Feb 15, 2025  
2020-2021 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog 
2020-2021 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

How to Read Catalog Course Descriptions

Texas Tech offers nearly 5,000 courses as part of its curriculum. These courses are listed alphabetically by subject prefix within each college and departmental section of this catalog. The courses appear in numerical order, moving from beginning freshman or developmental level courses to graduate, research, and professional courses.

Not all courses listed in this catalog are offered every year. An online class schedule published before each registration period indicates courses that will be available during the upcoming term or semester and when each class will meet. The class schedule can be found at (www.depts.ttu.edu/officialpublications/class_schedule/index.php). The university reserves the right to cancel any scheduled course or withdraw any program from the list of offerings when the best interests of the institution require such action.

Courses are designated by a subject prefix and number along with a descriptive title. Learn more  about interpreting the course descriptions found throughout the catalog.


AAEC - Agricultural and Applied Economics (Undergraduate Courses)

  • AAEC 1301 - Economics, Ecology, and Ethics

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    An introduction to economics for non-AAEC majors focusing on ecology, social ethics, and inequality. Fulfills core Social and Behavioral Sciences and multicultural requirements.
  • AAEC 2305 - Fundamentals of Agricultural and Applied Economics

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    TCCNS: AGRI 2317 Fundamental economic principles and their application to problems and issues in the food, fiber, and natural resource sectors of the economy. Fulfills core Social and Behavioral Sciences requirement. F, S, SS.
  • AAEC 2401 - Agricultural Statistics

    4 Semester Credit Hours
    Principles and procedures involved in the analysis of agricultural data including indices of central tendency and dispersion; probability; sampling; significance tests; analysis of variance; and correlation and simple linear regression. Partially fulfills core Mathematics requirement (in conjunction with a mathematics course). F, S, SS.
  • AAEC 3100 - Seminar

    1 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Junior standing. Informs students of job opportunities available to agricultural and applied economics graduates. Guest speakers and written assignments will help graduates be successful in entering the job market. F, S.
  • AAEC 3301 - Agribusiness Marketing

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisites: AAEC 2305  or ECO 2301  and ENGL 1302 . Marketing of raw materials and processed products from the management perspective. Market structure, conduct, performance. Marketing channels. F, S.
  • AAEC 3302 - Agribusiness Finance

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisites: C or better in  MATH 1320  or MATH 1330 . Basic principles of finance emphasizing the mathematics of finance, credit, and financial analysis. F, S.
  • AAEC 3303 - Cooperatives

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Organization and operation of agricultural and other cooperatives. S.
  • AAEC 3304 - Agribusiness Enterprise Management

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Junior standing; AAEC 2305  or ECO 2301 . Organization and management of the individual small business including farms, ranches, input suppliers, commodity processors, etc. F, S.
  • AAEC 3305 - Introduction to Sales

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Principles and methods used in professional selling for the business environment. Includes concepts of human behavior and professional selling techniques. F, S.
  • AAEC 3306 - The Economics of the American West

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Junior standing. Introduces economic concepts to explore various historical forms of social organization in the American West.
  • AAEC 3315 - Agricultural Price Theory

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisites: AAEC 2305  or ECO 2301   and MATH 1331 . Basic economic principles with applications to agricultural pricing problems and resource allocations. F, S, SS.
  • AAEC 3316 - Applied Risk Analysis and Management

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: AAEC 3315 . Familiarizes students with the concepts of risk and provides tools for applied analysis of risk and risk management, especially as related to biological production and markets.
  • AAEC 4000 - Internship in Agricultural and Applied Economics

    V1-12 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing and approval. Supervised study providing in-service training and practice in business and organizations. F, S, SS.
  • AAEC 4101 - Current Problems in Agricultural and Applied Economics

    1 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Senior standing and instructor consent. Topics may vary. May be repeated twice for credit. F, S, SS.
  • AAEC 4301 - Special Problems in Applied Economic Analysis

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Individual instruction in analysis of a research problem. May be repeated with the approval of the department. F, S, SS.
  • AAEC 4302 - Statistical Methods in Agricultural Research

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisites: AAEC 2401 MATH 2300 , or MATH 2345  and C or better in MATH 1331 . Advanced agricultural statistical analysis related to research methods using probability theory; tests of statistical significance; multiple correlation and regression; analysis of covariance; and experimental design. S, SS.
  • AAEC 4303 - Property Appraisal

