Feb 07, 2025  
2020-2021 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog 
2020-2021 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

How to Read Catalog Course Descriptions

Texas Tech offers nearly 5,000 courses as part of its curriculum. These courses are listed alphabetically by subject prefix within each college and departmental section of this catalog. The courses appear in numerical order, moving from beginning freshman or developmental level courses to graduate, research, and professional courses.

Not all courses listed in this catalog are offered every year. An online class schedule published before each registration period indicates courses that will be available during the upcoming term or semester and when each class will meet. The class schedule can be found at (www.depts.ttu.edu/officialpublications/class_schedule/index.php). The university reserves the right to cancel any scheduled course or withdraw any program from the list of offerings when the best interests of the institution require such action.

Courses are designated by a subject prefix and number along with a descriptive title. Learn more  about interpreting the course descriptions found throughout the catalog.


SPMT - Sport Management (Undergraduate Courses)

  • SPMT 4360 - Sales and Fundraising

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Sport management majors, minors, or concentrations only; junior standing; C or higher in SPMT 1302  and SPMT 4356 . Students learn about client-focused selling and fundraising in the sport industry and the importance of understanding client needs and motivation for buying and donating.
  • SPMT 4374 - International Sport Management

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Sport management majors, minors, and concentrations only; junior standing; C or better in SPMT 1302 . An overview of the global sport industry from both cultural and economic perspectives and the globalization of American sports.
  • SPMT 4376 - Sport Management Internship I

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Sport management majors, minors, and concentrations only; junior standing; C or better in SPMT 1302  and departmental approval. This required three-hour course is a student’s integrative, capstone, practical, and professional experience to help prepare them for working in the sport industry.
  • SPMT 4378 - Sport Management Internship II

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Sport management majors, minors, and concentrations only; junior standing; C or better in SPMT 1302  and departmental approval. This optional three-hour course allows students to expand on professional experiences during an internship to better prepare them for working in the sport industry.
  • SPMT 4379 - Introduction to Sports Analytics

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Sport management majors, minors, or concentrations only; junior standing; C or better in SPMT 1302 . Students will identify and apply practical analytics techniques used in the sports industry and learn how team personnel utilize advanced statistical techniques for competitive advantages.
  • SPMT 4380 - Sport and Development

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisites: C or better in SPMT 1302 ; sport management majors, minors, or concentrations only; junior standing. Provides an overview of sport development and sport for development, and the linkages and intersections between the two concepts.

SPMT - Sport Management (Graduate Courses)

  • SPMT 5003 - Internship in Sport Management

    V1-6 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisites: 18-24 hours of approved coursework in sport management, departmental approval. A maximum of 6 hours credit may be earned in one or more semesters.
  • SPMT 5031 - Independent Study

    V1-6 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Departmental approval. A structured independent study under the guidance of a member of the graduate faculty. May be repeated for credit up to 6 hours.
  • SPMT 5300 - Special Topics in Sport Management

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: SPMT degree status. Examines selected topics in sport management with content varying based on the topic.
  • SPMT 5315 - Research Methods I

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Basic concepts of research methods, research design, treatment and interpretation of data.
  • SPMT 5320 - Sport Leadership

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    The study of leadership theory and its application to the effective management of sport programs. The course will also examine current sport leadership research.
  • SPMT 5321 - Financial Management in Sport

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Financial concepts and issues related to the sport industry, including methods and sources of revenue acquisition, financial analysis techniques, and economic impact.
  • SPMT 5322 - Organizational Behavior in Sport

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Methods of organizing and administering sport and athletic programs. Study of staff, program, budget, health and safety, facilities, publicity, history, duties of an athletic director, and national, state, and local controls.
  • SPMT 5324 - Marketing and Promotions in Sport

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Understanding the sport industry. Developing knowledge and skills of marketing process in sport operations. Sport sponsorship, promotion, and public relations.
  • SPMT 5325 - Ethics and Morality in Sport

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Students will learn to make morally reasoned decisions, respond responsibly when faced with challenging ethical dilemmas in sport settings, and serve as role models for ethical conduct.
  • SPMT 5329 - Sport Event Management

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    The study of management principles and procedures specific to the design, operation, and implementation of sporting events.
  • SPMT 5344 - Applied Issues in Sports Analytics

