Computer Science (Graduate Courses) |
CS 8000 - Doctor’s Dissertation V1-12 Semester Credit Hours |
Dance (Undergraduate Courses) |
DAN 1100 - Dance Production Activities 1 Semester Credit Hours Participation in a dance production as a performer, designer, or crew member. Must be concurrently enrolled in a dance technique course. May repeat twice for credit. |
DAN 1101 - Tap I 1 Semester Credit Hours TCCNS: [DANC 1110, 1210] A study of basic tap dance techniques, performance, and choreography. May be repeated once for credit. |
DAN 1106 - Conditioning for Performers 1 Semester Credit Hours An introduction to systems of physical conditioning specific to the needs of dance and theatre performers. May be repeated once for credit. |
DAN 1108 - Hip Hop 1 Semester Credit Hours A study of basic hip hop dance techniques, performance, and choreography. May be repeated once for credit. |
DAN 1203 - Jazz I 2 Semester Credit Hours TCCNS: [DANC 1141, 1241, 1341] An introduction to fundamental jazz dance technique. May be repeated once for credit. |
DAN 1205 - Ballet I 2 Semester Credit Hours TCCNS: [DANC 1141, 1241, 1341] An introduction to fundamental ballet dance technique. May be repeated once for credit. |
DAN 1206 - Musical Stage Dance 2 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: DAN 1203 or DAN 2203 (may be taken concurrently). An introduction to basic principles of dance styles associated with musical theatre. May repeat once; only 2 hours of credit will be applied to the B.A. in Dance. |
DAN 1207 - Modern I 2 Semester Credit Hours TCCNS: [DANC 1145, 1245, 1345] An introduction to fundamental modern dance technique. May be repeated once for credit. |
DAN 2202 - Improvisation 2 Semester Credit Hours A study of basic movement improvisation techniques and skills. |
DAN 2203 - Jazz II 2 Semester Credit Hours TCCNS: [DANC 1148] Prerequisite: DAN 1203 or consent of instructor. A study of intermediate jazz dance technique and various jazz dance styles. May be repeated for credit. |
DAN 2205 - Ballet II 2 Semester Credit Hours TCCNS: [DANC 1142] Prerequisite: DAN 1205 or consent of instructor. A study of intermediate ballet dance technique. May be repeated for credit. |
DAN 2206 - Music for Dance 2 Semester Credit Hours An introduction to and exploration of fundamental elements of music as they relate to the study and practice of dance. |
DAN 2207 - Modern II 2 Semester Credit Hours TCCNS: [DANC 1146] Prerequisite: DAN 1207 or consent of instructor. A study of intermediate modern dance technique and modern dance styles. May be repeated for credit. |
DAN 2301 - World Dance Forms 3 Semester Credit Hours A study of dances from different cultures, their histories, and their influences on contemporary American dance and culture. Fulfills multicultural and core Creative Arts requirement. |
DAN 2303 - Dance Appreciation 3 Semester Credit Hours Provides students with a general overview of dance as an art form and as entertainment, beginning with ancient forms and progressing to the present day. Fulfills core Creative Arts requirement. |
DAN 2313 - Dance History 3 Semester Credit Hours History and philosophy of dance and the relationship of dance to allied arts. Fulfills core Creative Arts requirement. |
DAN 3000 - Special Topics in Dance V1-3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Introduction to special topics in dance for in-depth study. May be repeated for up to 6 credit hours with different topics; only 3 hours of credit will be applied to the B.A. in Dance. |
DAN 3100 - Dance Production Activities II 1 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: DAN 1100 , DAN 3208 , DAN 3209 . Participation in a dance production as a choreographer. May be repeated once for credit. |
DAN 3203 - Jazz III 2 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: DAN 2203 or consent of instructor. A study of intermediate and advanced jazz dance technique, jazz dance styles, and jazz performance and choreography. May be repeated for credit. |
DAN 3205 - Ballet III 2 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: DAN 2205 or consent of instructor. A study of intermediate and advanced ballet dance technique, various ballet dance styles, and ballet performance and choreography. May be repeated for credit. |
DAN 3207 - Modern III 2 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: DAN 2207 or consent of instructor. A study of intermediate and advanced modern dance techniques, various modern dance styles, and modern performance and choreography. May be repeated for credit. |
DAN 3208 - Principles of Choreography I 2 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: B or higher in DAN 2203 or DAN 3203 , and DAN 2205 or DAN 3205 , and DAN 2207 or DAN 3207 , and DAN 2202 ; or consent of instructor. An introduction to and practical application of basic principles and skills of dance making. |
