Civil Engineering (Graduate Courses) |
CE 5356 - Sustainable Material Systems and Engineering Design 3 Semester Credit Hours Engineering design process, infrastructure systems, principles of ecology and sustainability, industrial ecology, design for sustainability, sustainability metrics, material selection, material flow, life-cycle assessment, design project. |
CE 5360 - Open Channel Hydraulics 3 Semester Credit Hours Channel geometry and parameters. Uniform and varied flow. |
CE 5361 - Surface Water Hydrology 3 Semester Credit Hours Advanced study of hydrologic cycle: hydrologic abstractions, surface-runoff mechanics, hydrographs, baseflow separation, data analysis, reservoir and channel routing, and an introduction to rainfall-runoff modeling. |
CE 5362 - Surface Water Modeling 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: CE 5360 or instructor consent. Theory and application of one-dimensional hydrodynamics models. Theory and application of watershed models. |
CE 5363 - Groundwater Hydrology 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Groundwater flow; well hydraulics, development, and management of groundwater resources; water quality; mathematical modeling with available software. Design of wells and well fields. |
CE 5364 - Groundwater Transport Phenomena 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Study of sources and fates of contamination in groundwater. Mathematical modeling of reactive and nonreactive pollutant movement. Aquifer restoration strategies. |
CE 5366 - Water Resources Management 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Models and other technical elements of water resources systems in context of the political, social, and other environments in which they exist. |
CE 5368 - Surface Water Quality Modeling 3 Semester Credit Hours Contaminant transport and fate in surface water. Engineering methods assessing surface water and transport for water and sediment quality. Modeling dissolved oxygen, chemicals, water-borne substances. |
CE 5371 - Advanced Geometric Design of Highways 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Advanced study of geometric design of highways and streets, signage and marking of roadways. Advanced instruction in the application of computer software in highway design. |
CE 5372 - Advanced Traffic Engineering I: Highway Capacity Analysis 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: CE 4361 or instructor consent. Study of the concepts and methodologies for assessing the capacity and level of service of various surface transportation facilities. |
CE 5373 - Advanced Traffic Engineering II: Traffic Flow Theory and Control 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: CE 5372 . Fundamentals of macro and microscopic traffic flow characteristics, continuum flow models, control of signalized intersections, and traffic simulation. |
CE 5383 - Bioremediation of Wastes in Soil Systems 3 Semester Credit Hours Factors impacting microbiological treatment of organic wastes in surface and subsurface soil environments will be examined for implications in system design and operation. |
CE 5385 - Micro Applications in Environmental Engineering 3 Semester Credit Hours Presents information regarding bacterial cell structure and microbial genetics: metabolism and the role of microbes in the design of treatment process; and water/wastewater reuse issues. |
CE 5391 - Advanced Water Treatment 3 Semester Credit Hours Water chemistry and microbiology; design procedures for municipal water treatment; advanced methods for quality control, renovation, and reuse. |
CE 5393 - Unit Processes Laboratory 3 Semester Credit Hours Demonstrates fundamental equilibrium, kinetic and transport processes to describe basic environmental systems and processes, including design of an experiment relating to these concepts and analysis of data using appropriate models. |
CE 5394 - Natural Systems for Wastewater Treatment 3 Semester Credit Hours Examination of tertiary systems for municipal wastewater; natural systems (land application, wetlands, and aquaculture) and modular facilities incorporating unit operations, biological, and chemical processes. |
CE 5395 - Solid and Hazardous Waste Treatment 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Treatment and disposal of municipal and industrial solid and hazardous wastes. |
CE 6000 - Master’s Thesis V1-6 Semester Credit Hours |
CE 6330 - Master’s Report 3 Semester Credit Hours |
CE 7000 - Research V1-12 Semester Credit Hours |
CE 8000 - Doctor’s Dissertation V1-12 Semester Credit Hours |
Community, Family, and Addiction Services (Undergraduate Courses) |
CFAS 2300 - Communication, Civility, and Ethics 3 Semester Credit Hours Provides students with a basic understanding of proper communication, civility, and ethics within professional and personal settings. Fulfills core Communication (Oral) requirement. |
CFAS 2301 - Introduction to Community, Family, and Addiction Services 3 Semester Credit Hours Introduction to the field of community, family, and addiction services, including an overview of family systems theory and its applications. |
CFAS 2360 - Diversity in Community, Family, and Addiction Services 3 Semester Credit Hours Focuses on the interrelationships of race, class, and gender and their impact on community, family, and addiction services. Fulfills multicultural requirement. |
CFAS 4000 - Individual Study in CFAS V1-6 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: GPA of 2.5, and written consent of supervising faculty member. Teaching assistantship, independent coursework, or student-initiated projects. May be repeated once for credit. |
CFAS 4300 - Coaching Leaders 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: CFAS 2301 , 2.5 GPA, junior or senior standing. Theories of leadership training and personal and professional development are presented with the goal of developing and cultivating effective leadership relationships within teams and other organizational groups. |
CFAS 4314 - Practicum in CFAS 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: CFAS 2301 with a grade of C or higher, 2.5 GPA, and consent of instructor. This practicum provides students with experience in administrative and organizational functioning as well as the policies and procedures of agencies servicing families and the community. |