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisites: AAEC 2305  or ECO 2301 . Factors governing property prices and valuation. Appraisal of property for use, sale, and other purposes. F.
  • AAEC 4304 - Agribusiness Logistics

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: AAEC 2305 . Logistics and supply chain management course about managing relationships across the complex agribusiness networks that today’s supply chains have become. S.
  • AAEC 4305 - Agricultural and Public Policy

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: AAEC 3315 . Historical development and economic analysis of public programs and policies affecting the food and fiber sector and the environment. (CL) F.
  • AAEC 4306 - International Agricultural Trade

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: AAEC 3315 . Economic principles of interregional and international trade, location, and inter-area competition in products and services. (CL) S.
  • AAEC 4309 - Sustaining Global Ecology, Natural Resources and Economy

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Junior standing. Challenges to global markets and environment across diverse systems and histories. Fulfills multicultural requirement. F.
  • AAEC 4312 - Applied Optimization Methods

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: AAEC 3315 . Study of techniques applicable to economic optimization problems, including mathematical optimization and linear programming. Emphasis on problem solving. F.
  • AAEC 4313 - Natural Resource Economics

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: AAEC 3315 . Economics of natural resource use and allocation including land economics, economics of water development, and environmental economics. (CL) S.
  • AAEC 4315 - Strategic Agribusiness Management

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing. Provides key insights and information necessary to achieve success in agribusiness management in a collaborative and interactive manner. Provides information on the logic and methods of strategic analysis, business strategy development and strategic decision-making tools for agribusiness. F.
  • AAEC 4316 - Agricultural Financial Analysis

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: AAEC 3302  or FIN 3320 . Principles and procedures in managing financial and credit resources; nature, purposes, and use of financial statements, budgets, and credit instruments; and criteria for decision making in borrowing and lending. S.
  • AAEC 4317 - Commodity Futures Trading and Analysis

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisites: AAEC 2305  or ECO 2301 . History and characteristics of commodity futures markets, hedging and speculation, and use of futures as a management tool. F, S.
  • AAEC 4320 - Agribusiness Law

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Focuses on various areas of law that directly affect the operation of agricultural businesses and producers. Examines nature and source of law, contracts, real estate matters, commercial transactions, business entities and environmental issues. F.
  • AAEC 4325 - The US-Mexico Border Economy

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: ECO 2302 . Examines the evolution of the U.S.-Mexico border economy from colonial times until today using economic, sociological, environmental, and political insights. 
  • AAEC 4330 - Natural Resource Law

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    General examination of the regulatory and legal framework of natural resource laws that affect the operation of agricultural businesses and producers. S.
  • AAEC 4385 - The Economics of Food Security, Terrorism, and Conflict

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: ECO 2301  or AAEC 2305  or equivalent. Covers the economics of food security and other factors and catalysts for engagement in terrorism and conflict.  Addresses myths and realities of terrorism through economics. S.

AAEC - Agricultural and Applied Economics (Graduate Courses)

  • AAEC 5000 - Professional Internship

    V1-6 Semester Credit Hours
    Supervised study providing in-service training and practice in a professional setting, including businesses and non-profits.
  • AAEC 5301 - Special Study in Agricultural and Applied Economics

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Individual and group study in advanced topics not covered in other graduate courses. May be repeated for credit. F, S, SS.
  • AAEC 5302 - Food and Agriculture Sector Public Policy

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: AAEC 4305 . Analysis of public policies affecting the food and fiber sector; commodity programs, environmental laws, and trade policy. F.
  • AAEC 5303 - Advanced Production Economics

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: AAEC 3315 . Criteria for resource use optimality under price and yield certainty and uncertainty. F.
  • AAEC 5304 - Applied Logistics

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Logistics and supply chain management course about managing relationships across the complex agribusiness networks that today’s supply chains have become.
  • AAEC 5307 - Applied Econometrics I

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: AAEC 4302 . Advanced statistical methods, including multiple regression analysis, for applied economic problems; constructing econometric models; multicollinearity, autocorrelation, heteroscedasticity, and related problems. F.
  • AAEC 5308 - Natural Resource Economics

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: ECO 5312  or instructor consent. Economic theory and empirical investigations of resource utilization with special emphasis on arid and semi-arid land areas and environmental issues. F.
  • AAEC 5309 - Natural Resources and International Economic Development

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: AAEC 3315 . International economic development issues with a focus on resource use, institutional analysis, political economy, and geography. F.
  • AAEC 5310 - Advanced Market Analysis

