Jan 24, 2025  
2020-2021 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog 
2020-2021 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

How to Read Catalog Course Descriptions

Texas Tech offers nearly 5,000 courses as part of its curriculum. These courses are listed alphabetically by subject prefix within each college and departmental section of this catalog. The courses appear in numerical order, moving from beginning freshman or developmental level courses to graduate, research, and professional courses.

Not all courses listed in this catalog are offered every year. An online class schedule published before each registration period indicates courses that will be available during the upcoming term or semester and when each class will meet. The class schedule can be found at (www.depts.ttu.edu/officialpublications/class_schedule/index.php). The university reserves the right to cancel any scheduled course or withdraw any program from the list of offerings when the best interests of the institution require such action.

Courses are designated by a subject prefix and number along with a descriptive title. Learn more  about interpreting the course descriptions found throughout the catalog.


EDEL - Elementary Education (Undergraduate Courses)

  • EDEL 4330 - Capstone Course

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Emphasizes diagnostic teaching and learning, philosophies of education, current issues, classroom organization, professional portfolios, and teacher assessment.
  • EDEL 4360 - Teaching Social Studies

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Design and organization of content, materials, and instructional strategies for social studies programs in elementary schools. Field-based course.
  • EDEL 4370 - Teaching Mathematics

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Application of content, materials, and instructional strategies in teaching elementary school mathematics. Field-based course.
  • EDEL 4373 - Mathematics Methods II

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Application of content, materials, and instructional strategies for teaching upper elementary school mathematics in efforts to prepare children for middle school mathematics. Field-based course.
  • EDEL 4375 - Teaching Science

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Methodology of teaching appropriate science learning experiences to elementary school children. Field-based course.
  • EDEL 4376 - Advanced Science Teaching

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Provides prospective teachers of Grades K-8 with the advanced knowledge and skills for teaching elementary/middle-school science.
  • EDEL 4393 - Internship in Elementary Education I

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Admission to teacher education. Directed experiences in various roles at the elementary level.
  • EDEL 4394 - Internship in Elementary Education II

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisites: C or better in EDEL 4393  and admission to teacher education. Directed experiences in various roles at the elementary school level.

EDEL - Elementary Education (Graduate Courses)

  • EDEL 5360 - Developing Social Studies Programs in Elementary Education

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Objectives, patterns, and principles of organization of social studies in the elementary schools.
  • EDEL 5370 - Developing Mathematics Programs in Elementary Education

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    The development of arithmetic and its educative function in the elementary school curriculum.
  • EDEL 5375 - Developing Science Programs in the Elementary School

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Methods and materials for helping children develop an understanding of their natural and physical environments.
  • EDEL 6306 - Studies in Elementary Education

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Trends in modern elementary education.
  • EDEL 6360 - Studies in Social Studies Education

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    In-depth studies of research and instructional practices pertaining to social studies education. May be repeated for credit.
  • EDEL 6370 - Studies in Mathematics Education

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    In-depth studies of research and instructional practices pertaining to mathematics education. May be repeated for credit.
  • EDEL 6375 - Studies in Science Education

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    May be repeated for credit.
  • EDEL 7000 - Research

    V1-12 Semester Credit Hours
  • EDEL 8000 - Doctor’s Dissertation

    V1-12 Semester Credit Hours

EDHE - Higher Education (Undergraduate Courses)

  • EDHE 4001 - Higher Education Practicum

    V1-6 Semester Credit Hours
    Supervised practice in the profession of student affairs with an emphasis on real-world settings in higher education. May be repeated for credit.
  • EDHE 4300 - Higher Education as a Profession

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Introduces students to higher education as a profession through discussing the history of American higher education, illustrating the multiple institutional structures of higher education systems, outlining the administrative processes utilized, and focusing on the careers available to aspiring professionals in higher education.

EDHE - Higher Education (Graduate Courses)

  • EDHE 5001 - Seminar in Higher Education

    V1-6 Semester Credit Hours
    A special topics course designed to acquaint students with current research, theory, policies, and/or practices in higher education. May be repeated for credit.
  • EDHE 5300 - The History of Higher Education in the United States

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    An examination of the development of the American system of higher education, its origin, major characteristics, trends, and distinctive features.
  • EDHE 5301 - Critical Issues in Higher Education

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    A comprehensive evaluation of the current and future critical issues impacting American higher education.
  • EDHE 5302 - Comparative Higher Education

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    A comparative study of systems of higher education throughout the world and their counterparts in the United States.
  • EDHE 5303 - Access and Equity in American Higher Education

