Feb 18, 2025  
2016-2017 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog 
2016-2017 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

How to Read Catalog Course Descriptions

Texas Tech offers nearly 5,000 courses as part of its curriculum. These courses are listed alphabetically by subject prefix within each college and departmental section of this catalog. The courses appear in numerical order, moving from beginning freshman or developmental level courses to graduate, research, and professional courses.

Not all courses listed in this catalog are offered every year. An online class schedule published before each registration period indicates courses that will be available during the upcoming term or semester and when each class will meet. The class schedule can be found at (www.depts.ttu.edu/officialpublications/class_schedule/index.php). The university reserves the right to cancel any scheduled course or withdraw any program from the list of offerings when the best interests of the institution require such action.

Courses are designated by a subject prefix and number along with a descriptive title. Learn more  about interpreting the course descriptions found throughout the catalog.


Electrical and Computer Engineering (Graduate Courses)

  • ECE 5321 - Design and Analysis of Analog Integrated Circuits

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Principles involved in designing analog integrated circuits. Device physics, small signal, and large signal models. Biasing and basic circuit building blocks. Applications.
  • ECE 5322 - Random Signals and Systems

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Modeling and analysis of uncertainty or randomness; applying probability, random variables, and random processes to a variety of applications.
  • ECE 5323 - Modern Communication Circuits

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Analysis and design techniques for modern communication circuits.
  • ECE 5325 - Telecommunication Networks

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Networking and standards. Data and voice network architectures, cellular, satellite and telephone networks. Protocols. Network modeling and optimization. Queuing theory.
  • ECE 5331 - Individual Studies in Engineering Applications

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisites: Graduate standing in engineering and consent of instructor. An individual study course involving a rigorous theoretical investigation of some aspect of an engineering problem of current interest. A formal report is required. May be repeated for credit.
  • ECE 5332 - Topics in Electrical Engineering

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Elaborates on a special topic of current interest in electrical engineering. May be repeated for credit.
  • ECE 5341 - Microwave Engineering: Passive Components

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Analysis and design of microwave passive components, including transmission lines, waveguides, resonators, hybrids, couplers, attenuators, filters, circulators, switches, and phase shifters.
  • ECE 5342 - Microwave Solid State Circuits

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Review of transmission-line and waveguide theory, scattering matrix, impedance matching, resonators, passive three- and four-port devices, filters, active circuits.
  • ECE 5343 - Power Systems Engineering

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Electrical power transmission and distribution systems; power generation systems; system modeling, planning, management and protection.
  • ECE 5344 - Antennas and Radiating Systems

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: ECE 3342 . Antenna fundamentals, uniformly spaced arrays, wire antennas of various types, aperture radiation, antennas for special applications.
  • ECE 5345 - Pulsed Power

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: ECE 3342 . Fundamentals of pulsed power circuits, components, and systems. Pulse forming lines, energy storage, voltage multipliers, switching, materials, grounding and shielding, measurements, and applications.
  • ECE 5346 - Plasma Engineering: An Introductory Course in Plasma Physics and Technology

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Fundamentals of plasma physics and technology, including gas discharge processes, plasma surface treatment, role of non-thermal plasmas, material processing, and biomedical treatment.
  • ECE 5347 - Laser Diagnostic Techniques

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Fundamentals of basic problems in laser physics and laser diagnostic techniques, specifically non-linear laser spectroscopy methods and applications, including environmental sensing and plasma diagnostics.
  • ECE 5348 - Computational Electromagnetics

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Computational electromagnetics in guided-wave structures, wave scattering, and radiation. Emphasizes finite difference time domain and frequency domain methods and moment methods.
  • ECE 5350 - Introduction to Medical Instrumentation

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Biomedical instrumentation, transducers, signals, circuits and filters, utilization of biopotential techniques in respiration, cardiac, and audiology.
  • ECE 5351 - Biomedical Signal Processing

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    An overview of conventional and modern signal processing techniques and their applications taught in the context of biomedical signals and signal models.
  • ECE 5352 - Medical Imaging

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Medical imaging techniques including radiography and ionizing radiation, computer aided tomography, PET, MRI, and image reconstruction and processing techniques.
  • ECE 5353 - Gaseous Electronics

