Economics (Graduate Courses) |
ECO 5333 - Advanced International Economics 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: ECO 3333 or consent of instructor. Advanced study of theory, problems, and policies in international economics. |
ECO 5337 - Health Care Economics 3 Semester Credit Hours The application of economic principles to the analysis of problems and the formulation of policies in the healthcare sector of the economy. |
ECO 5346 - Game Theory 3 Semester Credit Hours Introduction to game theory with an emphasis on economic applications. |
ECO 5347 - Industrial Organization Theory 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: ECO 5312 and ECO 5346 or consent of instructor. Course focuses on theories of the “”new industrial organization”” applied to imperfect competition, from monopoly to the strategic analysis of oligopolistic markets. |
ECO 5348 - Seminar in Empirical Industrial Organization 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: ECO 5347 or consent of instructor. Focuses on recent developments in empirical industrial organization, public utility, and regulation literature. |
ECO 5350 - Behavioral and Experimental Economics 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: ECO 5312 or instructor consent. Shows developments in the testing of economic theory through experiments with a strong emphasis on behavioral models/phenomena in explaining economic decision-making. |
ECO 5356 - Advanced Topics in Energy Economics 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: ECO 5317 or instructor consent. Students will use economic models to analyze current local and global energy markets from both theoretical and empirical perspectives. |
ECO 5381 - Empirical Studies in Macroeconomics 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: ECO 5311 or consent of instructor. Contemporary theoretical and empirical macroeconomic issues. Use of empirical studies to evaluate competing hypotheses. Student conducted empirical studies. |
ECO 5382 - Advanced Microeconomics 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: ECO 5312 or consent of instructor. Topics include investment and capital theory, uncertainty, general equilibrium, and welfare. |
ECO 6000 - Master’s Thesis V1-6 Semester Credit Hours |
ECO 7000 - Research V1-12 Semester Credit Hours |
ECO 8000 - Doctor’s Dissertation V1-12 Semester Credit Hours |
Bilingual Education (Undergraduate Courses) |
EDBL 3135 - Teaching Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Students in the EC-6 Classroom I 1 Semester Credit Hours Application of knowledge and skills concerning culture, linguistics, and instructional practices for teachers of linguistically and culturally diverse students. |
EDBL 3205 - Bilingual Programs and Language Issues at the Middle Level 2 Semester Credit Hours Overview of bilingual programs, issues, and second language research related to middle level students. Field experience required. |
EDBL 3235 - Teaching Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Students in the EC-6 Classroom II 2 Semester Credit Hours Application of knowledge and skills concerning culture, linguistics, and instructional practices for teachers of linguistically and culturally diverse students in classroom settings during student teaching. |
EDBL 3300 - Introduction to Teaching in a Bilingual/ESL Classroom 3 Semester Credit Hours Introduces bilingual/ESL teacher education candidates to the fundamentals of teaching, including instructional principles and lesson planning. |
EDBL 3310 - Spanish for Bilingual Teachers 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: Admission to bilingual program or instructor consent. Proficiency and instructional skills for bilingual classrooms. Emphasis on academic language. |
EDBL 3320 - Content Area Instruction in Spanish for Dual Language Classrooms 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: C or better in EDBL 3310 . Teacher-training course taught entirely in Spanish. Instructional language for bilingual education across content areas in dual language classrooms. |
EDBL 3332 - Foundations of Bilingual Studies 3 Semester Credit Hours Overview of history, philosophy, assessment processes, research, and legal aspects related to bilingual education. |
EDBL 3334 - Dual Language and Cognitive Development in Bilingual Programs 3 Semester Credit Hours Skills, attitudes, psycholinguistic knowledge related to first and second language acquisition. Field experience required. |
EDBL 3335 - Teaching Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Students in EC-6 Mainstream Classrooms 3 Semester Credit Hours Skills, attitudes, cultural, and psycholinguistic knowledge relevant for second language acquisition and development in relation to teaching practices for linguistically and culturally diverse students. |
EDBL 3336 - Instruction and Management in Bilingual and Multilingual Settings 3 Semester Credit Hours Developing instruction and management skills in bilingual and multilingual classrooms. |
EDBL 3337 - Content Area Development for English as a Second Language Populations 3 Semester Credit Hours Adapting the school curriculum for English as a second language (ESL) students with emphasis on developing appropriate teaching materials for content areas. |
EDBL 3338 - Methods for Teaching English Language Learners 3 Semester Credit Hours Rationale, theories, and goals of a comprehensive curriculum program for English language learners. |
