Feb 07, 2025  
2020-2021 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog 
2020-2021 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Services

Academic HealthPlan (AHP) Insurance

It is recommended that all students have health care insurance. Many students choose the TTU Academic HealthPlan (AHP) policy. Parents should consider covering their student under AHP since AHP is frequently more affordable than keeping a student on a parent’s current plan and is uniquely designed to meet the health care needs of college students. Visit https://ttu.myahpcare.com for more information about this year’s TTU Academic HealthPlan policy.

Alumni Association

Started in 1927 by the first graduating class, the Texas Tech Alumni Association has grown to a membership of more than 30,000 loud and proud alumni, current students, and friends of Texas Tech University. The TTAA helps amplify the voices of alumni everywhere by championing what it means to be a Red Raider.

Located in the McKenzie-Merket Alumni Center, the TTAA provides academic support to the university through student scholarships, Excellence Grants, professorships, and awards for faculty and staff. In addition, the organization sponsors many on-campus activities for alumni and students, including the Official Texas Tech Class Ring program, homecoming events, Student Alumni Association events, and pregame parties at the Frazier Alumni Pavilion in the fall. The TTAA also publishes the bimonthly Texas Techsan magazine and provides lapel pins to all graduates at commencement, as well as a complimentary one-year membership to all undergraduates in partnership with the Office of the President.

Association members maintain a lifelong connection to the university through alumni networks and 75-plus alumni chapters nationally and internationally, that provide networking opportunities through game-watching parties, happy hours, annual dinners, golf tournaments and more. Every TTAA membership helps elevate Texas Tech University.

Contact: 806.742.3641, www.TexasTechAlumni.org


Plains Capital Bank, Bank of America, Prosperity Bank and Texas Tech Credit Union have ATMs in the SUB. Anyone having ATM access cards honored by financial institutions may use these machines for a variety of transactions. The ATMs are normally accessible 24 hours a day in the east lobby of the Student Union.

Campus Bus System

The campus bus system, funded by the Student Transportation Fee, provides transportation throughout the campus and to nearby off-campus residential areas. On-campus routes provide service from the residence halls and commuter parking lots to the interior of the campus. Off-campus service runs from 7 a.m. until 6:45 p.m. Students can access the Raider Ride shuttle service from 6 p.m. until 2:45 a.m. by downloading the TapRide app and requesting a ride during service hours. Students also can ride any Citibus route in Lubbock free of charge by using their Texas Tech ID.

Contact: Student Government Association, 806.742.3631

Center for Campus Life

The Center for Campus Life promotes each student’s learning experience by offering programs and services focusing on student transition, connecting students to the university and campus traditions, establishing positive relationships with students and families, and maintaining collaborative partnerships. The center offers services related to the following areas:

  • Raider Red’s Food Pantry
  • Student Organizations
  • Fraternity and Sorority Life
  • Spirit Programs
  • Red to Black Peer Financial Coaching
  • General Student Services

Contact: Center for Campus Life, 201 Student Union, 806.742.5433, www.campuslife.ttu.edu

Credit Union

Employees of TTU and TTUHSC are eligible to join Texas Tech Credit Union. Member perks include free cash-back checking, 2% APY savings, new and used vehicle loans, personal loans, mortgage loans, and credit cards. The credit union also offers 24-hour online and mobile banking, 7 AM – 7 PM video banking, free bill pay, direct deposit, instant-issue debit cards, and over 25,000 free ATMs. Branches are located at 1802 Texas Tech Parkway, Room #1A98 in the Health Sciences Center, and 4005 98th Street. For more information, visit TexasTechFCU.org or call 806.742.3606.