DAN 3209 - Principles of Choreography II 2 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: DAN 3208 or consent of instructor. An exploration of skills and techniques used to hone choreographic style and process. |
DAN 3301 - Dance Aesthetics 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: C or better in DAN 2313 . An investigation of history and trends in dance theory, research, and philosophy. (Writing Intensive) |
DAN 3309 - Pedagogy 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: C or better in DAN 2313 . Investigation and practical application of contemporary teaching theories and methodologies. (Writing Intensive) |
DAN 3351 - Dance in the Community 3 Semester Credit Hours Combines community service (creating dance activities for or with non-profit community organizations that serve at-risk populations) with readings, discussions, and collaborations on societal applications for the performing arts. |
DAN 4000 - Projects in Dance V1-3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Designed for students interested in pursuing guided independent projects in dance. May be repeated for up to 6 credit hours. |
DAN 4110 - Capstone Concert 1 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: B of higher in DAN 3209 and consent of instructor. Corequisite: DAN 3100 . Production of a fully realized dance concert and completion/presentation of a professional portfolio. |
DAN 4202 - Contact Partnering 2 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: A or higher in DAN 2202 ; and DAN 3203 or DAN 4203 ; and DAN 3205 or DAN 4205 ; and DAN 3207 or DAN 4207 ; or consent of instructor. A study of contact partnering skills, techniques, and improvisations as practiced in contemporary dance. May repeat once for credit. |
DAN 4203 - Jazz IV 2 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: DAN 3203 or consent of instructor. A study of advanced jazz dance technique, various jazz dance styles, and jazz. |
DAN 4205 - Ballet IV 2 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: DAN 3205 or consent of instructor. A study of advanced ballet dance technique, various ballet dance styles, and ballet performance and choreography. May be repeated for credit. |
DAN 4207 - Modern IV 2 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: DAN 3207 or consent of instructor. A study of advanced modern dance techniques, various modern dance styles, and modern performance and choreography. May be repeated for credit. |
DAN 4313 - Topics in Dance History 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: DAN 2313 or consent of instructor. An in-depth investigation of particular topics in dance history with a focus on the roles of dance in a larger cultural context. May be repeated once for credit. |
Dance (Graduate Course) |
DAN 5311 - Dance in Communities 3 Semester Credit Hours Students will explore the relationship between dance and communities, specifically focusing on performances’ stakes and responsibilities in the construction of culturally diverse communities. |
Dance Theatre (Undergraduate Courses) |
DT 1306 - Movement for the Performer 3 Semester Credit Hours Combines various somatic modalities with specific physical practices to facilitate performers’ understanding of their bodies in movement. |
Early Childhood (Undergraduate Courses) |
EC 3301 - Theories of Human Development and Family Studies 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: 2.5 TTU GPA. The major theories in human development and family studies. Course focuses on the meaning of theory to individual and family development over the lifespan. Implication of theory and program development and services are reviewed. (Writing Intensive) (HDFS 3301 ) F, S. |
EC 3306 - Child and Adolescent Guidance 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: C or better in HDFS 3301 and 2.5 TTU GPA. Development of strategies for promoting self-discipline, creative capacities, and positive relationships with children and adolescents. (HDFS 3306 ) F, S. |
EC 3310 - Prenatal and Infant Development 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: 2.5 TTU GPA. Study of how to promote the psychomotor, social-emotional, and cognitive-language development of infants from the prenatal period through the first two years in their interactions with caregivers, peers, and the environment. (HDFS 3310 ) F, S. |
EC 3311 - Supervised Experiences with Infants and Toddlers 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: 2.5 TTU GPA. Supervised experience with infants and toddlers. State law requires students to pass a background check. (Writing Intensive) (HDFS 3311 ) F, S. |