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Theoretical and empirical approaches to market structures and market price behavior. S.
  • AAEC 5312 - Applied Economic Analysis for Agribusiness

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Application of economic theory and methods to management problems of the business firms in the food and fiber sector. SS.
  • AAEC 5313 - Microcomputer Applications in Agribusiness and Research

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisites: AGSC 2300  and instructor consent. Use of microcomputers, software, and design of software for agricultural business and research purposes. Not open to majors. F, S.
  • AAEC 5314 - Environmental Economics and Policy Analysis

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Familiarize students with economic techniques and their use in analyzing natural resources and environmental policy issues. For non-majors only.
  • AAEC 5315 - Property Appraisal

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisites: C or better in AAEC 2305  and a 2000-level ENGL course. Factors governing land prices, valuation. Appraisal for use, sale, lending, condemnation, estate settlement, taxation. F.
  • AAEC 5316 - International Agricultural Trade

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Economic theory dealing with the international movement of goods, services, and capital; welfare and distributional aspects of trade; and policy issues in international agricultural trade. S.
  • AAEC 5317 - Financial and Commodity Futures and Options

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: C or better in AAEC 2305  or ECO 2301 . Mechanics of futures trading, history and functions of futures market. Role of futures and options markets in managing risks. F, S.
  • AAEC 5318 - Finance and Agribusiness Sector

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: C or better in AAEC 3302  or FIN 3320 . Applications of financial theory for the agribusiness sector. Risk, capital structure, business structure, investment analysis. S.
  • AAEC 5320 - Agribusiness Law

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Course focuses on various areas of law that directly affect the operation of agricultural businesses and producers. Course examines nature and source of law, contracts, real estate matters, commercial transactions, business entities and environmental issues. F.
  • AAEC 5321 - Research Methodology in Economics

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Review of philosophical and conceptual basis of economic research and study of the procedural aspects of designing, planning, and conducting research in economics. S.
  • AAEC 5325 - Applied Regression and Least Squares Analysis for Agricultural Sciences

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Application of regression analysis to analyze problems in the agricultural sciences; simple linear and multiple regression models, residual analysis, introduction to time series models.
  • AAEC 5330 - Graduate Studies in Natural Resource Law

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    General examination of the regulatory and legal framework of natural resource laws that affect the operation of agricultural businesses and producers.
  • AAEC 5393 - Economics of Cotton as an Industrial Raw Material

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Evaluates entire marketing chain pertinent to cotton and cottonseed, along with the industrial transformation required. Develops methodology for analyzing agricultural commodities as industrial raw materials. [PSS 5378 ]
  • AAEC 6000 - Master’s Thesis

    V1-6 Semester Credit Hours
  • AAEC 6301 - Advanced Special Problems in Agricultural and Applied Economics

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Individual study in advanced topics not covered in other graduate courses. F, S, SS.
  • AAEC 6302 - Food, Agriculture, and Natural Resource Policy Analysis

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: AAEC 4305 . Analysis of policies, programs affecting food, agricultural commodities, trade, and natural resources. Includes policies in the U.S. and other countries. F.
  • AAEC 6305 - Economic Optimization

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: AAEC 5303 . Development and use of mathematical economic models emphasizing static and stochastic linear, nonlinear and dynamic processes. F.
  • AAEC 6308 - Advanced Natural Resource Economics

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: ECO 5312 . Advanced economic theory and analysis of environmental and natural resource issues, both domestic and global. F.
  • AAEC 6310 - Demand and Price Analysis

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: ECO 5312 . Applied price and demand analysis including complete demand systems and hedonic-characteristic price analysis. S.
  • AAEC 6311 - Applied Econometrics II

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: AAEC 5307 . Methods and applications of single and multi-equation models in agricultural economics; logit and probit models, nonstructural models and related methods. S.
  • AAEC 6312 - Applied Econometrics III

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite AAEC 6311 . Advanced econometrics methods, including nonlinear OLS, GMM, MLE, panel data, limited dependent variables models, and time series.
  • AAEC 6315 - Applied Microeconomics I

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisites: ECO 5313   and ECO 5312  or instructor consent. Covers consumer theory, production theory, market equilibrium, imperfect competition, general equilibrium, welfare economics topics related agricultural and natural resource economics.
  • AAEC 6316 - Advanced International Trade and Policy

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisites: AAEC 6301 , AAEC 5316  (or comparable course), or instructor consent. Covers advanced materials in Ricardian theory of comparative advantage, Heckscher-Ohlin theory, New Trade Theory, firm-level trade theory, and trade policies. Applications to agriculture.
  • AAEC 7000 - Research