Cocurricular Activities

Students attending Texas Tech have an endless array of experiential opportunities. The Student Union & Activities office and the Center for Campus Life boast over 500 registered student organizations representing academic, professional, honorary, graduate, religious, service, athletic, and special interest groups. Additionally, students can gain volunteer leadership experience through involvement in the Student Activities Board (SAB) where they can plan traditional campus events like Texas Tech’s Homecoming Week and the annual Arbor Day celebration. Students can enroll in leadership programs, participate in Greek letter organizations, and experience multicultural programs through the Center for Campus Life. The value of these experiences is immeasurable as students enjoy the luxury of having a practical forum in which to cultivate leadership skills and develop peer and faculty/staff networks.

Student participation in an off-campus activity is strictly voluntary. Students are responsible for their own safety and welfare. Participation in off-campus activities is at the student’s own risk, and the university assumes no responsibility. Students are responsible for making their own individual arrangements with instructors for class work missed while participating in any on-campus or off-campus activity. For students involved in Big 12 sports, eligibility rules for the Big 12 Conference are administered by the Texas Tech Athletics Council.

Contact: Student Union & Activities Office, 203 Student Union, 806.742.3636 (Student Union), 806.742.4708 (Student Activities); Center for Campus Life, 201 Student Union, 806.742.5433

Fraternity and Sorority Life

Fraternities and sororities have been an active part of university life since 1952 by complementing the academic and cocurricular activities of the university’s community life. With almost 60 chapters recognized at Texas Tech University, more than 5,000 students are involved in Greek life. The university promotes a self-governing community, reaffirming an attitude of cooperation, support, and encouragement. The Center for Campus Life is the liaison between Greek letter organizations, their alumni, and the university administration.

Contact: Center for Campus Life, 201 Student Union Building, 806.742.5433, greeklife@ttu.edu, www.greeklife.ttu.edu.

Grievance Procedures

Opportunities are available to students for redress of grievances. Generally, students wishing to review the action of a faculty or staff member or a department should direct their questions to the supervisor responsible for the department in the university organizational structure. Procedures for handling specific problems have been established to expedite the filing and hearing of student concerns. Questions involving academic matters should first be directed to the appropriate academic college or department office. Grievance procedures are described in the Student Handbook, and questions may be directed to the Office of the Dean of Students, 201 Student Union Building, 806.742.2984 or www.depts.ttu.edu/dos.

Intercollegiate Speech, Debate

The Red Raider debate team historically ranks among the top teams in the nation. In 2010, the team won its second national debate championship in three years, one of only four schools nationwide to ever do so. Students who meet general eligibility requirements may participate in intercollegiate debate. Both contest and noncontest events are held on campus and at other colleges. The Forensics Union (administered in the Department of Communication Studies) is also active in sponsoring campus-wide speech activities. Texas Tech teams actively compete in debate competitions across the country.

Contact: Director of Forensics, 417.655.3556

Lime Scooters & E-Bikes

Catch a Lime-S electric scooter or Lime-E electric assist bicycle to get around campus and Lubbock. The scooter and e-bike cost $1 to unlock and $.15 for every minute of riding. Pell Grant recipients and students receiving other government assistance are eligible for reduced rates. Students must follow the same rules as bicycles when riding and must always park at bike racks and in designated Lime parking zones. Wearing a helmet is also strongly encouraged.

Contact: Transportation & Parking Services, 806.742.7275

Music Organizations

The university is represented by the following official touring major ensemble musical organizations: Ensemble Bravura (Chamber Orchestra), Jazz Ensembles, Marching Band, Opera Theatre, Symphonic Band, Symphonic Wind Ensemble, Symphony Orchestra and University Choir. Students may also participate in the University Singers, Chamber Singers, Women’s Chorale, Matador Singers, Lubbock Chorale, Court Jesters, Concert Band, University Band, Jazz Combos, Mariachi Los Matadores, University String Orchestra, Saxophone Quartets, Woodwind Ensemble, Woodwind Quintet, String Ensemble, String Quartets, Harp Ensemble, Flute Ensemble, Clarinet Choir, Horn Ensemble, Trombone Choir, Trumpet Ensembles, Tuba/Euphonium Ensemble, Brass Quintet, Percussion Ensemble, Steel Drum Bands, Early Music Ensemble, Celtic Ensemble, Balkan Ensemble, Elegant Savages Orchestra, Tango Orchestra, piano accompanying, and additional chamber ensembles. Each group studies a broad and representative repertoire and maintains an annual public performance calendar. Participation is open to any university student who meets audition requirements.