EC 3312 - Development During Childhood 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: 2.5 TTU GPA. Examination of psychomotor, social-emotional, and cognitive-language development during childhood. (HDFS 3312 ) F, S. |
EC 3313 - Supervised Experiences with Young Children 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: 2.5 TTU GPA. Supervised experience with young children. State law requires students to pass a background check. (Writing Intensive) (HDFS 3313 ) F, S. |
EC 3350 - Development in Cross-Cultural Perspective 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: 2.5 TTU GPA. Critical examination of developmental and family theory research across a diverse range of cultures. Fulfills multicultural requirement. (HDFS 3350 ) F, S |
Electrical and Computer Engineering (Undergraduate Courses) |
ECE 1304 - Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: 2.5 TTU GPA; C or better inMATH 1451 (may be taken concurrently). Introduction to the electrical and computer engineering disciplines including familiarization with relevant design tools. Overview of the profession, contemporary issues, and ethics. |
ECE 1305 - Introduction to Engineering and Computer Programming 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: 2.5 TTU GPA; C or better in MATH 1451 (may be taken concurrently). An introduction to the fundamentals of computing and structured programming for electrical engineering. |
ECE 2372 - Modern Digital System Design 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: 2.5 TTU GPA; C or better in MATH 1451 (may be taken concurrently). An introduction to combinational and sequential digital systems. |
ECE 3301 - General Electrical Engineering 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: CE, CHE, CONE, CS, ENVE, IE, ME, and PETR majors only; 2.0 TTU GPA; C or better in MATH 1452 . Analysis of electric circuits. Introduction to electronic instrumentation and electromechanics. For non-majors only. For non-majors only. |
ECE 3302 - Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: 2.5 TTU GPA; C or better in MATH 1452 , majors only. Principles of electric circuits. DC, transient, and sinusoidal steady-state analysis. |
ECE 3303 - Linear System Analysis 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: 2.5 TTU GPA; C or better in ECE 1304 and ECE 3302 . Corequisite: MATH 3350 . Concepts of signal and system analysis in time and frequency domains as applied to electric circuits. Laplace transform, Fourier series, and Fourier transform techniques are stressed. |
ECE 3304 - Discrete-Time Signals and Systems 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: 2.5 TTU GPA; C or better in ECE 3303 (may be taken concurrently). For majors only or departmental consent. Discrete-time signal processing, sampling, z-transform, discrete and fast Fourier transforms, infinite and finite impulse response digital filter design and implementation. |
ECE 3306 - Electric Circuits II 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: 2.5 TTU GPA; C or better in ECE 3302 . For majors only or departmental consent. Includes concepts of inductively coupled circuits, three phase circuits, frequency dependent circuits, active and passive filters, Laplace methods of circuits, transfer functions for linear circuits, and two port networks. |
ECE 3311 - Electronics I 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: 2.5 TTU GPA; C or better in ECE 3302 . Introduction to electronic devices, amplifiers, and electronic systems. Principles of electronic circuit design and analysis. |
ECE 3312 - Electronics II 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: 2.5 TTU GPA; C or better in ECE 3311 and ECE 3303 . For majors only or departmental consent. Analysis and design of special-purpose amplifiers and oscillators. |
ECE 3323 - Principles of Communication Systems 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: 2.5 TTU GPA; C or better in ECE 3303 , MATH 3342 or IE 3341 . For majors only or departmental consent. Random processes and spectral densities. Fourier Transforms and linear systems concepts. Amplitude, phase angle, and pulse modulation communication systems. |
ECE 3331 - Project Laboratory I 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: 2.5 TTU GPA; C or better in ENGL 1302 ; ECE 1305 or CS 1412 ; ECE 2372 and ECE 3302 . A laboratory course to accompany second-year basic courses in electrical or computer engineering. (Writing Intensive) |
ECE 3332 - Project Laboratory II 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: 2.5 TTU GPA; C or better in ECE 3303 , ECE 3311 , ECE 3331 , and ECE 3362 . For ECE and CMPE majors only or departmental consent. A laboratory course to accompany third-year basic courses in electrical engineering. (Writing Intensive) |