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisites: Enrollment in Sport Management master’s program or consent of instructor. Students will collect and statistically analyze sports data that will help sport managers think critically and make strategic inferences and recommendations based on these data.
  • SPMT 5345 - Administration of Intercollegiate Athletics

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Examination of the operations and management of intercollegiate athletic departments, including historical perspectives of the NCAA and human and fiscal resource management.
  • SPMT 5346 - Law in the Sport Industry

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Provides advanced application of the law to the sport industry, specifically focusing on sport agent representation, liability and risk management, collective bargaining, and negotiation.
  • SPMT 5347 - Sport Media Management

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Provides sport managers with the skills for managing media relations and creating and distributing sports information and content across a variety of media platforms.
  • SPMT 5348 - Sponsorship and Endorsement in Sport

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: SPMT 5324  recommended but not required. Students will learn how sports organizations and athletes develop successful partnerships with corporations through the creation and execution of sponsorship agreements.
  • SPMT 6000 - Thesis

    V1-6 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Departmental approval. Original research for a thesis.
  • SPMT 7000 - Research

    V1-12 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Departmental approval. Structured research under the guidance of a faculty member.

STAT - Statistics (Graduate Courses)

  • STAT 5302 - Applied Statistics I

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Graphical presentation of data, histograms, confidence intervals for binomial probabilities, one-sample and two-sample t-test, regression and correlation with two variables, hypothesis testing and confidence intervals, multivariate regression and correlation, partial correlation coefficients, analysis of variance and covariance, multiple comparison procedures. Emphasis on analysis of research data. Not for mathematics, statistics, engineering, or physical science majors; these students should take STAT 5384 , STAT 5385 .
  • STAT 5303 - Applied Statistics II

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Graphical presentation of data, histograms, confidence intervals for binomial probabilities, one-sample and two-sample t-test, regression and correlation with two variables, hypothesis testing and confidence intervals, multivariate regression and correlation, partial correlation coefficients, analysis of variance and covariance, multiple comparison procedures. Emphasis on analysis of research data. Not for mathematics, statistics, engineering, or physical science majors; these students should take STAT 5384 , STAT 5385 .
  • STAT 5326 - Biostatistics

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor for non-majors. One- and two-sample testing and estimation; sample size and power calculation; nonparametric tests for one, two, and multiple samples; correlation; design and analysis of epidemiologic studies.
  • STAT 5328 - Intermediate Mathematical Statistics I

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MATH 2450  or consent of instructor. Probability spaces, continuous and discrete distributions, functions of random variables, expectation, conditional expectation, central limit theorem, convergence concepts, order statistics, sampling distributions.
  • STAT 5329 - Intermediate Mathematical Statistics II

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MATH 2450  or consent of instructor. Sufficiency and completeness, information, estimation, maximum likelihood, confidence intervals, uniformly most
    powerful tests, likelihood ratio tests, normal based inference, Bayesian inference.
  • STAT 5370 - Decision Theory

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MATH 4343  or STAT 5329  or consent of instructor. Game theory, statistical decision, Bayesian statistics.
  • STAT 5371 - Regression Analysis

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: STAT 5326  and STAT 5329 . Estimation and testing in linear regression, residual analysis, influence diagnostics, multicollinearity logistic regression, nonlinear regression.
  • STAT 5372 - Nonparametric Statistical Inference

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MATH 4343  or STAT 5329  or consent of instructor. Statistical inference, rank order statistics, chi-square and slippage tests, Kolmogorov and Smirnov type tests, confidence intervals and bands, runs tests, applications.
  • STAT 5373 - Design of Experiments

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MATH 4343  or STAT 5329  Principles of design and analysis of experiments, Latin squares, split plots, incomplete block designs, efficiency.
  • STAT 5374 - Theory of Linear Statistical Models

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MATH 4343  or STAT 5329 . Multivariate normal, convariance matrix and operations, distribution of quadratic forms, general linear hypothesis of full and non-full rank, specific linear models.
  • STAT 5375 - Statistical Multivariate Analysis

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: STAT 5329  or consent of instructor. Multivariate normal distribution, estimation of the mean vector and covariance matrix, distribution of sample correlation coefficients, the generalized T2 statistic, classification, distribution of the sample covariance matrix.
  • STAT 5376 - Advanced Statistical Methods