Office of LGBTQIA Education and Engagement

The Office of LGBTQIA Education and Engagement serves the Texas Tech University community through facilitating and leading programming and advocacy efforts aimed at strengthening the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and asexual (LGBTQIA) community. The Office also serves as a resource for all members of the University community in fostering their practice of ‘allyship.’ Texas Tech takes seriously its institutional commitment to an inclusive educational environment as reflected by its 4.5 star ranking on the Campus Pride Index, as well as through its policies, practices, programming, and sense of pride.

Contact: Office of LGBTQIA Education and Engagement, 201 Student Union Building, 806.742.5433, www.lgbtqia.ttu.edu

Office of the Dean of Students

The Office of the Dean of Students will lead an effort to focus on non-academic matters affecting student life, student success, and student learning. These efforts are achieved through encouraging student responsibility and leadership, supporting students and families during times of crisis, assisting faculty and staff in resolving student concerns, and active involvement in issues related to student life at Texas Tech University.

Office of Student Conduct

The Office of Student Conduct is responsible for reviewing and adjudicating alleged violations of the Code of Student Conduct, which may be found in the Student Handbook. All students are afforded due process while working with this office and are also informed about their rights and responsibilities throughout the process. In addition to adjudicating alleged violations of university policy, this office also serves as a clearinghouse for various background checks of current and former Texas Tech students.

The Office of Student Conduct works in partnership with various campus units, including but not limited to: Dean of Students Office, Student Counseling Services, University Student Housing, Texas Tech Police Department, Risk Intervention & Safety Education and more. This office also works to maintain compliance with various federal and state regulations.

Contact: 211 Wellness Center, www.depts.ttu.edu/studentconduct, 806.742.1714

Office for Student Rights & Resolution

The mission, purpose, and scope of the Office for Student Rights & Resolution is to promptly address all complaints of discrimination and harassment, specifically those involving Title IX, gender-based harassment, sexual misconduct, and discrimination based on race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, age, disability, or any other protected characteristic or class. The office assists and supports students who bring complaints; provides coordination and provision of resources, remedies, and interim measures; and facilitates a fair and equitable investigation and adjudication process where reports indicate student misconduct in violation of university policy. The department also assists the RISE Office and other campus partners with numerous education, training, and prevention efforts throughout the campus community. 

Parent and Family Relations/Texas Tech Parents Association

Parent and Family Relations is dedicated to student success by engaging parents and family members as active partners in supporting student success at Texas Tech University. Parent and Family Relations provides a variety of programs and services to parents, family members, and students. These programs include Family Days, Holiday Bus Trips, Sibling Saturday, the Parent and Family Guide, Red Raider Orientation for Parents and Family Members, and the Parent & Family eNewsletter.

Contact: 201Q Student Union Building, 806.742.3630, parent@ttu.edu; www.parent.ttu.edu

The Texas Tech Parents Association (TTPA), an incorporated non-profit organization, was established in 1956 to provide programs and services for Texas Tech families as well as a network to support the Red Raider community. Programs and services include scholarships, faculty and student awards, military family support, parent ambassadors, the Road Raiders Safe Travel Network, and local chapters of TTPA. Membership dues and donations enable the awarding of scholarships and awards as well as provide program support.

Contact: parents@texastechparents.org; www.texastechparents.org

RaiderGate: A Student Tailgate Tradition

Sponsored by the Student Activities Board, Student Government Association, and Student Union and Activities, RaiderGate is the university’s premier student tailgating event. Open to Texas Tech students and student organizations only.

