MUSM - Museum Science (Graduate Courses) |
MUSM 5333 - Museum Education 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Examination of the role of education in museums, with emphasis on the theory and practice of program development, teaching strategies, and off-site resources. This is a required course for M.A. in Heritage and Museum Sciences. |
MUSM 5334 - Curatorial Methodology 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Develop skills for analysis of sources, original research, and scholarly writing within museum context. Students acquire requisite knowledge and skill for professional curatorial practice. This is a required course for M.A. in Heritage and Museum Sciences. |
MUSM 5340 - Museum Collections Documentation 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Introduction of traditional and electronic management of museum collection data emphasizing the philosophy of data preservation and retrieval. This is a required course for M.A. in Heritage and Museum Sciences. |
MUSM 6000 - Master’s Thesis V1-6 Semester Credit Hours |
MUSM 6001 - Museum Internship V1-6 Semester Credit Hours Internship at an approved museum to include a special project approved by the student’s advisory committee. Documentation of project provides practical experience for professional development. |
MUSM 7000 - Research V1-12 Semester Credit Hours |
MUTH - Music Theory (Undergraduate Courses) |
MUTH 1101 - Developmental Aural Skills 1 Semester Credit Hours For music majors or with consent of instructor. Developmental diction, sight singing, and keyboard skills. |
MUTH 1103 - Elementary Aural Skills I 1 Semester Credit Hours TCCNS: MUSI1116, 1216 Corequisite: MUTH 1303 . For music majors or with consent of instructor. Dictation, sight-singing, and keyboard skills. |
MUTH 1104 - Elementary Aural Skills II 1 Semester Credit Hours TCCNS: MUSI1117, 1217 Prerequisites: C or better in MUTH 1303 and MUTH 1103 or equivalent. Corequisite: MUTH 1304 . Dictation, sight-singing, and keyboard skills. |
MUTH 1300 - Songwriting 3 Semester Credit Hours A beginning course for nonmusic majors. A practical approach to music theory through songwriting. Includes aural training, notation, textual setting, melodic writing, and chord assignment. Fulfills core Creative Arts requirement. |
MUTH 1301 - Music Theory Fundamentals 3 Semester Credit Hours Introduces the elements of melody, harmony, and rhythm. |
MUTH 1303 - Elementary Music Theory I 3 Semester Credit Hours TCCNS: MUSI1211 Corequisite: MUTH 1103 . For music majors or with consent of instructor. Melody, rhythm, and diatonic harmony. |
MUTH 1304 - Elementary Music Theory II 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: C or better in MUTH 1303 and MUTH 1103 or equivalent. Corequisite: MUTH 1104 . Melody, rhythm, and diatonic harmony. |
MUTH 1305 - Fundamentals of Music I 3 Semester Credit Hours Focuses on basic mechanics of notation and piano keyboard. Students will learn how to read staff notation in all keys and common meters and produce music with both voice and piano. |
MUTH 1306 - Fundamentals of Music II 3 Semester Credit Hours Focuses on applying skills from MUTH 1305 to musical theatre literature. Students will prepare and perform excerpts from musicals from the past 100 years by singing and playing piano. |
MUTH 2103 - Intermediate Aural Skills I 1 Semester Credit Hours TCCNS: MUSI2116, 2216 Prerequisites: C or better in MUTH 1304 and MUTH 1104 or equivalent. Corequisite: MUTH 2303 . Dictation, sight-singing, and keyboard skills. |
MUTH 2104 - Intermediate Aural Skills II 1 Semester Credit Hours TCCNS: MUSI2117, 2217 Prerequisites: C or better in MUTH 2303 and MUTH 2103 or equivalent. Corequisite: MUTH 2304 . Dictation, sight-singing, and keyboard skills. |
MUTH 2303 - Intermediate Music Theory I 3 Semester Credit Hours TCCNS: MUSI2211 Prerequisites: C or better in MUTH 1304 and MUTH 1104 or equivalent. Corequisite: MUTH 2103 . Diatonic and chromatic harmony. |
MUTH 2304 - Intermediate Music Theory II 3 Semester Credit Hours TCCNS: MUSI2212 Prerequisites: C or better in MUTH 2303 and MUTH 2103 or equivalent. Corequisite: MUTH 2104 . Diatonic and chromatic harmony; survey of twentieth-century techniques. |
MUTH 3205 - Introduction to Jazz Harmony 2 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: MUTH 1104 , MUTH 1304 ; MUAP 1124 . Addresses fundamental concepts in contemporary jazz theory and harmony, intervals, chord construction, chord/scale relationships, harmonic and melodic analysis, scale choice, basic jazz keyboard, and aural skills. |
MUTH 3303 - Form, Analysis, and Synthesis 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: C or better in MUTH 2304 and MUTH 2104 or equivalent. The analysis and synthesis of Classical, Romantic, Impressionist, and Contemporary styles, including harmonic and nonharmonic practices and the principles of both small and large part-forms. May be an individual study course. |
MUTH 4305 - Modal Counterpoint 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: C or better in MUTH 2304 and MUTH 2104 or equivalent. A study of sixteenth century vocal counterpoint, beginning with the principles of melodic writing and concentrating upon the analysis and synthesis of polyphonic textures, as found in the motet and the mass. |