ECE 3333 - Project Laboratory III 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: 2.5 TTU GPA; C or better in ECE 3312 , ECE 3323 , and ECE 3332 . For majors only or departmental consent. A laboratory course to accompany third-year basic courses in electrical or computer engineering. (Writing Intensive) |
ECE 3334 - Computer Engineering Project Laboratory 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: 2.5 TTU GPA; C or better in ECE 3304 and ECE 3332 . For CMPE majors only or departmental consent. A laboratory course to accompany third-year basic courses in computer engineering. For CMPE majors only or departmental consent. (Writing Intensive) |
ECE 3341 - Electromagnetic Theory I 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: 2.5 TTU GPA; C or better in ECE 3303 ; PHYS 2401 . For majors only or departmental consent. Vector analysis. Partial differential equations. General treatment of static, electric, and magnetic fields from the vector viewpoint. |
ECE 3342 - Electromagnetic Theory II 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: 2.5 TTU GPA; C or better in ECE 3341 and MATH 3351 . For majors only or departmental consent General solutions for Maxwell’s equations. Traveling waves in scalar media. Boundary conditions and constraints imposed by bounding surfaces. |
ECE 3353 - Feedback Control Systems 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: 2.5 TTU GPA; C or better in ECE 3303 . For majors only or departmental consent. An introduction to the analysis and design of automatic control systems. Control system concepts. Controller design and digital control. |
ECE 3362 - Microcontrollers 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: 2.5 TTU GPA; C or better in ECE 1305 or CS 1412 and ECE 2372 (may be taken concurrently). Advanced digital systems design. Assembly language programming, interfacing, and applications of microcontrollers. |
ECE 4120 - ECE Seminar 1 Semester Credit Hours Readings and discussion of the electrical and computer engineering professions, history, ethics, career paths, and research opportunities. |
ECE 4132 - Special Topics in Electrical Engineering 1 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: Majors only or departmental consent. Elaboration on a special topic of current interest in electrical engineering. May be repeated for credit. |
ECE 4232 - Special Topics in Electrical Engineering 2 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: Majors only or departmental consent. Elaboration on a special topic of current interest in electrical engineering. May be repeated for credit. |
ECE 4310 - Introduction to VLSI Design 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: 2.5 TTU GPA; C or better in ECE 3311 . For majors only or departmental consent. A basic introduction to very large-scale integrated design of circuits and devices. Geometrical patterns of semiconductor devices on a chip, MOS circuits, masking and patterning, and automation tools. |
ECE 4314 - Solid State Devices 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: 2.5 TTU GPA; C or better in ECE 3312 , ECE 3341 , and CHEM 1307 . For majors only or departmental consent. Principles and properties of semiconductor devices and optical devices. Thyristors and other switches. Integrated circuit devices. Device modeling. |
ECE 4316 - Power Electronics 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: 2.5 TTU GPA; C or better in ECE 3312 , ECE 3323 , and ECE 3353 . For majors only or departmental consent. Switch-mode power conversion, power supplies, inverters, motor drives, power semiconductor devices, and magnetics. System analysis, design, and modeling. |
ECE 4321 - Applications of Analog Integrated Circuits 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: 2.5 TTU GPA; C or better in ECE 3312 , ECE 3323 , ECE 3353 . For majors only or departmental consent. Principles involved in designing analog integrated circuits. Device physics, small-signal and large-signal models. Biasing and basic circuit building blocks. Applications. |
ECE 4323 - Modern Communication Circuits 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: 2.5 TTU GPA; C or better in ECE 3312 and ECE 3323 . For majors only or departmental consent. Analysis and design techniques for modern communication circuits. |
ECE 4325 - Telecommunication Networks 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: 2.5 TTU GPA; C or better in ECE 3304 and ECE 3323 . For majors only or departmental consent. Networking and standards. Data and voice network architectures, cellular, satellite and telephone networks. Protocols. Network modeling and optimization. Queuing theory. |