Contact: Student Activities Board, 806.742.4708; Student Union and Activities, 806.742.3636

Raider Ride Program

The Raider Ride transportation service safely takes students to various locations on and off campus per request during hours that normal transportation is not available. This safe ride initiative was started through the Office of the External Vice President of the Student Government Association and Raider Ride is operated by Texas Tech Transportation and Parking Services. From 6 p.m. to 2:45 a.m. seven days a week, Transportation & Parking Services provides a night shuttle service to students. Raider Ride is free when the starting or ending point of the trip is on the TTU main campus or Satellite lots. Raider Ride has a $5 charge per rider when the trip is from any off-campus location to another off-campus location. Students can request a ride during service hours through the TapRide app (Google Play, App Store). A valid student ID is needed. Raider Ride uses white 10-passenger vans with a logo for service.

Interested in driving for Raider Ride? Contact: transportation@ttu.edu

Red Raider Student Employment Center (RRSEC)

The Student Financial Aid Office administers part-time opportunities designed to assist students in financing their education while gaining valuable work experience and mentoring. Part-time employment with both on-campus and off-campus is available to current Texas Tech students enrolled at least half-time. Students seeking part-time employment are encouraged to view available opportunities by selecting “Red Raider Applicants” at rrsec.ttu.edu. To learn more about all forms of financial assistance, visit financialaid.ttu.edu.

Red to Black Peer Financial Coaching

Red to Black Peer Financial Coaching is available to answer students’ money questions. Select students from the Department of Personal Financial Planning provide individual coaching sessions and presentations on topics such as creating spending plans, starting to save early, maximizing financial aid (including student loans), choosing employee benefits, and establishing and using credit. Financial coaching services are free and available to all Texas Tech students.

Contact: 201 Student Union Building, 806.742.9781, redtoblack@ttu.edu, www.r2b.ttu.edu

Risk Intervention and Safety Education (RISE)

The Risk Intervention and Safety Education (RISE) office seeks to maximize student success through effective health promotion and prevention education services and seeks to promote a campus environment that values holistic wellness and empowers students to live vital, meaningful lives. RISE administrates the online Think About IT! course that is required for all incoming first-year and transfer students. RISE facilitates educational workshops and hosts free campus events on a variety of topics including:

  • Bystander Intervention
  • Alcohol and Other Drugs
  • Sexual Assault and Consent
  • Sexual Health
  • Suicide Prevention
  • Stress and Anxiety
  • Healthy Relationships

Contact: Risk Intervention and Safety Education (RISE), Drane Hall 247, 806.742.2110, www.rise.ttu.edu

Student Counseling Center

The Student Counseling Center (SCC) provides professional psychological services in a welcoming environment to address the variety of concerns affecting a college student’s personal life and academic performance. Services are provided by licensed psychologists/counselors and by their supervisees.

College life is brimming with new challenges and choices. SCC services focus on the common issues students frequently encounter in this process. This can involve relationship loss, coping with grief, body image concerns, depression, anxiety, stress/time management, alcohol or other substance abuse, gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender identity concerns, communication skills, general adjustment to college, or simply help in understanding oneself better.

The SCC offers a variety of therapeutic services for students including the MindSpa (self-guided facility for management of stress and anxiety), brief individual and couples counseling, and group counseling. Students can take advantage of a variety of topic-specific groups (e.g., depression support, sexual assault survivors) as well as general counseling groups called Understanding Self and Others. Manage Your Mood groups help students develop the skills to effectively manage symptoms of depression and/or anxiety. SCC therapists also educate the campus community about strategies for positive mental health through educational outreach presentations to classes, residence halls, and on-campus organizations. Topics of these presentations span the wide range of mental health issues that students experience.

SCC services are available to all currently enrolled students. All services are strictly confidential within limits of the law. The SCC is open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. A Walk-in Clinic is available to initiate counseling services from 12:30 p.m. until 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Contact: 201 Student Wellness Center, www.depts.ttu.edu/SCC, 806.742.3674

Student Government

The Student Government Association (SGA) provides students with opportunities to excel through their participation in leadership activities and university-wide committees. Students can get involved through Freshmen Council, Freshman Leadership Association, Ambassadors, Student Senate, and executive offices. The SGA also provides many services to students, including Raider Ride, housing guides, WORD magazine, new student guide, information maps about Citibus routes, and other programs and publications.