MUTH 4307 - Tonal Counterpoint and Fugue 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: C or higher in MUTH 2304 and MUTH 2104 or equivalent. The analysis and synthesis of 18th century counterpoint in two to four voices, concentrating upon the instrumental style and techniques of the invention and the fugue. |
MUTH 4316 - Analysis of Post-Tonal Music 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: C or better in MUTH 2104 and MUTH 2304 . Covers materials and techniques employed by composers writing post-tonal music. Restricted to music majors. |
MUTH - Music Theory (Graduate Courses) |
MUTH 5300 - Studies in Harmony and Voice Leading 3 Semester Credit Hours Common-practice harmony, counterpoint, and figured bass. Prerequisite to enrollment in graduate music theory unless waived by placement or preliminary examination or by consent of the theory-composition division. Not intended to fulfill major or minor graduate degree requirements. |
MUTH 5301 - Dictation and Sight-Singing 3 Semester Credit Hours Studies in melodic, harmonic, and contrapuntal dictation, complemented by the sight-singing of equivalent materials. Prerequisite to enrollment in graduate music theory unless waived by placement examination or by consent of the division chair. Does not fulfill graduate degree requirements. |
MUTH 5303 - Forms and Styles in Tonal Music 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: Successful completion of MUTH 5300 and MUTH 5301 or instructor consent. A study of forms and styles in tonal music from the 17th century to the present. |
MUTH 5305 - Styles in Wind Literature of the 19th and 20th Centuries 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: Successful completion of MUTH 5300 and MUTH 5301 or instructor consent. |
MUTH 5306 - Pedagogy of Theory 3 Semester Credit Hours A survey of the materials, organization, techniques, and problems of college freshman and sophomore theory courses. |
MUTH 5310 - Modal Counterpoint 3 Semester Credit Hours A study of 16th century vocal counterpoint, beginning with the principles of melodic writing and concentrating on the analysis and synthesis of polyphonic textures, as found in the motet and the Mass. |
MUTH 5311 - Tonal Counterpoint and Fugue 3 Semester Credit Hours The analysis and synthesis of 18th century counterpoint in two to four voices, concentrating upon the instrumental style and techniques of the invention and the fugue. |
MUTH 5315 - Analysis of Tonal Music 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: Successful completion of MUTH 5300 and MUTH 5301 or consent of instructor. A study of analytic techniques and their application in tonal music |
MUTH 5316 - Analysis of Post-Tonal Music 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: Successful completion of MUTH 5300 and MUTH 5301 or consent of instructor. Covers materials and techniques employed by composers writing post-tonal music. [MUTH 4316 ] |
MUTH 5317 - Rhythm and Meter 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: Successful completion of MUTH 5300 and MUTH 5301 or instructor consent. A study of the relationship between rhythm and meter and their presence in a wide variety of music. |
MUTH 5320 - Special Topics in Music Theory 3 Semester Credit Hours Topics include history of music theory, advanced analysis projects, and other topics as needed. Some topics offered on-line. May be repeated for credit on different topic. |
MUTH 5321 - History of Music Theory I: Antiquity to 1600 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: Successful completion of MUTH 5300 and MUTH 5301 or instructor consent Seminar on the conceptual foundations of Western music in philosophy, politics, religion, and practice from antiquity through the Renaissance. |
MUTH 5322 - History of Music Theory II: 1600 to 1950 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: Successful completion of MUTH 5300 and MUTH 5301 or instructor consent. Seminar on the major traditions and developments in Western music theory, philosophy, and pedagogy during the past four centuries. |
MUTH 5325 - Music and the Mind 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: Successful completion of MUTH 5300 and MUTH 5301 or instructor consent. Intensive seminar on the perception and cognition of music, focusing on music’s direct relationship to our basic physiological and psychological mechanisms. |
MUTH 6000 - Master’s Thesis V1-6 Semester Credit Hours |
NCBO - Non-Course-Based Option Courses: Math |
NCBO 0302 - Non-Course-Based Mathematics Prerequisite: By placement. Students move through a series of content modules using a mastery learning approach. Topics include solving systems of equations, applications involving systems of equations, solving radication and quadratic equations and functions. |
NCBO - Non-Course-Based Option Courses: Reading and Writing |
NCBO 0304 - Non-Course-Based Literacy Prerequisite: By placement. Students move through a series of content modules using a mastery learning approach. Topics include reading comprehension, application of prior learning, and how to approach college writing. |
NRM - Natural Resources Management (Undergraduate Courses) |
NRM 1300 - Environmental Science as a Social Pursuit 3 Semester Credit Hours Application of scientific methods to global and environmental issues. Explores the impact of culture and science on core natural resources such as food and clean air. Fulfills core Social and Behavioral Sciences and multicultural requirement. F, S, SS. |