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MATH 4343  or STAT 5329  or consent of instructor. Applied regression analysis, cluster analysis, factor analysis, modeling, special topics in designs, sensitivity analysis, non-linear estimation. May be repeated for credit.
  • STAT 5377 - Statistical Sampling Theory

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MATH 4343  or STAT 5329 . Theory of simple random sampling, stratified random sampling, cluster sampling, ratio estimates, regression estimates, other sampling methods.
  • STAT 5378 - Stochastic Processes

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: STAT 5329 . Markov chains, Markov processes in discrete and continuous time, diffusion processes, Brownian motion and transformations of Brownian motion, non-Markovian processes.
  • STAT 5379 - Time Series Analysis

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: STAT 5329  or consent of instructor. Stationary and nonstationary time series, finite linear models, identification, filtering, and diagnostic checks of such models, spectral analysis of time series data, forecasting and control.
  • STAT 5380 - Advanced Mathematical Statistics I

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: STAT 5329 ; STAT 5380 is prerequisite for STAT 5381 . Theory of estimation and tests of statistical hypotheses, sequential analysis.
  • STAT 5381 - Advanced Mathematical Statistics II

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: STAT 5329 ; STAT 5380  is prerequisite for STAT 5381. Theory of estimation and tests of statistical hypotheses, sequential analysis.
  • STAT 5384 - Statistics for Engineers and Scientists I

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Instructor consent . Probability, descriptive statistics, distributions, estimation, hypothesis testing, nonparametric statistics, data analysis using the computers. Not for mathematics or statistics majors.
  • STAT 5385 - Statistics for Engineers and Scientists II

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: STAT 5384  or consent of instructor. Continuation of STAT 5384 ; simple and multiple regression analysis, analysis of variance, nonparametric statistics, categorical data analysis, quality control, reliability, data analysis using the computer. Not for mathematics or statistics majors.
  • STAT 5386 - Statistical Computing and Simulation

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Basics of computing, optimization methods, EM algorithm, simulation of random variables, Monte Carlo methods, Markov Chain Monte Carlo, additional topics (time permitting).
  • STAT 6000 - Master’s Thesis

    V1-6 Semester Credit Hours
  • STAT 6310 - Master’s Report

    3 Semester Credit Hours
  • STAT 6351 - Applied Time Series

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Covers applied statistical methodologies pertaining to financial time series especially series. Student will learn how to examine the techniques involved with forecasting.
  • STAT 6352 - Bayesian Methods and Application for Financial Data

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Provides a detailed overview of the theory of Bayesian methods and explains their real-world applications to financial modeling.
  • STAT 7000 - Research

    V1-12 Semester Credit Hours

SW - Social Work (Undergraduate Courses)

  • SW 1300 - The Why and How of Social Services

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Interaction of conditions and ideas that contribute to design and delivery of social services and their impact on diverse populations. Fulfills core Social and Behavioral Sciences requirement.
  • SW 2301 - Introduction to Social Work

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    TCCNS: SOCW2361, 2362 Examination of society’s responses to human needs and social problems through voluntary and governmental social policies and services.
  • SW 2311 - Human Behavior and the Social Environment: Systems

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Examination of interaction between person and environment, emphasizing mezzo and macro level systems, including small groups, organizations, and communities.
  • SW 2362 - Social Welfare as a Social Institution

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Examines development of U.S. social welfare legislation, including preceding political, economic, environmental, and social conditions as well as resulting policies, services, and societal responses.
  • SW 3312 - Human Behavior and the Social Environment: Lifespan

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Examination of interaction between person and environment with emphasis on biological, social, emotional, and cultural systems across life-span.
  • SW 3331 - Social Work with Diverse Populations

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Integrated approach to theory, values, and skills of working with culturally diverse populations. Emphasis - empowering vulnerable populations to fulfill their potential. Fulfills multicultural requirement.
  • SW 3332 - Generalist Practice I

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Acceptance into Social Work Candidacy. Prerequisite or corequisite: SW 3331 .  Application of generalist knowledge, ethics and basic skills for effective partnerships at multiple system levels. Social work majors only. (CL)
  • SW 3333 - Generalist Practice II

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: C or better in SW 3332 . Application of generalist knowledge, ethics and enhanced skills for effective partnerships at multiple system levels. Social work majors only.
  • SW 3339 - Social Work Research and Evaluation