The Student Government Association also supports student organizations through a funding process that allocates a portion of student services fees to registered student groups. The four executive officers–President, Internal Vice President, External Vice President, Graduate Vice President–work to represent the views and needs of students to the administration as well as local and state governments. The SGA is always receptive to new programs and practices that can benefit students.

Contact: Student Government Association, 302 Student Union, 806.742.3631, www.sga.ttu.edu

Student Health Services

Student Health Services is the primary care clinic for students at Texas Tech University. This Joint Commission-accredited clinic is staffed with board-certified physicians, advanced practice providers, and clinical counselors and psychologists to provide high-quality care.

Student Health is located on the first floor of the Student Wellness Center at the corner of Main and Flint on the west side of the campus. Services are available by appointment Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Clinical Services. Clinical services include primary and urgent care, women’s health, sports medicine, nurse clinic, travel health consults, and an after-hours answering service. Student Health also has a COLA-accredited medical lab, X-ray department, and retail pharmacy on site making it the most convenient place for students to receive care.

Pharmacy. The Student Health Pharmacy can fill most prescriptions, including those written by an outside physician or transferred from another pharmacy. Over-the-counter medications are available at reduced prices. Pharmacy purchases may be charged to major credit cards. The pharmacy also accepts most prescription insurance cards. Prescriptions may be transferred to the Student Health Pharmacy by calling 806.743.2636.

Cost. Student Health is structured be the most affordable place for TTU students to receive healthcare. All TTU undergraduate students pay a medical service fee which allows Student Health to significantly discount the services for students who receive care at Student Health. In fact, many services are offered at no cost. Student Health Services accepts most major insurances and considers co-pays and deductibles already paid by the medical service fee. Graduate students can opt to pay the medical service fee during their first visit of each semester to have full access to services.

Immunization Requirements and Immunization Holds. The University requirement is that incoming students under the age of 22 must provide documentation of a Meningitis vaccine or booster dose during the five-year period prior to but no later than ten days before the first day of the first semester they will enter that institution. The university also requires that all students born after December 31, 1956, provide proof of two MMR immunizations in their lifetime. TTU has partnered with Med+Proctor to manage this process and remove registration holds once full immunization compliance is met.

In order to avoid delays in registration, students should upload their immunization records to Med+Proctor prior to attending Red Raider Orientation. Visit https://www.depts.ttu.edu/studenthealth/newstudents/ for more information.

Tuberculous Screening. Screening may be a requirement for students from countries with high incidents of tuberculosis. Since most international students are required to have Academic Health Plan health insurance, this screening test can be done at Student Health for no out-of-pocket cost to the student. Required students should provide documentation of the test and results or receive the test at Student Health Services by the fifth week of the first semester of enrollment. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in a hold being placed on the student’s account. For more information about the TB requirement for international students, visit www.depts.ttu.edu/studenthealth/internationalstudents/.

Confidentiality. Student Health commits to keeping students’ care confidential in accordance with state law. A student’s medical information is kept completely confidential and cannot be released to anyone, including parents and/or guardians without the student’s written permission unless otherwise authorized by law.

Student Health also commits to honor and respect the diverse cultures, lifestyles, and personal beliefs of all the students served and who serve alongside the Student Health Services staff.  

Contact: Student Health Services, 806.743.2848, studenhealthservices@ttuhsc.edu, www.depts.ttu.edu/studenthealth/

Student Legal Services

Student Legal Services is dedicated to the concept of preventative law by providing legal advice and guidance to students. The program’s primary objective is providing students confidential legal advice on individual issues by informing students of their obligation, duties, and rights as defined by a system of law. Student Legal Services’ attorneys are able to represent students under limited circumstances; however, most cases are resolved through negotiation, advice, and proper direction.