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Kinetic theory of gases, collisions, emission processes, self sustained discharge, paschen law, glow discharge, arc discharge, streamers, spark discharge, corona discharge, gas lasers.
  • ECE 5354 - Power Semiconductor Devices

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: ECE 5314 . Introduction to the design and simulation of power semiconductors. Topics include high voltage breakdown, high current density, and temperature effects.
  • ECE 5355 - Genomic Signal Processing and Control

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    An introduction to genomics with techniques from signal processing and control. Intergene relationships, classification of disease, genetic regulatory networks, and dynamic behavior.
  • ECE 5356 - Biosensors and Bioelectronics

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Biosensors and semiconductor devices, cells, and other biomaterials. Bio-Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (Bio-MEMS) and low-power wearable/implantable medical devices.
  • ECE 5358 - Semiconductor Material and Device Characterization

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Introduction to the physical principles and techniques involved with the semiconductor processing of different electronic and optoelectronic devices.
  • ECE 5360 - Fiber Optic Systems

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Optical fibers, couplers, sources, and detectors; applications to communications and sensing. Integrated optics.
  • ECE 5361 - Advanced Communication Systems

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Information transmission in electronic systems. Random variables and stochastic processes, noise in analog and digital modulation systems, and optimal receivers.
  • ECE 5362 - Modern Optics

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Modern concepts in optics related to engineering applications. Geometrical, physical, and quantum optics; Fourier optics, holography, and image processing.
  • ECE 5363 - Pattern Recognition

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Foundational topics in pattern recognition. Linear discriminant functions, support vector machines, generalized decision functions, Bayes classifier, and various clustering techniques.
  • ECE 5364 - Digital Signal Processing

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    An introduction to digital signal processing. Sampling, z-transform, discrete and fast Fourier transforms, flowgraphs, design techniques for digital filters, effects of finite word length and applications.
  • ECE 5365 - Parametric and Functional Device Testing

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Fundamentals of semiconductor device chip and wafer testing. Parametric and functional tests, test philosophy, C programming for testing, and commercial wafer level testers.
  • ECE 5366 - Testing of Digital Systems

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Instructor consent. High level test synthesis, fault modeling and diagnosis, design for test, built-in self test, test code generation, and applications.
  • ECE 5366 - Testing of Digital Systems

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    High level test synthesis, fault modeling and diagnosis, design for test, built-in self test, test code generation, and applications.
  • ECE 5367 - Image Processing

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Imaging fundamentals. Linear operators in spatial and spatial-frequency domains. Image enhancement and restoration techniques. Analysis and coding of images.
  • ECE 5368 - Advanced Control Systems

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    An introduction to advanced control systems. Optimal, adaptive, and robust control of linear and nonlinear systems. Fuzzy logic and neural network applications to control systems.
  • ECE 5371 - Engineering Analysis

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Application of mathematical methods and algorithms to engineering problems, stochastic linear system models, vector spaces and operators, orthogonality principle and its applications, adaptive filtering, matrix factorizational application of eigendecomposition methods.
  • ECE 5375 - Computer Architecture

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    An introduction to the architecture, organization and design of microprocessors. Hardware design related to various microprocessors. Analysis of current microprocessors and applications.
  • ECE 5376 - System Modeling and Simulation

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Mixed-signal system specification, behavioral modeling and analysis, functional modeling and analysis, mixed-signal system design, and evaluation.
  • ECE 5377 - Technology Startup Laboratory

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Provides a working knowledge of technology commercialization through a systematic concept refinement process. Prototypes are developed and evaluated by potential customers.
  • ECE 5378 - Solar Energy

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Provides an overview of photovoltaic materials, devices, and systems. Students learn to analyze performance based on available solar light. Design projects provide practical experience.
  • ECE 5380 - Embedded Systems

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Control of peripherals, streaming of data, implementation of discrete convolution, real-time operating systems.
  • ECE 5381 - Introduction to Semiconductor Processing

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Introduction to the physical principles, techniques, and technologies involved with the fabrication of very large scale integrated circuits (VLSI).
  • ECE 5382 - Advanced Digital System Design