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    An examination of perspectives on equity and access, excellence, and efficiency concerns in higher education.
  • EDHE 5305 - Leadership, Entrepreneurship, and Change

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    An examination of leadership perspectives and theory and their application in the four-year college and university environment. Addresses organization culture and behavior, management and leadership studies, and entrepreneurial and change leadership.
  • EDHE 5313 - The Comprehensive Community College

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    An introductory course to acquaint students with the purposes, programs, people, organization, control, and resources of these colleges.
  • EDHE 5315 - Community College Leadership

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    A study of different leadership styles, strategies, and theories applicable to the community college sector.
  • EDHE 5321 - The Administration of Higher Education

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Examines administration of higher education at institution and unit level. Addresses organizational culture and behavior, as well as management and leadership studies.
  • EDHE 5322 - Strategic Planning and Institutional Effectiveness

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    An examination of the principles of institutional effectiveness focused on the processes and implications for accreditation, strategic planning, and evaluation of programs and services that result in continuous improvement.
  • EDHE 5323 - Funding Higher Education

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    A study of the requirements for a sound institutional development program, including mission and objectives, budgeting, organization and planning. Relationships with constituencies and proposal preparation is analyzed.
  • EDHE 5324 - Higher Education and the Law

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    A study of constitutional, statutory, and case law concerning public and private college and university boards, administrators, faculty, and students.
  • EDHE 5332 - Student Services in Higher Education

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Focuses on the theoretical bases of the profession, roles and models for practice and competencies, and techniques of student services.
  • EDHE 5334 - College Student Development

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Provides an in-depth study of developmental theories that are unique to college-aged students. Implications for practice will also be included.
  • EDHE 5335 - The American College Student

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Examines the changing demographics and characteristics of college students. Research on college students will be reviewed to determine the impact of college on students.
  • EDHE 5341 - Program Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    An examination of the philosophy and practice of assessment and evaluation in higher education with particular emphasis on assessment of programs/services and/or students.
  • EDHE 5342 - College Teaching

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    An exploration of the nature of college teaching and the teaching-learning process, including a review of major issues and problems.
  • EDHE 5343 - College and University Curriculum

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Issues, problems, and basic considerations in curriculum development. The structure of knowledge. Developments and trends in liberal education, the disciplines, and professional education.
  • EDHE 5393 - Internship in Higher Education

    3 Semester Credit Hours
  • EDHE 6000 - Master’s Thesis

    V1-6 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Instructor permission. Involves completing the master’s thesis in higher education under the supervision of a thesis advisor from the higher education program.
  • EDHE 6310 - Higher Education Research Seminar

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    A series of seminars dedicated to the development of student research proposals, Manuscripts, and grant applications. The seminars bridge the gap between theory and practice. May be repeated for credit.
  • EDHE 6311 - Higher Education Doctoral Seminar

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    A seminar dedicated to the development of conceptual and theory-based research of Ph.D. students. May be repeated for credit.
  • EDHE 6325 - Policy Analysis and Issues in Higher Education

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Examines the relationship between colleges and universities and policies developed by boards and governments. Explores prevalent issues facing higher education from a policy prospective.
  • EDHE 6370 - Dissertation Proposal Seminar

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Required culminating class for both Ph.D. and Ed.D. students. Students will prepare a draft of chapters one through three of their dissertations. At the end of the class, students will have a working draft of their dissertation proposal.
  • EDHE 7000 - Research

    V1-12 Semester Credit Hours
  • EDHE 8000 - Doctor’s Dissertation

    V1-12 Semester Credit Hours

EDIT - Educational Instructional Technology (Undergraduate Courses)

  • EDIT 2318 - Computing and Information Technology

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Use of computers as productivity tools, societal and ethical implications, and applications and related technology in society. Fulfills core Mathematics and Logic requirement.
  • EDIT 3118 - Technology in Educational Settings

    1 Semester Credit Hours
    Students will have the opportunity to utilize technology applications that enhance the teaching/learning process. Course includes using technology to assess and monitor student learning.
  • EDIT 3218 - Introduction to Applications of Technology in Education

    2 Semester Credit Hours
    Introduces students to technology as an educational tool. Students will learn applications of technology to enhance learning in school settings.
  • EDIT 3318 - Applications of Technology in Education

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Engages the undergraduate student in the use of technology as an educational tool. Students will have the opportunity to explore and utilize technology applications that enhance the teaching/learning process.
  • EDIT 3328 - Computational Thinking in Education

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Introduces computational thinking for educators. Explores how to teach/integrate computational thinking skills with coding, robotics, and other activities.