Student Legal Services is staffed by three licensed attorneys, an administrative business assistant, law clerks, and student externs from the Texas Tech School of Law. Appointments are necessary to ensure correct placement with the appropriate attorney. Outreach presentations are available for student organizations and academic classes. Mediation services are also available.

Contact: 307 Student Union, 806.742.3289

Student Organization Representative Council (SORC)

The Student Organization Representative Council (SORC) includes all registered student organizations separated into councils based on their area of interest. These councils include a SORC representative from each organization and Student Government Senators to facilitate the agenda. It allows the opportunity for students to have a fair and equal say in university-related matters, to promote the events of their organization, to educate and diversify the campus, and to promote events sponsored by the Student Government Association.

Contact: Student Government Association, 806.742.3631

Texas Tech Chess Program (TTCP)

The Texas Tech Chess Program is a vehicle for enriching education, competitive excellence, recruitment of outstanding and diverse students, community engagement and partnerships within the Division of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion. The Texas Tech Chess Program began in 2007 and has captured more than 10 national titles, as well as regional and state championships. The team is led by International Grandmaster Alex Onischuk, a former U.S. Champion and one of the top professionals in the world. Among the team’s prestigious awards, the TTU Chess Program won the National College Team Championship in 2011 and 2012. In December of 2015, the TTU Chess Team won the Pan-American Intercollegiate Chess Championship for the first time in program history. In 2014, Texas Tech University was named Chess College of the Year and the TTU Chess Team consistently qualifies for The Final Four Championship. 

The Texas Tech Chess Program offers competitive chess scholarships on two levels to qualified undergraduate and graduate applicants: top level and club level. Top level players are eligible to receive significant scholarships. Club level players who are willing to teach in the weekly K-12 programs may qualify for smaller scholarships. All of these scholarships qualify students for reduced in-state tuition and include regular training under supervision of International Grandmaster Onischuk.

In collaboration with the university’s student chess club, the Knight Raiders, TTCP offers a variety of services and opportunities related to chess, including regular meetings, tournaments, after-school programs, workshops for teachers, and chess camps for kids. The Chess Program staff prepares the state-wide UIL chess quizzes and provides resources to the Chess Team and community organizations that include: chess sets, chess clocks, a specialized chess library, demonstration boards, chess game analysis programs, and tournament management.

Contact: University Library, Room 303, texastechchess@ttu.edu, 806.742.7742

Toreador Media

Toreador Media, located on the first floor of the rotunda in the Media and Communication building, provides out-of-classroom learning opportunities for students to use academic training obtained at Texas Tech in practical settings of publishing the student newspaper, The Daily Toreador; digital media at www.dailytoreador.com; and the campus yearbook, La Ventana. All publications, productions, and telecasts within the department are nonacademic and considered out-of-classroom learning opportunities, free from administrative censorship. Student editors of The Daily Toreador and La Ventana have the authority to make all content decisions and bear the responsibility for their decisions.

Toreador Media employs 40-60 students each semester as collegiate editors, reporters, photographers, videographers, anchors, graphic designers, print and digital advertising account executives, and members of the delivery staff and street team. Many of the employees are students in the College of Media & Communication, and some study other disciplines. Students interested in the fields of advertising, journalism, marketing, public relations, photography, and broadcast are encouraged to apply for positions on the newspaper, multimedia website, and yearbook staffs by visiting www.dailytoreador.com.

Contact: Media & Communication Rotunda, Room 180; 806.742.3388; www.dailytoreador.com

Transcript Service

Copies of a student’s transcript are available for a fee. Please allow two business days for standard transcript processing. Transcripts can be ordered online at www.depts.ttu.edu/registrar (additional fees may apply) or in person at the Office of the Registrar, 103 West Hall.