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Advanced VLSI design. Computer arithmetic. High speed computation. Digital hardware design. CAD tools for VLSI design.
  • ECE 5383 - Communication Integrated Circuits Design I

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Covers the fundamentals of RF-SoC (Radio-Frequency System-on-a-Chip) design. For students interested in RF/analog IC and SoC design, semiconductor products testing, and device/process engineering.
  • ECE 5384 - Communication Integrated Circuits Design II

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Theory and design of RF/analog block-level IC and RF-SoC architectural design. Hands-on design projects for students to gain IC and SoC experience.
  • ECE 5385 - Introduction to Microsystems I

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Fundamentals of microelectromechanical (MEMS) and microfluidic systems. Project-based course introduces basic microsystem design, analysis, simulation, and manufacture through several case studies using representative devices.
  • ECE 5386 - Introduction to Microsystems II

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: ECE 5385 . Application of microfabrication to create microsensor systems. Integration of optics, optoelectronics and microfluids. Includes other MEMS projects.
  • ECE 5387 - Advanced Semiconductor Processing and Process Characterization

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: ECE 5381 . Stresses process flow; yield management; specific device processing steps; and process control, packaging and back-end processing.
  • ECE 5388 - Solid-State Energy Devices I

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: ECE 5314  or ECE 5381 . Introduction to fundamentals of solar cells, including thin film, tandem, and nanostructured solar cell materials and devices.
  • ECE 5389 - Solid-State Energy Devices II

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: ECE 5314  or ECE 5381 . Introduction to fundamentals of solid-state energy devices beyond solar cells, including materials and devices for thermoelectrics for converting heat to electricity, betavoltaics and alphavoltaics as long-life batteries, fuel cells and super-capacitors for energy storage, and hydrogen generation and storage.
  • ECE 5390 - Functional Materials

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: ECE 5314  or ECE 5381 . Introduction to functional materials and their applications, including sustainability, bio-inspired materials, and nano-structured materials.
  • ECE 5391 - Electric Machines and Drives

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Analysis and control of DC machines and induction machines. Space vector theory. Field oriented control. Modeling of machine and controller dynamics.
  • ECE 5392 - Nanophotonics

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Introduction to light-matter interaction in nanostructures, quantum wells, wire and dots, photonics crystals, negative index and meta materials, nano-emitters and detectors, nano-plasmonics and biophotonics.
  • ECE 5393 - Detectors and Sensors I

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Fundamentals of solid-state photo detectors and sensors for THz through EVU, including principles, performances, and applications.
  • ECE 5394 - Detectors and Sensors II

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Fundamentals of solid-state radiation detectors and sensors, including principles, performances, and applications.
  • ECE 6000 - Master’s Thesis

    V1-6 Semester Credit Hours
  • ECE 6360 - Computer Vision and Image Reconstruction

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Theories of image formation and reconstruction. Reconstruction problems in tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, synthetic aperture radar, and other modalities of imaging.
  • ECE 6363 - Advanced Pattern Recognition

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: ECE 5363 . Adaptive approaches to the design of discriminant functions for pattern classification and recognition. Statistical, syntactic, neural networks, and fuzzy-set based optimization constraints for discriminants.
  • ECE 6365 - Topics in Advanced Communications

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Applications of detection and estimation theory in the design of optimum communication systems. All courses used to satisfy the degree program requirements must be taken for a grade. The pass/fail option is not allowed.
  • ECE 7000 - Research

    V1-12 Semester Credit Hours
    All courses used to satisfy the degree program requirements must be taken for a grade. The pass/fail option is not allowed.
  • ECE 8000 - Doctor’s Dissertation

    V1-12 Semester Credit Hours
    All courses used to satisfy the degree program requirements must be taken for a grade. The pass/fail option is not allowed.