EDBL 4321 - Teaching Literacy/Biliteracy in Elementary Dual Language Programs 3 Semester Credit Hours Emphasizes the current perspective of the biliteracy process, English literacy, native-language literacy, biliteracy, and the impact of educational policies and programs for English language learners. |
Bilingual Education (Graduate Courses) |
EDBL 5306 - Seminar in Bilingual/ESL Education in K-12 Contexts 3 Semester Credit Hours Recent research trends and issues in bilingual education or English-as-a-Second Language in K-12 contexts. |
EDBL 5310 - Advanced Spanish for Bilingual Teachers 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: Admission to the graduate program in bilingual education or instructor consent. Advanced proficiency and instructional skills for bilingual classrooms. Emphasizes academic language. |
EDBL 5320 - Advanced Content Area Instruction in Spanish for Dual-Language Classrooms 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: C or better in EDBL 5310 . Teacher-training course. Advanced instructional language for bilingual education across content areas in dual-language classrooms. |
EDBL 5332 - Foundations of Bilingual Education 3 Semester Credit Hours Overview of curriculum, assessment process, teaching strategies, research, and legislation related to bilingual education. |
EDBL 5333 - Teaching the Multicultural-Multilingual Student 3 Semester Credit Hours Strategies and techniques for teaching and working with the multicultural-multilingual student. |
EDBL 5334 - First and Second Language Acquisition 3 Semester Credit Hours First and second language acquisition and development as related to bilingual education and the teaching of English as a second language. |
EDBL 5336 - Instructional and Management Issues in Bilingual Education/ESL 3 Semester Credit Hours A survey of issues relating to classroom instruction and management for language minority students. |
EDBL 5337 - Teaching Strategies for ESL and Content-Area Teachers of Limited English Proficient Students 3 Semester Credit Hours Provides an instructional framework for material development and teaching approaches to limited English proficient students. |
EDBL 5338 - Methods of Teaching English as a Second Language to PreK-12 Students 3 Semester Credit Hours Study of rationale, theories, and goals of a comprehensive ESL curriculum program in compliance with public school needs and standards of the State of Texas. |
EDBL 5340 - Academic Writing Development for K-12 Second language Learning Contexts 3 Semester Credit Hours Theory, research, and development of written school-based genres of bilingual students for K-12 curriculum and assessment design considerations. |
EDBL 5393 - Internship in Bilingual Education 3 Semester Credit Hours Experience in various roles in bilingual education. |
EDBL 7000 - Research V1-12 Semester Credit Hours |
EDBL 8000 - Doctor’s Dissertation V1-12 Semester Credit Hours |
Educational Curriculum and Instruction (Undergraduate Courses) |
EDCI 2301 - The Education Effect: Why American K-12 Education Really Matters 3 Semester Credit Hours Considers costs and benefits of American education and exposes students to issues in education at a deeper level by tutoring in public schools. Fulfills core Social and Behavioral Sciences requirement. |
EDCI 3325 - Honors Seminar: Trends and Issues in Educational Policy and Practice 3 Semester Credit Hours A seminar course that involves the analysis and synthesis of current trends in educational policy and practices. |
Educational Curriculum and Instruction (Graduate Courses) |
EDCI 5306 - Seminar in Curriculum and Instruction 3 Semester Credit Hours Recent research, trends, and issues in curriculum and instruction. May be repeated for credit. |
EDCI 5308 - Improving Mentoring Practices 3 Semester Credit Hours Provides an instructional framework for teaching specific mentoring skills and for developing and nurturing the teaching of skillful and reflective thinking. |
EDCI 5309 - Mentoring Models for New Professionals 3 Semester Credit Hours Selected mentoring models of well-conceived introduction programs that offer practitioners a valuable tour of the mentoring landscape. Emphasis is placed on professional support and development. |
EDCI 5310 - Instructional Theory and Design 3 Semester Credit Hours Applications of contemporary educational theory and design procedures to secondary education, including models of teaching, enhancement of self-concept, and adolescent needs and interests. |
EDCI 5311 - Mentorship 3 Semester Credit Hours Guides veteran professionals through a cycle of learning based on established professional development national standards. Required for Master Mentoring Certificate. |
EDCI 5312 - Collaborative Communities in Mentoring 3 Semester Credit Hours Designed to assist those planning to teach or work in professional settings in acquiring a perspective dealing with the theory and practice of professional learning communities. Required for Master Mentoring Certificate. |
EDCI 5313 - Nature of Informal Science Education 3 Semester Credit Hours Introduction to the nature of informal science education, the process of informal learning, and educating a wide range of audiences. |
EDCI 5315 - Learning Theories and Curriculum Models in Informal Science Education 3 Semester Credit Hours Formal learning theories and curriculum methodologies are investigated and applied to learning in informal settings. |