Official transcripts may be withheld from students who have administrative holds on their records until the holds have been released. For information about administrative holds and the status of holds on students’ records, refer to “Administrative Holds ” in the Academic Requirements  section of this catalog. Transcripts furnished from other institutions become the property of Texas Tech University.

University Career Center

University Career Center provides a number of services designed to assist all Texas Tech students and alumni with their career development and post-graduate decision making. With more than 20,000 employer contacts, hundreds of recruiters visit the University Career Center each year to conduct employment interviews with students in an effort to fill internship, Co-Op, and full-time positions.

To obtain interviews and submit a resumé, students may register at www.hireredraiders.ttu.edu. To assist students who are undecided about their majors or career plans, the University Career Center offers career assessment inventories, which include the Strong Interest Inventory, FOCUS2, MBTI, and StrengthsQuest.

The University Career Center also sponsors various job fairs that include graduate and professional schools, school districts, summer camps, and two large all-major career fairs. Resources include job listings, internship information, mock interviews, resumé assistance, and an extensive online career library. Counselors are available to meet individually with students to discuss career-related topics and post-graduate decision making. The University Career Center website www.careercenter.ttu.edu offers numerous resources to assist students in the career exploration, development and job search including thousands of videos on specific career paths.

Contact: University Career Center, 150 Wiggins Complex, 806.742.2210

Veterans’ Education Services

The Department of Military and Veterans Programs assists veterans and their families in achieving academic and personal success by helping provide a seamless transition from military to civilian life, supporting and encouraging campus and community engagement, and helping provide a positive experience through degree completion and on to a successful future.

The department embraces the following values:

  • Service. The department appreciates veterans’ service and understands the diversity of thought and experience veterans bring to the university. The department’s calling is to serve those who have served.
  • Commitment. The department will connect veterans to campus and community resources, enhancing their overall college experience to provide a greater chance of successful academic achievement and degree completion.
  • Integrity. The department treats veterans with the dignity and respect they have earned and deserve.
  • Growth. The department provides an encouraging environment that is focused on veterans’ success and development.

Exemptions for Texas Veterans Under the Hazlewood Act. The purpose of the Hazlewood Exemption (Hazlewood Act) for Texas veterans is to provide an education benefit to honorably discharged or separated Texas veterans and to eligible dependent children and spouses of Texas veterans. Eligible students may receive an exemption from payment of tuition and most fees. Exclusions apply for up to a 150 credit hour maximum. For more information see www.mvp.ttu.edu.

Veterans’ Certification. Each student using federal VA Educational Assistance is responsible for providing accurate information to the Department of Military and Veterans Programs. Because the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs requires updated information concerning any changes, students must report all changes of status in their academic schedule or address.

  • Undergraduate students who have accumulated 64 or more credit hours must file a copy of their official degree plan or teacher certification plan with the Veterans Coordinator or enrollment certification will be canceled.
  • Graduate students must be admitted into an approved program and provide a degree plan as soon as possible after enrollment in Texas Tech.
  • All veterans using federal benefits must submit military transcripts for evaluation no later than the end of their second semester of enrollment or enrollment certification will be canceled.

All students using federal or state benefits must be certified immediately after registration each semester through the Department of Military and Veterans Programs, 147 Drane Hall, 806.742.6877, www.mvp.ttu.edu.

Any student using the federal or state Tuition Assistance Program through the Department of Defense should provide documentation to Student Business Services, 301 West Hall, 806.742.3272, www.sbs.ttu.edu.

Contact: Military and Veterans Programs, 147 Drane Hall, T 806.742.6877, F 806.742.0480, mvp@ttu.edu, www.mvp.ttu.edu


Zipcar allows students to reserve on-demand cars by the hour or day 24/7 with insurance, gas, and parking included in the cost of membership and rental. Students who utilize this service must apply for membership and be approved before they are eligible to operate the car. For more information on how to join Zipcar, visit www.depts.ttu.edu/parking/InformationFor/MobilitySolutions/Zipcar.php.

Contact: Transportation & Parking Services, 806.742.7275