EDIT - Educational Instructional Technology (Graduate Courses)

  • EDIT 5000 - Special Topics in Instructional Technology

    V1-3 Semester Credit Hours
    Covers special designated topics in instructional technology. May be repeated for credit.
  • EDIT 5316 - Foundations of Instructional Technology

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Overview of the field of instructional technology including the design, development, utilization, management, and evaluation of instructional systems.
  • EDIT 5317 - Instructional Design Foundations

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Examines the systematic approach to designing instructional materials. Emphasizes solving real-world learning problems through the application of contemporary instructional design principles and models.
  • EDIT 5318 - Digital Literacy

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Introduces digital literacy for educators on computer system software, online information searches, copyright, computer privacy, cybersecurity, multimedia, and Web 2.0 innovations.
  • EDIT 5320 - Server Management for Instruction

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Provides fundamental concepts of computer networking and knowledge of server-based applications for instructional settings. Emphasizes hands-on activities pertaining to setting up server operating systems, content management systems, and learning management systems. 
  • EDIT 5321 - Interactive Instructional Multimedia Development

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Introduces processes involved in planning and developing interactive multimedia in online learning environments. Emphasizes development of interactive learning materials with online tools and authoring programs.
  • EDIT 5322 - Visual Design for Instruction

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Covers foundational theories and practices for visual design. Emphasizes the development of instructional visuals based on visual design principles, actions, and tools.
  • EDIT 5325 - Instructional Systems Development

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Covers the skills and knowledge related to development of instructional systems and materials. Includes basic instructional media development, and system design.
  • EDIT 5326 - Instructional Systems Evaluation

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    In-depth study of conducting assessment and evaluation for instructional systems. Focuses on types of principles, procedures, and models for assessing and evaluating instructional products and systems.
  • EDIT 5330 - Research-Based Instructional Strategies

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Surveys different types of research-based instructional strategies and practice models that promote instructional effectiveness and student learning.
  • EDIT 5341 - Online Course Design and Assessment

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Covers the theories, models, and practice of designing effective instruction and learning assessments for online learning courses.
  • EDIT 5342 - Online Teaching and Learning Technologies

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Explores diverse learning activities and technologies to promote student engagement and learning in online courses.
  • EDIT 5370 - Foundations of Distance Education

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Provides an overview of the field of distance education including history, theories, technology, and various types of design and delivery models.
  • EDIT 5380 - Online Course Management and Facilitation

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Introduces fundamental strategies and methods to monitor and facilitate student progress and learning in online courses.
  • EDIT 5390 - Online Course Development

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Covers the development of online courses and trainings in various platforms for K-12, adult, higher, and professional education settings.
  • EDIT 5392 - Teacher Routines for Using Data to Support Personalized Learning

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Helps teachers develop knowledge and skills in collecting and managing student data to assess and monitor their progress and learning.
  • EDIT 5393 - Demonstration of Advanced Models of Personalized Learning

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Helps teachers develop knowledge and skills in designing inquiry-based learning units that promote higher order thinking skills in Personalized Learning classrooms.
  • EDIT 5395 - Administration of the Educational Technology Program

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Overview of the procedures in planning, administering, and evaluating instructional technology programs in both educational and corporate settings. Major topics include organization improvement plans, software evaluation, and project management.
  • EDIT 5397 - Practicum in Educational Technology

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Students receive a supervised practicum experience in an educational setting requiring the application of competencies related to the design, development, implementation, management, and evaluation of instructional technologies.
  • EDIT 6317 - Advanced Instructional Design Theories

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: EDIT 5317  or EDCI 5310 . Explores variety of instructional theories and models in-depth. Emphasizes practical applications of instructional theories in various learning environments and evaluation research plan for the applications.
  • EDIT 6322 - Research in Instructional Technology

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisites: Minimum of 6 hrs in EDIT and B or better in 6 hrs of EPSY or instructor consent. Review of research on instructional technology, use of computers for research data analysis, and designing research on instructional technology.
  • EDIT 6325 - Advanced Instructional Design and Development

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Explores systematic procedure for producing online instructional unit based on instructional design model and multimedia design principles. Emphasizes advanced development skills and understanding of instructional design models.
  • EDIT 6380 - Topical Inquiry Seminar

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Surveys current topics and emerging trends in instructional technology research and their applications.
  • EDIT 7000 - Research

    V1-12 Semester Credit Hours
  • EDIT 8000 - Doctor’s Dissertation

    V1-12 Semester Credit Hours

EDLD - Educational Leadership (Graduate Courses)

  • EDLD 5001 - Advanced Education Workshops in Teaching and Administration

    V1-6 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Advanced workshop activities and experiences in administration. A maximum total of 6 hours of credit may be earned either simultaneously or in different semesters.
  • EDLD 5306 - School-Based Leadership