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MATH 2300 , SOC 3391 , or PSY 2400 . Scientific approach to social work knowledge. Emphasis on evaluation of social welfare programs and social work practice. (CL)
  • SW 4000 - Independent Study in Social Work

    V3-6 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Independent study in social work theory, practice, policy, research, or policy evaluation. May be repeated for credit with instructor’s approval.
  • SW 4311 - Social Policy and Social Welfare Legislation

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    In-depth analysis of the social policy process. Emphasis on social welfare and social service delivery systems. (CL)
  • SW 4340 - Social Work: Field Placement Integrative Seminar

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: C or better in SW 3333 ; corequisite: SW 4611 . Integration of social work knowledge, skills, and values used in the student’s individual practice of social work. Social work majors only.
  • SW 4611 - Social Work: Field Experience

    6 Semester Credit Hours
    Corequisite: SW 4340 . Closely supervised 400-hour practicum using social work knowledge/skills/ethics in program-approved social agency. Professional liability insurance required. Social work majors only. Pass/fail.

SW - Social Work (Graduate Courses)

  • SW 5264 - Foundation Field Placement I

    2 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Admission to Master of Social Work program. Supervised practicum using social work knowledge, skills, and ethics in a program-approved social agency. Pass/fail. Liability insurance required.
  • SW 5310 - The Social Work Profession and Social Welfare Policy

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Foundation graduate course examining social welfare system. Emphasizes how policies impact systems. Topics include social welfare history, policy development, implementation, evaluation, and values.
  • SW 5311 - Human Behavior and the Social Environment: Systems

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Foundation course examining theories on and knowledge of interaction between person and environment. Emphasizes mezzo- and macro-level systems.
  • SW 5312 - Human Behavior and the Social Environment: Lifespan

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Foundation graduate course that examines theories on and knowledge of interaction between person and environment. Emphasizes biological, social, emotional, and cultural systems across lifespan.
  • SW 5331 - Social Work with Diverse Populations

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Foundation graduate course exploring integrated approach to theory, values, and skills of working with diverse populations. Emphasizes empowering vulnerable populations to fulfill potential.
  • SW 5332 - Foundation Practice I

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Admission to Master of Social Work program. Foundation course introducing theory, principles and skills of building and maintaining professional relationships with systems of all sizes for generalist social workers.
  • SW 5333 - Foundation Practice II

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: C or better in SW 5332 . Foundation course building on theory, principles, and introducing skills of problem solving and evidence-based practice with systems of all sizes for generalist practice.
  • SW 5339 - Foundations of Social Work Research

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Introduces scientific approach to generation of social work knowledge, including how to read and interpret research with a critical eye and perform basic research activities.
  • SW 5467 - Foundation Field Placement II

    4 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Admission to Master of Social Work program. Successful completion of SW 5264 . Supervised practicum using social work knowledge, skills, and ethics in a program-approved social agency. Pass/fail. Liability insurance required.
  • SW 6040 - Advanced Independent Study in Social Work

    V1-6 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Advisor consent. Independent study in advanced social work theory, research, or policy analysis.
  • SW 6350 - Social Work Practice With Individuals

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: M.S.W. student with second year status. Advanced course focusing on intervention theories and skills for strengths-based practice with individuals.
  • SW 6351 - Social Work Practice With Families

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: M.S.W. student with second-year status. Successful completion of SW 6350 . Advanced course focusing on intervention theories and skills for strengths-based practice with families.
  • SW 6355 - Social Work Practice With Groups

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: M.S.W. student with second-year status. Advanced course focusing on intervention theories and skills for strengths-based practice with groups.
  • SW 6356 - Social Work Practice with Communities and Organizations

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: M.S.W. student with second-year status. Advanced course focusing on intervention theories and skills for strengths-based practice with communities and organizations.
  • SW 6357 - Advanced Social Work Research

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: M.S.W. student with second-year status. Advanced research methods in social work practice with focus on evaluation with systems of all sizes.
  • SW 6358 - Social Welfare Policy Analysis

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: M.S.W. student with second-year status. Advanced course building policy analysis skills, including concepts and tools used for examination of policy-related social problems in society.
  • SW 6370 - Special Topics in Social Work

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Advisor consent. Topical issues in a focused area of social problem or population. Repeatable for credit.
  • SW 6371 - Assessment and Practice Issues in Mental Health