    V1-12 Semester Credit Hours
  • AAEC 7200 - Teaching Practicum

    2 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Doctoral student in the program, previous or concurrent enrollment in a higher education teaching methods course, instructor consent. Supervised teaching at the university level.
  • AAEC 8000 - Doctor’s Dissertation

    V1-12 Semester Credit Hours

ACCT - Accounting (Undergraduate Courses)

  • ACCT 2300 - Financial Accounting

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    TCCNS: [ACCT 2301, 2401] Prerequisites: minimum overall 2.75 TTU GPA; COBA and AGBS majors only; C or better in any college-level mathematics course. Concepts and terminology of accounting and financial reporting for modern business enterprises and the relationships between accounting information and business activities. Must make an A or B to declare accounting or finance as a major.
  • ACCT 2301 - Managerial Accounting

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    TCCNS: [ACCT 2302, 2402] Prerequisites: minimum cumulative 2.75 TTU GPA; COBA and AGBS majors only; C or better in ACCT 2300 . Uses of accounting information for planning decisions about products and services, activities and processes, suppliers and customers, organizational subunits, and time periods as these relate to organizations in changing environments. Must make A or B to declare accounting major.
  • ACCT 3101 - Seminar in Professional Practice

    1 Semester Credit Hours
    Structure of the accounting profession, requirements for certification, qualification for and preparation for professional practice in industry, government, and/or public accounting. Must complete before participating in “Meet the Firms.” F.
  • ACCT 3304 - Intermediate Accounting I

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Minimum overall 2.75 TTU GPA and a B or better in ACCT 2300 . Net income concepts, corporations, current assets, and investments. Must make A or B to declare accounting major.
  • ACCT 3305 - Intermediate Accounting II

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: C or better in ACCT 3304 . Fixed assets, liabilities and reserves, interpretation and analysis of financial statements, application of funds, cash flow statement, reorganizations, and price level impact on financial statements.
  • ACCT 3306 - Principles of Cost and Managerial Accounting

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Minimum overall 2.75 TTU GPA and a B or better in ACCT 2301 . A study of principles and techniques of accounting information systems for organizations.
  • ACCT 3307 - Income Tax Accounting

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Minimum overall 2.75 TTU GPA and a B or better in ACCT 2300 . A study in detail of certain provisions of the Internal Revenue Code, combined with elementary tax planning in business and individual transactions.
  • ACCT 4300 - Accounting Systems

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: B or better in ACCT 3304  and C or better in ISQS 2340 . The theories, procedures, and techniques of accounting information systems for organizations. (CL)
  • ACCT 4301 - Principles of Auditing

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: B or better in ACCT 3304  and completion of or concurrent enrollment in ACCT 3305  AND ACCT 3315 or  ACCT 4300 . An introduction to the theory and practice of auditing, emphasizing auditor decision making through a cycle approach to an audit engagement. (CL)
  • ACCT 4310 - Energy Accounting

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: B or better in ACCT 2300  and ACCT 2301 . Introduces basic financial accounting, taxation and reporting issues related to energy producing activities, including current accounting practices of energy producing companies.
  • ACCT 4381 - Individual Problems in Accounting

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. For students with high academic achievement who are interested in enhancing their degree program by pursuing individual research or study under the guidance of an accounting faculty member.

ACCT - Accounting (Graduate Courses)

  • ACCT 5301 - Financial and Managerial Accounting

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Examines the objectives, structure, and substance of financial reports and the use of accounting in the management of an organization.
  • ACCT 5303 - Data Analytics for Accountants

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisites: Admission to M.S.A.  program and ACCT 4301  . Provides an understanding of advanced analytics used in the accounting profession, the software tools necessary for conducting rigorous statistical analysis, and the methods utilized for accessing, integrating, and analyzing large amounts of data.
  • ACCT 5304 - Data and Analytics for Tax Accountants

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisities: ACCT 3305 , ACCT 4300 , ISQS 2340 . The introduction of computerized information systems topics tailored to the technical information tax accountants will need to be successful in the profession. The focus will include systems controls and development procedures, and automated data analyses techniques.
  • ACCT 5305 - Accounting Research and Communication

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Admission to M.S.A. program Written and oral communication examining individual studies of selected accounting topics.
  • ACCT 5306 - International Taxation