ECE 4331 - Individual Studies in Electrical Engineering 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: 2.5 TTU GPA, instructor consent. For majors only or departmental consent. For majors only or departmental consent. Individual study involving a rigorous theoretical investigation of some aspect of an electrical engineering problem of current interest. Formal written and oral reports are required. May not be repeated for credit. |
ECE 4332 - Topics in Electrical Engineering 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: 2.5 TTU GPA, majors only or departmental consent. Elaboration on a special topic of current interest in electrical engineering. May be repeated for credit. |
ECE 4333 - Project Laboratory IV 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: 2.5 TTU GPA; C or better in ECE 3333 or ECE 3334 . For majors only or departmental consent. A laboratory course to accompany fourth-year courses in electrical or computer engineering. (Writing Intensive) |
ECE 4334 - Project Laboratory V 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: 2.5 TTU GPA; C or better in ECE 3333 or ECE 3334 . For majors only or departmental consent. A laboratory course to accompany fourth-year courses in electrical or computer engineering. (Writing Intensive) |
ECE 4341 - Microwave Engineering 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: 2.5 TTU GPA; C or better in ECE 3342 . For majors only or departmental consent. Analysis and design of microwave passive components, including transmission lines, waveguides, resonators, hybrids, couplers, attenuators, filters, circulators, switches, and phase shifters. |
ECE 4342 - Microwave Solid-State Circuits 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: 2.5 TTU GPA; C or better in ECE 3312 . For majors only or departmental consent. Review of transmission-line and waveguide theory, scattering matrix, impedance matching, resonators, passive three- and four-port devices, filters, active circuits. |
ECE 4343 - Introduction to Power Systems 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: 2.5 TTU GPA; C or better in ECE 3341 . For majors only or departmental consent. Electrical power transmission and distribution systems; power generation systems, system modeling, planning, management and protection. |
ECE 4344 - Antennas and Radiating Systems 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: 2.5 TTU GPA; C or better in ECE 3342 . For majors only or departmental consent. Antenna fundamentals, uniformly spaced arrays, wire antennas of various types, aperture radiation, antennas for special applications. |
ECE 4354 - Power Semiconductor Devices 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: 2.5 TTU GPA; C or better in ECE 4314 . For majors only or departmental consent. An introduction to the design and simulation of power semiconductor devices. Covers the operation of power diodes, power MOSFETS, and IGBTs. Power devices will be modeled using a physic-based simulator. |
ECE 4360 - Fiber Optic Systems 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: 2.5 TTU GPA; C or better in ECE 3312 , ECE 3323 , ECE 3341 and CHEM 1307 . For majors only or departmental consent Optical fibers, couplers, sources, and detectors; applications to communications and sensing. |
ECE 4362 - Modern Optics for Engineers 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: 2.5 TTU GPA; C or better in ECE 3323 and ECE 3342 . For majors only or departmental consent. Modern concepts in optics related to engineering applications. Geometrical optics; matrix methods in optics; polarization, interference, coherence, and lasers; Fourier optics; Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction. |
ECE 4363 - Pattern Recognition 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: 2.5 TTU GPA; C or better in MATH 3342 , MATH 3350 , and ECE 3303 . For majors only or departmental consent. Foundational topics in pattern recognition, linear discriminant functions, support vector machines, generalized decision functions, Bayes classifier, and various clustering techniques. |
ECE 4364 - Digital Signal Processing 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: 2.5 TTU GPA; C or better in ECE 3304 . For majors only or departmental consent. An introduction to digital signal processing. Sampling, z-transform, discrete and fast Fourier transforms, flowgraphs, design techniques for digital filters, effects of finite word length, and applications. |