Economics (Undergraduate Courses)

  • ECO 2301 - Principles of Economics I

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    TCCNS: [ECON 2302] Emphasis on theories of the firm, value and price determination, and functional distribution, with the application of these theories to the problems of particular firms, industries, and markets. Fulfills core Social and Behavioral Sciences requirement.
  • ECO 2302 - Principles of Economics II

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    TCCNS: [ECON 2301] An introduction to modern economic society and theories of production and exchange. Emphasis upon monetary and fiscal policy and macroeconomics. Fulfills core Social and Behavioral Sciences requirement.
  • ECO 2305 - Principles of Economics

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    An abridged course for students not majoring in economics. Covers the most significant portions of ECO 2301  and ECO 2302 , with emphasis upon monetary and fiscal policy. Credit will not be given for both ECO 2305 and ECO 2302 . Fulfills core Social and Behavioral Sciences requirement.
  • ECO 3305 - Game Theory

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Analysis of strategic interaction. Strategies of rational choice will be derived and analyzed in economics and other environments.
  • ECO 3311 - Intermediate Macroeconomics

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: ECO 2302 . Analysis of the determinants of aggregate demand and supply with special emphasis on macroeconomic problems such as unemployment and inflation and on techniques used to forecast macroeconomic variables.
  • ECO 3312 - Intermediate Economic Theory

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: ECO 2301 . Intermediate price theory and introduction to welfare theory. Includes theory of demand, theory of the firm, and welfare theory.
  • ECO 3320 - Managerial Economics

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: ECO 2301 . The application of economic theory to problems of business enterprise.
  • ECO 3323 - Principles of Money, Banking, and Credit

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisites: ECO 2301  and ECO 2302 . A basic course which deals with the commercial banking system, the Federal Reserve System, and other matters associated with money, prices, and credit control.
  • ECO 3324 - Taxation and Public Expenditure

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Explores the justification for and effects of the entrance of government into the U.S. marketplace.
  • ECO 3325 - Special Topics in Applied Economics

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisites: ECO 2301  and ECO 2302  or consent of instructor. Analysis of selected economic issues, theories, and policies in microeconomics or macroeconomics. May be repeated once for credit when topics vary.
  • ECO 3326 - Industrial Organization and Competitive Strategy

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: ECO 2301 . Analyzes strategic behavior firms in imperfectly competitive markets. Includes price discrimination, price fixing, price wars, oligopoly, entry deterrence, mergers, and vertical restraint.
  • ECO 3327 - Antitrust Law and Economic Regulation

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Competition strategy and legal limits on what firms can and cannot do when competing. In-depth review of antitrust laws and full-blown economic regulation.
  • ECO 3333 - International Economics

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisites: ECO 2301  and ECO 2302  or consent of instructor. Principles of international trade, balance of payments, trade policies, and agreements.
  • ECO 3336 - Environmental Economics

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisites: ECO 2301  and ECO 2302  or consent of instructor. Applies economic models to current local and global environmental issues with an emphasis on evaluating policies.
  • ECO 3350 - Behavioral and Experimental Economics

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: ECO 2301 . Shows developments in the testing of economic theory through experiments with a strong emphasis on behavioral models/phenomena in explaining economic decision-making.
  • ECO 3356 - Energy Economics

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisites: ECO 2301  and ECO 2302  or consent of instructor. Application of economic models to current local and global energy markets with an emphasis on evaluating policies.
  • ECO 4300 - Economic Research

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: ECO 3311  and ECO 3312  and consent of instructor and the director of undergraduate studies or the department chairperson. Directed undergraduate student research in selected areas under the supervision of selected departmental faculty. (Writing Intensive)
  • ECO 4305 - Introduction to Econometrics

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisites: ECO 2301 , ECO 2302 , ECO 3311 , and MATH 2345  or equivalent, or consent of instructor. Application of linear regression analysis including simple statistics, probability, distributions, hypothesis testing, and linear regression. (Writing Intensive)
  • ECO 4306 - Economic and Business Forecasting

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: ECO 4305 . Introduction to forecasting methods based on ARMA, VAR, VEC, GARCH models; applications to time series data in macroeconomics, business, and finance.
  • ECO 4314 - Development of Economic Doctrines

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisites: ECO 2301  and ECO 2302 . The basis, nature, and effects of economic doctrines from ancient times through the 19th century. (Writing Intensive)
  • ECO 4322 - The Economics of Labor Markets

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: ECO 3312  or ECO 3320 . Labor as a factor of production, labor market participation and hours worked, compensating wage differentials, human capital investment, income inequality, migration, and discrimination. (Writing Intensive)
  • ECO 4323 - Monetary Theory