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Admission to M.S.A. program. Study of taxation of individual and business entities operating outside the States and foreign entities operating in the States.
  • ACCT 5307 - Income Tax Accounting for Managers

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    A detailed study of key provisions of the Internal Revenue Code combined with tax planning in common business and personal transactions.
  • ACCT 5308 - Federal Income Tax Law for Partnerships

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisites: Admission to M.S.A. program and ACCT 5318 . Analysis of accounting by partnerships and other pass-through entities including LLCs. Focus is on economic and tax consequences for investors operating business or investment activities through partnerships and other pass-through entities.
  • ACCT 5309 - Advanced Accounting

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisites: Admission to M.S.A. program and ACCT 3305 . A study of the accounting and reporting problems associated with consolidated financial statements, partnerships, and issues related to selected entities or types of ownership.
  • ACCT 5310 - Energy Accounting for Managers

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: B or better in first attempt at ACCT 3304 , or equivalent course in financial reporting. Accounting as it applies to the production of oil and gas; including taxation and reporting issues. Introduction to accounting issues relating to renewable energies such as solar and wind.
  • ACCT 5311 - Individual Study in Accounting

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Directed individual study of advanced accounting problems varying with the need of each student. May be repeated for up to 9 hours credit if subject matter differs.
  • ACCT 5312 - Introduction to Data Analytics

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisites: ACCT 3305 , ACCT 4300 , ISQS 2340 . Learn strategies designed to manage and manipulate data to support decision-making by management, the accounting function and other stakeholders. Also focuses on developing skillsets related to usage of advanced statistical software common to the accounting profession.
  • ACCT 5315 - Estate and Gift Taxation

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Admission to M.S.A. program. Intensive study of federal taxation of the estate and trust entities and the transfer of property rights through gifts and bequest.
  • ACCT 5318 - Income Tax Research and Planning

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Admission to M.S.A. program. Fundamental procedures in research of income tax subject areas, such as property transactions, employment contracts, etc. Principles involved in necessary planning of actions for a desired tax result.
  • ACCT 5319 - Auditing Theory and Practice

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisites: Admission to M.S.A. program and ACCT 4301 . A study of advanced concepts, theories, and techniques applied to external financial, governmental, and internal audit engagements.
  • ACCT 5320 - Analysis of Financial Accounting Information

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisites: Admission to M.S.A. program and ACCT 4301 . Study of how financial accounting information is used by auditors, lenders, investors, regulatory compliance officers, management, and employees. Includes advanced analysis of financial reports, as well as economic trends and business valuation.
  • ACCT 5321 - Advanced Data and Analytics for Accountants

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisites: ACCT 3305 , ACCT 4300 , ACCT 4301 , ACCT 5312 , ISQS 2340 . Corequisite: ACCT 5303 . Learn strategies related to advanced database and querying skills in addition to expanding on forensic accounting topics and financial information modeling techniques.
  • ACCT 5327 - Advanced Income Taxation Accounting

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Admission to M.S.A. program. Study of advanced income tax affecting business and investment.
  • ACCT 5332 - Ethics in Accounting

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Admission to M.S.A. program. Introduces students to accounting ethics and professionalism. Independence issues and the Code of Professional Ethics are highlighted.
  • ACCT 5334 - Professional Accountancy Capstone

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisites: All requirements of the M.S.A. program must be met prior to enrollment, must be taken in last semester of study, and must have instructor consent. Prepares students for the accounting profession through intensive study, testing, and preparation for professional certification.
  • ACCT 5382 - Internship in Accounting

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisites: Admission to M.S.A. program and completion of ACCT 4301  for non-tax internships and ACCT 5318  for tax internships. Students apply knowledge of concepts, principles and technologies learned in class, within their field of specialization.
  • ACCT 5392 - Advanced Business Law

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: C or better in BLAW 3391 . Second course in business law.
  • ACCT 6300 - Colloquium in Accounting Research

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Studies in selected areas of accounting research. Topics vary by semester. May be repeated for credit.
  • ACCT 6301 - Archival Research in Accounting

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    This seminar explores accounting research using empirical-archival methods, primarily with respect to the role of financial accounting in capital markets.
  • ACCT 6303 - Applied Accounting Research Methods

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Explores topics including, but not limited to, philosophy of science, cutting edge research methods and current statistical tools, software and programming used in empirical accounting research.
  • ACCT 6305 - Advanced Seminar in Corporate Governance Accounting Research

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Explores current topics and issues related to corporate governance, including advanced technologies and methodologies used in this research stream.

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