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Examines the major theories, concepts, and empirical findings related to school-based leadership.
  • EDLD 5310 - Instructional Supervision

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Principles, planning, organizations, and processes of supervision in both elementary and secondary schools, including TAP.
  • EDLD 5320 - Data-Driven Communication and Decision Making

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    An in-depth exploration of the use of data and data communication strategies for decision making by principals.
  • EDLD 5325 - Decision Making in Educational Leadership

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    An in-depth exploration of decision making within the context of school leadership. Explores the irrationality of decision making, the role of emotion, heuristics and biases, and decision making under uncertainty, which includes bounded rationality.
  • EDLD 5330 - Staff Development

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Principles and procedures of organizing programs of school improvement through comprehensive and ongoing staff development.
  • EDLD 5340 - Educational Law

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Introduction to the legal aspects of educational organizations, focusing on the school building level and emphasizing the rights and responsibilities of students, teachers, and administrators. [AGED 5340 ]
  • EDLD 5350 - School Personnel and Fiscal Management

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Introduction to the concepts of fiscal and human resource management with an emphasis on site-based decision making.
  • EDLD 5351 - Communication for School Leaders

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Study and application of interpersonal communication theory and research as related to organizational, social, and environmental contexts. Individual conferencing, informational and employment interviewing, and group dynamics are included.
  • EDLD 5361 - Process of Educational Change

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    A study of the knowledge base of change management in education. Application of the cognitive understandings to national change models and local settings.
  • EDLD 5370 - Implementation Challenges in Educational Leadership

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Involves students in implementation challenges in their internship school. Working with host ISD administration, students focus on how to implement change and overcome implementation challenges through instructional leadership, data-driven leadership, communications, etc.
  • EDLD 5381 - School District Resource Management

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Admission to superintendent certification program. Critical analysis of the business services of school districts, emphasizing planning, budgeting, resource management, fiscal operations, and accountability.
  • EDLD 5385 - Teams in Educational Leadership

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    An in-depth application of how principals form teams, work as team members, lead teams that result in building relationships that achieve results, and manage people/processes and climate.
  • EDLD 5391 - School and Community

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Explores the development of collaborative culture at school, enlist community support, and form partnerships with businesses, universities, and parents. Addresses improved communication among increasingly diverse members of the school staff, parents, students, community members, and media. [AGED 5391 ]
  • EDLD 5392 - Principal Internship in Education

    V3-6 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: The internship can only be taken as the final course in the principal certification program. Guided experiences in principalship. May be repeated for credit with a maximum of 6 credit hours.
  • EDLD 5394 - Superintendent Internship in Education

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Admission to superintendent certification program. Guided experiences in central office administration under the supervision and direction of a central office administrator and a university professor. The internship can only be taken as the final course in the superintendent’s certification program.
  • EDLD 6001 - Advanced Study of Special Topics in Educational Administration

    V1-6 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor and admission to doctoral program. An organized course to foster in-depth study of a current topic in Educational Leadership. Course work will focus on one major current topic. May be repeated for credit.
  • EDLD 6300 - Organizational Theory in Education

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Admission to doctoral program. Theories and paradigms to determine implications for theory development, for research activities, and for practical applications.
  • EDLD 6301 - EC-12 Learning and Performance in District Organizations

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    An in-depth application of how senior executive leadership and campus leaders improve school district performance by analyzing the role of leadership as it influences student achievement.
  • EDLD 6305 - Social Justice Leadership Praxis

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Examines complex challenges school leaders face in addressing inequitable educational outcomes experienced by marginalized children and youth in K-12 school systems.
  • EDLD 6307 - Inquiry I: Designing Problem-Based Research in Educational Leadership

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Knowledge and skill development in conceptualizing and designing problem-based inquiry in PreK-12 school district settings.
  • EDLD 6308 - Inquiry II: Designing Problem-Based Research in Educational Leadership

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Applied skill development experiences in designing, conducting, and evaluating problem-based inquiry in PreK-12 school district settings.
  • EDLD 6310 - Educational Leadership Ethics

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Exploration of philosophical platforms, ethical/intuitive decision-making processes, secular ethics, and the interplay between cultural and personal value shifts that impact educational leadership.
  • EDLD 6312 - Issues in Educational Leadership: Accountability

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Examines processes of evaluating K-12 school and district performance using student and campus performance measures.
  • EDLD 6314 - Issues in Educational Leadership: Curriculum, Assessment and Interventions

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Provides practicing educational leaders with knowledge and applicable skills for leading critical improvements in curriculum, assessment, and intervention.

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