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: ECO 3311 . Analysis of money supply, money demand, interest rates, income and price level determination, and transmission mechanisms. Emphases include monetary policies in an open economy context. (Writing Intensive)
  • ECO 4331 - Economics of Multinational Enterprise

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: ECO 2301  or consent of instructor. Examination of the economics of international enterprise and associations with the major dimensions of the international economy and international political economy. (Writing Intensive)
  • ECO 4332 - International Finance

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: ECO 3323  or ECO 3333  or consent of instructor. Analysis of international monetary system theory, policy, and institutions. Includes attention to foreign exchange markets and roles of international banking and international managerial finance. (Writing Intensive)

Economics (Graduate Courses)

  • ECO 5310 - Price and Income Theory

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Designed for graduate students who need intensive study of intermediate economic price and income theory.
  • ECO 5311 - Macroeconomic Theory and Policy

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: ECO 3311  or consent of instructor. Market clearing and non-market clearing business cycle models and their policy implications. Emphases include inflation, real growth, unemployment, and balance of payments and their interactions.
  • ECO 5312 - Microeconomic Analysis

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Theory of household and firm choice, duality, commodity, and factor market structures, general equilibrium and welfare economics. Emphasis on theory and policy applications.
  • ECO 5313 - Mathematical Economics I

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. The application of mathematical techniques to economic model-building.
  • ECO 5314 - Econometrics I

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Topics chosen from the following: problems in single and multiple regressions, qualitative choice models, specification tests, estimation of rational expectations models, and fixed-effects models.
  • ECO 5315 - Mathematical Economics II

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: ECO 5313  or consent of instructor. Advanced topics in the application of mathematics to economic model-building including dynamic models and programming techniques.
  • ECO 5316 - Time Series Econometrics

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: ECO 5314 . Contemporary issues in time series econometrics. Topics include dynamic models, ARMA models, stationarity, causality and exogeneity, unit root tests, integration and error correction.
  • ECO 5317 - Natural Resource and Environmental Economics

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: ECO 5312  or consent of instructor. Covers theory and policy in natural resource and environmental economics. Optimal rules for renewable and nonrenewable patterns of use, public policy. Intensive study of one sector (energy, water, forestry).
  • ECO 5318 - History of Economics

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Examines various historical episodes and their influence on the development of economic theories.
  • ECO 5319 - Advanced Topics in Environmental Economics

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: ECO 5317  or consent of instructor. Students will use economic models to consider current environmental issues from both a theoretical and an empirical perspective.
  • ECO 5321 - Labor Markets Theory and Policy

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisites: ECO 5312  and ECO 5314 . Theory and econometric techniques to analyze the operation of the labor market, including labor supply and demand, unemployment, job search, human capital, and migration.
  • ECO 5322 - The Economics of Wages and Income

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: ECO 5321 . Examines the factors that determine wage differentials among workers, including job turnover, wage dynamics, compensating wage differentials, discrimination, contract theory, unions, and collective bargaining.
  • ECO 5323 - Monetary Theory I

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: ECO 3323  or ECO 5310 . Introduction to monetary theories and their policy implications. Partial and general equilibrium models of price levels, inflation rates, income flows, and interest rates are developed in an open economy context.
  • ECO 5324 - Seminar in Public Finance

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Analysis of economic effects of taxation, governmental expenditures, debt management, and budgetary planning and administration.
  • ECO 5325 - Seminar in Economic Policy

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Analysis of major economic issues, theories, or policies. May be repeated for credit.
  • ECO 5328 - Monetary Theory II

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: ECO 5323  or consent of instructor. Recent developments and controversies in monetary theory and policy. Emphasis on leading edge issues and literature and on development of research skills in monetary economics.
  • ECO 5329 - Current Problems in Public Finance

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Research in and analysis of public goods, public choice, public budgeting, cost-benefit analysis, and intergovernmental fiscal relations.
  • ECO 5332 - Advanced International Finance

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Advanced graduate standing and consent of instructor. Advanced study of theory, problems, and policies associated with the international monetary system. (FIN 5332 )

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