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: M.S.W. student with second-year status. Issues for systems of all sizes coping with mental health issues. Incudes focus on DSM.
  • SW 6372 - Issues in Social Work Supervision and Administration

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: M.S.W. student with second-year status. Develops skills in supervision and administration in small and large organizations.
  • SW 6373 - Life-Altering Illness and Social Work Practice

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: M.S.W. student with second-year status. Exploration of issues for systems of all sizes coping with life-altering illness.
  • SW 6374 - Social Work Practice with Veterans and Military Families

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: M.S.W. student with second-year status. Introduces students to military culture and explores strengths, resources, stressors, and obstacles to well being.
  • SW 6464 - Advanced Field Placement I

    4 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: M.S.W. student and advisor consent. Supervised practicum using knowledge, skills, and ethics in approved social agency. Pass/fail. Liability insurance required.
  • SW 6467 - Advanced Field Placement II

    4 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: M.S.W. student and advisor consent; successful completion of  SW 6464 . Supervised practicum using knowledge, skills, and ethics in approved social agency. Pass/fail. Liability insurance required.

THA - Theatre Arts (Undergraduate Courses)

  • THA 1101 - Practicum: Scenery and Properties

    1 Semester Credit Hours
    Experiential learning in Scenery and Properties through theatrical production.
  • THA 1102 - Practicum: Lighting and Sound

    1 Semester Credit Hours
    Experiential learning in Lighting and Sound through theatrical production.
  • THA 1103 - Practicum: Costume and Make-Up

    1 Semester Credit Hours
    Experiential learning in Costuming and Make-Up through theatrical production.
  • THA 1104 - Theatre Activities: House Management

    1 Semester Credit Hours
    Opportunity to participate extensively in theatre activities in the area of house management.
  • THA 1161 - Musical Theatre Voice – Studio

    1 Semester Credit Hours
    Individual instruction on proper voice technique for varying musical theatre and bel canto styles increasing versatility, vocal stamina, and a varied audition repertoire.
  • THA 1162 - Musical Theatre Voice – Studio

    1 Semester Credit Hours
    Individual instruction on proper voice technique for varying musical theatre styles, increasing versatility, vocal stamina, and a varied audition repertoire.
  • THA 1301 - Voice for the Actor

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    TCCNS: DRAM2336 Explores “freeing” the natural resources of the human voice with emphasis on characterization and vocal flexibility. Enrollment in noncredit lab is required. May be repeated once for credit.
  • THA 1302 - Movement for the Actor

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    TCCNS: DRAM1322 Explores the physical skills necessary for the actor with emphasis on individual physical creativity and imagination. Enrollment in noncredit lab is required. May be repeated once for credit.
  • THA 1304 - Speech for the Actor

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Designed to expand the actor’s knowledge/experience in the mechanics of speech and heightened/classical language.
  • THA 2101 - Make-Up for Stage and Screen

    1 Semester Credit Hours
    TCCNS: [DRAM 1141, 1341] The exploration of Stage Make-Up Techniques and application for Stage and Screen, emphasizing, make-up and character development.
  • THA 2161 - Musical Theatre Voice – Studio

    1 Semester Credit Hours
    Individual instruction on proper voice technique for varying musical theatre and bel canto styles, increasing versatility, vocal stamina, and a varied audition repertoire.
  • THA 2162 - Musical Theatre Voice – Studio

    1 Semester Credit Hours
    Individual instruction on proper voice technique for varying musical theatre and bel canto styles, increasing versatility, vocal stamina, and a varied audition repertoire.
  • THA 2301 - Introduction to Acting

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Fundamental principles of acting for nonmajors, with emphasis on establishing a working vocabulary and basic acting process. Fulfills core Creative Arts requirement.
  • THA 2302 - Principles of Acting I

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    TCCNS: DRAM1351 Explores the fundamental principles of acting. Emphasis on establishing a process and working vocabulary necessary for the profession. Enrollment in noncredit lab is required.
  • THA 2303 - Theatre Appreciation

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    TCCNS: DRAM1310 Study and application of the various activities and methods of theatrical practice. Attendance at representative plays is required. Fulfills core Creative Arts requirement.
  • THA 2304 - Introduction to Cinema

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    TCCNS: COMM2366; DRAM2366, 2367 A study of film and the cinematic art form. Fulfills core Creative Arts requirement.

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