ECE 4367 - Image Processing 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: 2.5 TTU GPA; C or better in ECE 3303 , MATH 3342 , snf MATH 3350 . For majors only or departmental consent. For majors or departmental consent. Imaging fundamentals. Linear operations in both spatial and frequency domains. Image enhancement and restoration techniques. Analysis and coding of images. |
ECE 4375 - Microprocessor Architecture 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: 2.5 TTU GPA; C or better in CS 2350 or ECE 3362 . For majors only or departmental consent. An introduction to the architecture, organization, and design of microprocessors. Hardware design related to various microprocessors. Analysis of current microprocessors and applications. |
ECE 4377 - Technology Startup Laboratory 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: 2.5 TTU GPA; C or better in ECE 3333 or ECE 3334 . Provides a working knowledge of technology commercialization through a systematic concept refinement process. Prototypes are developed and evaluated by potential customers. |
ECE 4378 - Solar Energy 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: 2.5 TTU GPA; C or better in ECE 3333 or ECE 3334 . Provides an overview of photovoltaic materials, devices, and systems. Students learn to analyze performance based on available solar light. Design projects provide practical experience. |
ECE 4380 - Embedded Systems 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: 2.5 GPA; C or better in ECE 3362 or CS 2350 , and ECE 3304 or ECE 3323 . For majors only or departmental consent. Control of peripherals. Streaming data. Implementation of discrete convolution. Real-time operating systems. |
ECE 4381 - VLSI Processing 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: 2.5 TTU GPA; C or better in PHYS 2401 and MATH 3350 . For majors only or departmental consent. Introduction to the physical principles, techniques, and technologies involved with the fabrication of very large scale integrated circuits (VLSI). |
ECE 4382 - Digital IC Analysis and Design 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: 2.5 TTU GPA; C or better in ECE 3312 and ECE 3362 . For majors only or departmental consent. Design of VLSI digital integrated circuits including basic device theory and processing technologies. |
ECE 4385 - Introduction to Microsystems I 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: 2.5 TTU GPA; C or better in ECE 3303 and ECE 3311 . For majors only or departmental consent. Fundamentals of microelectromechanical (MEMS) and microfluidic systems. Project-based course introduces microsystem design, analysis, simulation, and manufacture through several case studies using representative devices. |
ECE 4386 - Introduction to Microsystems II 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: 2.5 TTU GPA; C or better in ECE 4385 . For majors only or departmental consent. Application of microfabrication to create microsensor systems. Integration of optics, optoelectronics, and microfluids. Includes other MEMS projects. |
ECE 4391 - Electric Machines and Drives 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: 2.5 TTU GPA; C or better inECE 3341 . For majors only or departmental consent. Analysis and control of DC machines and induction machines. Space vector theory. Field oriented control. Modeling of machine and controller dynamics. |
Electrical and Computer Engineering (Graduate Courses) |
ECE 5120 - Electrical Engineering Graduate Seminar 1 Semester Credit Hours Discussion will concern present research conducted in electrical engineering and other topics of interest to electrical engineers. |
ECE 5310 - Introduction to VLSI Design 3 Semester Credit Hours A basic introduction to very large-scale integrated (VLSI) design of circuits and devices. Geometrical patterns of semiconductor devices on a chip, MOS circuits, masking and patterning, and automation tools. |
ECE 5312 - Low Power VLSI 3 Semester Credit Hours Advanced and low power CMOS processes and devices, modeling and simulation, low power design, power management, systems-on-a-chip integration issues. |
ECE 5314 - Solid State Devices 3 Semester Credit Hours Semiconductor materials and band theory of solids. Physics of semiconductor devices, charge transport, PN junctions, diodes, bipolar junction transistors, optoelectronic devices, and MOS devices. |
ECE 5316 - Power Electronics 3 Semester Credit Hours Switch mode power conversion, converters and inverters, power supplies and regulators, and power semiconductor circuits. |
ECE 5320 - DC-DC Converter Design and Test 3 Semester Credit Hours Focuses on the design and testing of low-power DC converters, including Buck, Boost, Buck-boost, and LDOs. Covers steady state and transient performance and includes a lab component. |
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