterinary Medicine  and seek advisement from the College of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources.
  • Students who desire to obtain an engineering degree and do not yet meet the academic requirements should refer to Pre-Professional Programs , begin with a temporary pre-engineering designation, and seek advisement through Texas Tech University Advising, 79 Holden Hall, T 806.742.2189, F 806.742.2200,,

Teacher Certification

Texas Tech University offers a wide variety of programs that can provide certification for students desiring careers in education. Teacher certification concentrations are available in the following areas:

  • All Level Art (AART)
  • All Level Music (AMUS)
  • All Level Theatre Arts (ATHE)
  • Elementary Generalist (ELEM)†
  • Language Literacy Education (EDLL)*
  • Middle-Level Math (MMAT)*
  • Middle-Level Science (MSC)*
  • Agricultural Food and Natural Resources (SAST)
  • Secondary Biology (MLBI)‡
  • Secondary Chemistry (SCHE)
  • Secondary Chemistry (MLCH)‡
  • Secondary Dance (SDNC)
  • Secondary English, Language Arts, and Reading (SELR)
  • Secondary Family Consumer Sciences (SFCS)
  • Secondary French (SFRE)
  • Secondary Geosciences (MLGS)‡
  • Secondary German (SGER)
  • Secondary History (SHIS)
  • Secondary Hospitality, Nutrition, and Food Sciences (SHNF)
  • Secondary Journalism (SJOU)
  • Secondary Life Earth Science (RLEM)‡
  • Secondary Life Science (SLFS)
  • Secondary Physics/Math (SPHM)‡
  • Secondary Science (SSCI)‡
  • Secondary Social Studies (SSST)
  • Secondary Spanish (SSPA)
  • Secondary Speech (SSPE)
* As part of Multidisciplinary Studies major.
† As part of Multidisciplinary Studies or Early Childhood majors.
‡ As part of Multidisciplinary Science major.

Pre-Professional Fields

Pre-professional fields are a designation, not a major. For example, pre-law and pre-medicine are not majors. They designate a career path that will require a professional school after graduation. Pre-professional students who plan to earn a baccalaureate degree must choose a major in an academic discipline by their junior year and complete the courses required for admission into the professional school (e.g., law school). A program advisor can guide you in meeting the specific requirements for entry into a professional school (, Available pre-professional fields include the following:

  • Clinical Laboratory Science (PMDT)
  • Occupational Therapy (POCP)
  • Physical Therapy (PPHT)
  • Physician Assistant (PHPA)
  • Pre-Dentistry (PDEN)
  • Pre-Engineering (PREN)
  • Pre-Law (PLAW)
  • Pre-Medicine (PMED)
  • Pre-Nursing (PNUR)
  • Pre-Optometry (POPT)
  • Pre-Pharmacy (PPAR)
  • Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences (PRCD)