NRM 1401 - Introduction to Natural Resources Management 4 Semester Credit Hours Observe, describe, and understand phenomena in the natural world. Examines the roles of natural and social science in understanding interactions among humans and natural resources. Partially fulfills core Life and Physical Sciences requirement. F, S, SS. |
NRM 2305 - Introduction to Freshwater Ecology and Fisheries 3 Semester Credit Hours Survey and management of freshwater habitats: types of organisms, adaptations, and ecological interactions; and effects of solar radiation, temperature, currents, dissolved gases, chemicals, and pollution. F, S, SS. |
NRM 2307 - Diversity of Life 3 Semester Credit Hours Principles of genetics, genetic change in populations, and biodiversity as related to conservation and management of natural resources at scales ranging from genes to the biosphere. S, SS. |
NRM 2406 - Wildlife Anatomy and Physiology 4 Semester Credit Hours A systematic study of the body systems of wild animals emphasizing functional anatomy and physiology and their ecological implications. F. |
NRM 3202 - Range, Forest, and Wetland Vegetation in North America 2 Semester Credit Hours A survey of the ecology and distribution of native and naturalized vegetation in North America; distribution, ecology, plant communities and economic values are stressed. |
NRM 3203 - Range, Forest, and Wetland Plant Identification 2 Semester Credit Hours Identification of native and naturalized range, forest, and wetland plants. |
NRM 3300 - Geographic Information Systems for Natural Resources Management 3 Semester Credit Hours Provides students an introductory knowledge of the principles of geographic information systems and its applications for natural resources mapping and monitoring. |
NRM 3301 - Vegetation Inventory and Analysis 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: NRM 3202 and NRM 3203 . Techniques and methods for sampling and analyzing rangeland vegetation. |
NRM 3302 - Range Plant Ecology 3 Semester Credit Hours The basic principles of autecology and synecology and their relationship to management of rangeland ecosystems. (CL) F. |
NRM 3303 - Range Management Principles and Practices 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: Sophomore standing. A general course in the principles and practices of range management designed for nonrange majors who plan to enter the ranching industry. Field trips required. Not open to range or wildlife majors. F, SS. |
NRM 3304 - Principles of Range Management 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: C or better in NRM 3202 . Application of ecological principles in the management of rangelands for sustained livestock products consistent with conservation of the range resource. Field trips required. (CL) S. |
NRM 3306 - Principles of Wildlife Management 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: NRM 1300 or NRM 1401 or NRM 2305 . Expands upon introductory concepts of wildlife management by focusing on the techniques, approaches, and principles of wildlife management and wildlife population dynamics. |
NRM 3307 - Principles of Conservation Science 3 Semester Credit Hours A survey of the theory and practices of conservation biology. Emphasis is placed on methods used to maintain plant and animal biodiversity. F. |
NRM 3308 - Quantitative Methods in Natural Resources 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: MATH 1330 . Survey of quantitative and statistical methods used in natural resource management, conservation biology, and in assessing biodiversity. (CL) F, odd years. |
NRM 3309 - Restoration Ecology 3 Semester Credit Hours Case studies, literature, and hands-on experience illustrate the theory and practice of ecological restoration, including plants and animals. S, even years. |
NRM 3311 - Field Ecology 3 Semester Credit Hours Provides a foundation in population and community ecology in a field setting and familiarizes students with all stages of the scientific process. [BIOL 3301 ] |
NRM 3314 - Wildlife and Livestock Nutrition 3 Semester Credit Hours Study of the nutritional relationship between the range resource and grazing/browsing herbivores. |
NRM 3323 - Prescribed Burning 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: C or better in NRM 3202 . Planning, implementing and evaluating prescribed fires. (CL) S. |
NRM 3325 - Integrated Natural Resources Management Skills 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: C or better in NRM 1300 or NRM 1401 or NRM 2305 . Develops skills in the generation and dissemination of scientific information to scientists, policy makers, and society. (CL) F, S, SS. |
NRM 3333 - Pond Fish Management 3 Semester Credit Hours Management of ponds for recreational fishing. Includes principles of pond construction, fish stocking, water quality and habitat management, and assessment of common problems. Field trips required. |
NRM 3401 - Plant Physiology 4 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: C or better in BIOL 1401 and BIOL 1402 ; one semester of organic chemistry. Covers aspects of physiological processes, morphological development, and nutritional qualities in vascular plants. [BOT 3401 ] |