EDCI 5316 - Assessing Learning in Informal Science Settings 3 Semester Credit Hours Theoretical underpinnings of assessment in informal settings and the diversity and complexity of assessing science learning in informal contexts. |
EDCI 5320 - Curriculum Theory: Foundations 3 Semester Credit Hours Fundamental bases for curriculum development. |
EDCI 5321 - Curriculum Theory: Design and Development 3 Semester Credit Hours Principles of curriculum needs assessment, design, implementation, and evaluation. |
EDCI 5330 - Ethics and Education 3 Semester Credit Hours A critical study of ethical theories and their implications for teaching and the teaching profession. |
EDCI 5333 - Improving the Teaching of Thinking 3 Semester Credit Hours Provides an instructional framework for teaching specific thinking skills and for developing and nurturing the teaching of skillful and reflective thinking in all content areas (K-12). |
EDCI 5335 - Models of Teaching 3 Semester Credit Hours Selected models of or approaches to teaching are described, demonstrated, and practiced. Emphasis is placed on expanding the repertoire of teaching skills. |
EDCI 5362 - Curriculum and the Media 3 Semester Credit Hours Investigates popular media and its role in development of relevant curriculum. Educators gain knowledge and skills for communicating educational issues in public environments. |
EDCI 5371 - Curriculum and Instruction in Sciences and Math Education 3 Semester Credit Hours Guides exploration of science and mathematics curricula: what it is, who writes it, who makes decisions about it, who field tests it, what content should be learned, and how teachers can prepare for proper enactment. |
EDCI 5372 - Assessment Issues in Science and Math Education 3 Semester Credit Hours Guides exploration of current issues related to assessment, multiple dimensions of assessment, and the processes of assessment in mathematics and science education. |
EDCI 5373 - Designing Project-Enhanced Environments for Science and Mathematics 3:3:0 Semester Credit Hours Introduces interdisciplinary pedagogies, technological tools, instructional strategies, and appropriate assessments for designing and developing project-enhanced environments in science and mathematics classrooms. |
EDCI 5375 - Creativity in the Curriculum 3 Semester Credit Hours A critical exploration of the trends, issues, and multiple perspectives related to creativity; its importance to individuals, groups, and society; and its place in cross-disciplinary curricula. Development of an informed position and curriculum recommendations. |
EDCI 5377 - Technology in Science/Math Education 3 Semester Credit Hours Explores the use of technology to promote science, mathematics, and integrated learning with a focus on current research. |
EDCI 5380 - Action Research I 3 Semester Credit Hours Fundamentals of quantitative and qualitative design. Students write a literature review and design an original action research project. |
EDCI 5386 - Constructivist Inquiry Methodologies in Curriculum and Instruction 3 Semester Credit Hours Explores various constructivist research methodologies vital to research in educational settings. Narrative, autoethnography, action research, interactionism, and other theoretical approaches are explored and practiced. |
EDCI 6000 - Master’s Thesis V1-12 Semester Credit Hours |
EDCI 6303 - Inquiry into Teacher Education 3 Semester Credit Hours Examines issues, questions, and trends of teacher education and their social, historical, and theoretical backgrounds using different forms of literature in the field. |
EDCI 6304 - Comparative Study in Curriculum, Teaching, and Teacher Learning 3 Semester Credit Hours Compares issues of curriculum, teaching, and teacher learning across different countries and examines the purposes, theories, methodology, and policy implication of such comparisons. |
EDCI 6306 - Advanced Seminar in Curriculum and Instruction 3 Semester Credit Hours Critical analysis and design of research in selected curriculum areas. May be repeated for credit. |
EDCI 6320 - Curriculum Theory: Inquiry 3 Semester Credit Hours Antecedents of contemporary curriculum paradigms; relationships among curriculum, instruction, and society; tactics and models of curriculum analysis and criticism. |
EDCI 6331 - John Dewey’s Theory of Education 3 Semester Credit Hours A critical analysis of John Dewey’s theory of education, pedagogy, and curriculum. |
EDCI 6332 - Advanced Study in Teacher Education Practices 3 Semester Credit Hours Engages doctoral students in developing questions, a literature base, and methods; and completing a research report on a particular issue important to teacher education practices. |
EDCI 6333 - Diversity Ideologies: Implications for Schooling 3 Semester Credit Hours Examines the origin, purpose, disciplinary orientation, and ideological positions of diversity theoretical perspectives. |
EDCI 6382 - Advanced Field Methods in Constructivist Inquiry 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: One of EPSY 5382 , EPSY 6304 , EDCI 5386 , ANTH 5305 , SOC 5394 , ART 5364 , ENGL 5389 , HIST 5303 , AGED 5302 , COMS 5301 , FCSE 5304 , HDFS 5351 or HDFS 6366 , MFT 5351 , NURS 5391 (TTU Health Sciences Center course). Advanced course investigating methods used in constructivist inquiry. Students will complete three studies using observations, interviews, and documents culminating in a completed case study. |
EDCI 6392 - Advanced Practicum in Mentoring 3 Semester Credit Hours A supervised lab or field experience in a mentoring curricular area. Includes assessment, planning, instruction, and evaluation. |