NRM 3407 - Wildlife Management Techniques 4 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: Sophomore standing; C or better in NRM 1300 or NRM 1401 or NRM 2305 . Techniques for sampling and analyzing rangeland wildlife habitats and populations. F. |
NRM 4000 - Internship V1-12 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: Instructor consent. |
NRM 4001 - Undergraduate Research V1-12 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Selected research problems according to the needs of the student. May be repeated. |
NRM 4100 - Seminar 1 Semester Credit Hours An organized discussion of current problems and research in range, wildlife, and fisheries management. May be repeated. |
NRM 4301 - Problems 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Individual investigation of an assigned problem in range, wildlife, and fisheries management. Emphasis placed on the theory, methods, and practice of range, wildlife, or fisheries field work. (CL) |
NRM 4302 - Range Improvements 3 Semester Credit Hours Application of principles and practices necessary to enhance the productive potential of the range resource for all potential uses. Methods for brush management, revegetation, conservation, etc. are considered. Improvement for increased domestic livestock production and for enhancing wildlife habitat is emphasized. S, odd years. |
NRM 4303 - Rangeland and Wildlife Analysis and Management Planning 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: NRM 3202 , NRM 3407 . Analysis of rangeland and wildlife resource inventories for planning appropriate future use. Management plans, landowner interactions, and application in decision making are emphasized. Field trips required. Writing intensive. S. |
NRM 4304 - Fire Ecology and Management 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: C or better in NRM 3202 . Ecological effects, adaptations, management implications of fire (and its exclusion) on flora and fauna of North America ecosystems. F. |
NRM 4305 - Big Game Ecology 3 Semester Credit Hours Survey of distributions and life histories of North American big game species. Productivity, food habits, economic significance, and management will be examined. Field trips required. S. |
NRM 4306 - Upland Game Ecology 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: C or better in NRM 1401 or instructor consent. Ecological approach to the management of upland game populations. Stresses population mechanisms and habitat management of selected species. Field trips required. (CL) S, odd years, SS. |
NRM 4307 - Forest and Rangeland Insect Diversity 3 Semester Credit Hours Insect identification, collection, and preservation techniques; students will learn habitats, ecology and taxonomy of common Texas rangeland and forest insects. |
NRM 4309 - Range-Wildlife Habitat Management 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: C or better in NRM 3304 and NRM 3202 , or instructor consent. A study of wildlife habitats based on major vegetation types and the management problems involved. Emphasis on how other resource demands can be integrated with wildlife. Field trips required. F. |
NRM 4310 - Principles of Waterfowl Management 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: C or better in NRM 1300 or NRM 2305 . Ecology and management of continental waterfowl resources. Life histories, population management, and habitat manipulation are stressed. Field trips required. F, even years. |
NRM 4311 - Wildlife Law 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: C or better in NRM 1300 or NRM 1401 or NRM 2305 . Imparts understanding of the laws regulating the recreational and commercial uses of wildlife. Includes their history and purposes. Available only during Intersession. (CL) F. |
NRM 4314 - Watershed Planning 3 Semester Credit Hours The watershed as a unit of resource-oriented planning and development. Principles and objectives of watershed management. Physical description of watershed. Relationship between land-use conditions and the water delivery character of watersheds. Watershed analysis, including techniques, collection of field data, and sources of information. F, S. |
NRM 4315 - Spatial Analysis in Natural Resource Management 3 Semester Credit Hours Introduces students to scientific applications in natural resources monitoring and management with the use of advanced geographic information systems and remote sensing techniques. S. |
NRM 4320 - Natural Resource Policy 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: C or better in NRM 1300 or NRM 2305 . Emphasis on the human dimension of natural resource management. Historical, agency, and private organization roles in policy and conflict resolution. F. |
NRM 4322 - Nongame Ecology and Management 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: C or better in NRM 1401 . Ecological approach to nongame wildlife population management. Public policies, socioeconomic factors, population dynamics, and species-at-risk issues are examined. |
NRM 4324 - Tropical Ecology and Conservation 3 Semester Credit Hours An introductory survey of tropical ecology and conservation covering both theory and practice. Previous ecology course, instructor consent, and field trips are required. SS. |