EDCI 6393 - Advanced Practicum in Curriculum and Instruction 3 Semester Credit Hours A supervised laboratory or field experience in a curricular area; includes assessment, planning, instruction, and evaluation. May be repeated for credit. |
EDCI 6395 - Advanced Seminar: Best Practices in Mentoring 3 Semester Credit Hours Critical analysis and design of research in selected curriculum areas of induction training and support. |
EDCI 7000 - Research V1-12 Semester Credit Hours |
EDCI 8000 - Doctor’s Dissertation V1-12 Semester Credit Hours |
Elementary Education (Undergraduate Courses) |
EDEL 2300 - Schools, Society, and Diversity 3 Semester Credit Hours TCCNS: [EDUC 1301, 1325] Historical, philosophical, sociological, and ideologic foundations of education: Purposes and roles of schools in a pluralistic society. Contemporary issues and reform trends in American public schools. Fulfills multicultural requirement. |
EDEL 3099 - Independent Study V1-3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Independent study of special aspects or topics of elementary education. May be repeated for up to 3 hours credit. |
EDEL 3100 - Introduction to Teaching I 1 Semester Credit Hours Introduces teacher education students to fundamentals of teaching, including teaching ethics and principles and state and national standards for student learning. |
EDEL 3200 - Introduction to Teaching II 2 Semester Credit Hours Introduces teacher education students to fundamentals of teaching, including instructional planning and assessment. |
EDEL 3300 - Introduction to Teaching 3 Semester Credit Hours Provides new teacher candidates information, access, and skills needed to successfully complete the teacher education program. |
EDEL 4000 - Student Teaching Elementary Level V1-12 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: Attainment of admission standards to student teaching. Supervised teaching involving a period of major responsibility for instruction and learning in an elementary classroom of an accredited school. Course graded credit (CR) or no credit (NC). |
EDEL 4330 - Capstone Course 3 Semester Credit Hours Emphasizes diagnostic teaching and learning, philosophies of education, current issues, classroom organization, professional portfolios, and teacher assessment. (Writing Intensive) |
EDEL 4360 - Teaching Social Studies 3 Semester Credit Hours Design and organization of content, materials, and instructional strategies for social studies programs in elementary schools. Field-based course. |
EDEL 4370 - Teaching Mathematics 3 Semester Credit Hours Application of content, materials, and instructional strategies in teaching elementary school mathematics. Field-based course. |
EDEL 4375 - Teaching Science 3 Semester Credit Hours Methodology of teaching appropriate science learning experiences to elementary school children. Field-based course. |
EDEL 4393 - Internship in Elementary Education I 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: Admission to teacher education. Directed experiences in various roles at the elementary level. |
EDEL 4394 - Internship in Elementary Education II 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: C or better in EDEL 4393 and admission to teacher education. Directed experiences in various roles at the elementary school level. |
Elementary Education (Graduate Courses) |
EDEL 5360 - Developing Social Studies Programs in Elementary Education 3 Semester Credit Hours Objectives, patterns, and principles of organization of social studies in the elementary schools. |
EDEL 5370 - Developing Mathematics Programs in Elementary Education 3 Semester Credit Hours The development of arithmetic and its educative function in the elementary school curriculum. |
EDEL 5375 - Developing Science Programs in the Elementary School 3 Semester Credit Hours Methods and materials for helping children develop an understanding of their natural and physical environments. |
EDEL 6306 - Studies in Elementary Education 3 Semester Credit Hours Trends in modern elementary education. |
EDEL 6360 - Studies in Social Studies Education 3 Semester Credit Hours In-depth studies of research and instructional practices pertaining to social studies education. May be repeated for credit. |
EDEL 6370 - Studies in Mathematics Education 3 Semester Credit Hours In-depth studies of research and instructional practices pertaining to mathematics education. May be repeated for credit. |
EDEL 6375 - Studies in Science Education 3 Semester Credit Hours May be repeated for credit. |
EDEL 7000 - Research V1-12 Semester Credit Hours |
EDEL 8000 - Doctor’s Dissertation V1-12 Semester Credit Hours |
Higher Education (Undergraduate Courses) |
EDHE 4001 - Higher Education Practicum V1-6 Semester Credit Hours Supervised practice in the profession of student affairs with an emphasis on real-world settings in higher education. May be repeated for credit. |
Higher Education (Graduate Courses) |
EDHE 5001 - Seminar in Higher Education V1-6 Semester Credit Hours A special topics course designed to acquaint students with current research, theory, policies, and/or practices in higher education. May be repeated for credit. |
EDHE 5300 - The History of Higher Education in the United States 3 Semester Credit Hours An examination of the development of the American system of higher education, its origin, major characteristics, trends, and distinctive features. |
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