NRM 4330 - Aquaculture 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: BIOL 1404 and CHEM 1308 or instructor consent. A global overview of aquaculture including fish, aquatic invertebrates, plants, and design and operation of production facilities. |
NRM 4335 - Freshwater Bioassessment 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: C or better in NRM 2305 . No freshmen. An overview of the methods used to evaluate the condition of waterbodies, including surveys and other direct measurements of aquatic species attributes and habitats. (CL) S. |
NRM 4340 - Urban Ecology and Human Dimensions 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: C or better in NRM 1300 or NRM 2305 and NRM 1401 , or instructor consent. An introduction to urban ecology, human dimensions of natural resources, and urban wildlife management. Case studies, policies, socioeconomic factors, and ecosystem function are examined. |
NRM 4401 - Fisheries Conservation and Management 4 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: ZOOL 4410 , C or better in NRM 2305 and either AAEC 2401 , MATH 2300 , or C or better in NRM 3308 or instructor consent. Theory and practice regarding conservation and management of aquatic resources, including ecology, population biology, sampling, restoration, and resource conflict. (CL) F, even years. |
NRM 4403 - Aerial Photo Interpretation in Natural Resource Management 4 Semester Credit Hours Fundamentals of aerial photograph reading, interpretation, and evaluation. Introduction to remote sensing techniques and geographic information systems. F, S. |
NRM 4408 - Wildlife Population Dynamics and Analysis 4 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: C or better in NRM 1401 , NRM 3407 , and NRM 3308 . The mechanisms of wildlife population changes and their management. Detailed examination of techniques for measuring population characteristics. (CL) S. |
NRM - Natural Resources Management (Graduate Courses) |
NRM 5000 - Professional Internship/Capstone V1-6 Semester Credit Hours Provides essential supervised study and practical training in integrating coursework into real-world applications in professional work environments associated with natural resource careers. |
NRM 5100 - Seminar 1 Semester Credit Hours An organized discussion of current problems in range, wildlife, and fisheries management. May be repeated. |
NRM 5201 - Foundations of Ecology and Conservation Biology 2 Semester Credit Hours Examination of classic foundational papers in ecology and conservation biology, their influence in these fields, and their relevance to current research. |
NRM 5302 - Range Research Methods 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: C or better in ISQS 5346. Study plan preparation; methods of studying vegetation; sampling techniques; increasing sampling efficiency; methods of reducing experimental error; grazing studies; utilization studies; wildlife techniques; and tests of goodness of fit for binomial, poison, negative binomials, and normal distributions. F, odd years. |
NRM 5303 - Synecology 3 Semester Credit Hours An advanced study of terrestrial plant community ecology; mechanisms and consequences of species coexistence; diversity relations; causes and patterns of community development; community dynamics. Statistical and numerical analyses applicable to community ecology are discussed. |
NRM 5304 - Fire Behavior and Ecology 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: Instructor consent. An assessment of the role of fire in succession and management of plants and animals in all major vegetation types of U.S. and Canada; effect of fire on litter and soil properties; fire temperatures and heat effects. Field trips required. S, odd years, F. |
NRM 5305 - Plant Ecophysiology 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Advanced study of the influences of the environmental complex on the processes, structure, and physiological functioning of an individual plant or species. S, even years. |
NRM 5306 - The Physiological Basis for Grazing Management 3 Semester Credit Hours A study of the physiological processes, morphological development, nutritional qualities, and palatability of range plants as a basis for grazing management strategies for domestic and wild animals. Field trips required. F, even years. |
NRM 5307 - Wetland Ecology 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Advanced study in the ecology and management of wetland ecosystems. F, odd years. |
NRM 5308 - Advanced Restoration Ecology 3 Semester Credit Hours Advanced study of restoring damaged ecosystems. Explores the history, practice, and theory of restoration ecology through case studies, literature, and hands-on experience. S, even years. |
NRM 5309 - Population Estimation and Dynamics 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Principles of estimation theory. Detailed examination of modern analysis techniques; indices, line transect, capture-recapture, Jolly-Seber, survival, and life table limitations. Computer use. S. |
NRM 5310 - Advanced Range Ecology 3 Semester Credit Hours An examination of the basic ecological principles affecting plant growth and development, distribution of plants, community structure and dynamics, and nutrient cycling. Field trips required. F. |
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