CFAS 4320 - Research in Community, Family, and Addiction Services 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: CFAS 2301 with a grade of C or higher, 2.5 GPA, and consent of instructor. Supervised faculty-initiated research experience in selected areas. May be repeated once for credit. |
CFAS 4330 - Administration in Community, Family, and Addiction Service 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: CFAS 2301 with a grade of C or higher and 2.5 GPA. Includes approaches to organizational management and intervention, strategic planning, team building, supervision, and basic financial considerations. |
CFAS 4331 - Introduction to Marriage and Family Therapy 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: 2.5 GPA. An overview of the history, conceptual foundations, clinical methods, research literature, scope, and future trends of marriage and family therapy. |
CFAS 4380 - Development and Evaluation of CFAS Programs 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: CFAS 2301 with a grade of C or higher and 2.5 GPA. Approaches to program development in community settings, needs assessment, and evaluation. (Writing Intensive) |
CFAS 4390 - Senior Seminar in CFAS 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: C or better in ENGL 2311 , CFAS 2301 , CFAS 4380 ; 2.5 GPA. Capstone experience in grant writing and board/community/staff management. Includes final preparation of grant proposal for a community agency. (Writing Intensive) |
Chemical Engineering (Undergraduate Courses) |
CHE 1121 - Chemical Engineering Seminar 1 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: For chemical engineering majors only. Readings and discussion of the chemical engineering profession; history, ethics, career paths, and research opportunities. |
CHE 1305 - Engineering Analysis I 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: CHE 1121 or departmental approval. Prerequisite or corequisite: MATH 1451 . Synthesis and analysis of typical engineering problems emphasizing the use of computing tools, spreadsheet and compiler programming. |
CHE 2306 - Exposition of Technical Information 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: ENGL 1302 . Organization and presentation of experimental data, and research interpretation and conclusions. Computer-aided preparation of engineering reports. Fulfills core Communication (Oral) requirement. (Writing Intensive) |
CHE 2410 - Introduction to Chemical Process 4 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites:CHEM 1305 , CHEM 1307 , ENGL 1301 , MATH 1451 , PHYS 1408 (concurrent enrollment allowed), and CHE 1121 . Units and conversions, process variables, material and energy balances, process flow sheet analysis, phase equilibrium, elementary transient balances. |
CHE 2421 - Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics I 4 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: CHE 2410 . Prerequisite or corequisite: MATH 2450 . Properties of pure substances, ideal gas behavior, heat effects in industrial reactions, first and second law analyses, energy conversion and power cycles. |
CHE 3232 - Chemical Engineering Transport Laboratory 2 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: CHE 2306 , CHE 3315 , and CHE 3326 . Prerequisite or corequisite: CHE 3341 . Experiments in mass, momentum, and heat transport; statistical analysis of data. (Writing Intensive) |
CHE 3315 - Fluid Mechanics 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: 2.5 TTU GPA; C or better in MATH 3350 (concurrent enrollment allowed) and CHE 2410 . Principles of momentum transport. Application to laminar and turbulent flow, metering, porous media, and settling. |
CHE 3322 - Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: C or better in CHE 2421 , CHE 2410 , and CHEM 3305 concurrent enrollment allowed), and MATH 3350 . Solution thermodynamics, phase and chemical equilibria, analysis of processes. |
CHE 3323 - Chemical Reaction Engineering 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: CHE 3322 and CHE 3326 . An introduction to the kinetics of chemical conversion processes and the design of chemical reactors. |
CHE 3326 - Heat Transfer 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: CHE 2421 and MATH 3350 . Principles of energy transport. Application to heat conduction, convection, and radiation. Design and performance of heat exchangers and furnaces. |
CHE 3330 - Engineering Materials Science 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: CHE 2421 , CHEM 1308 , and MATH 1452 . Engineering properties of metals, ceramics, and polymers; molecular, crystal, and microstructure configurations; selection of materials for applications. |
CHE 3341 - Mass-Transfer Operations 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite:CHE 3322 . Theory and practice of mass transfer. Particular emphasis on the operations of distillation, absorption, and extraction. |
CHE 4000 - Special Problems in Chemical Engineering V1-6 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: Departmental approval. Individual studies in chemical engineering areas of special interest. May be repeated for credit. |
CHE 4121 - Chemical Engineering Research Seminar 1 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: Senior standing in chemical engineering. External speakers focus on their current research in chemical engineering and related fields. |
CHE 4153 - Process Control Laboratory 1 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: CHE 4353 . Experiments with control equipment and the minicomputer. Professional practice course. |
CHE 4232 - Unit Operations Laboratory 2 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: CHE 3232 and senior standing in chemical engineering. Laboratory experiments illustrating the basic principles of unit operations. Includes instruction on experimental methods, equipment scale up, and technical communication. (Writing Intensive) |
CHE 4315 - Experimental Techniques in Fluid Dynamics 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: CHE 3315 . Prerequsite or corequisite: CHE 3232 . Experimental techniques for fluid dynamics, including flow visualization, fluid characterization, image processing and analysis. Analytical modeling and statistical treatment of experimental data. Significant laboratory component. |
CHE 4322 - Chemical Engineering Review 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: 2.5 TTU GPA; senior standing in chemical engineering, C or better in IE 2324 . Corequisite: CHE 4353 . Review of chemical engineering and science courses. Preparation for Chemical Engineering FE exam. Design and computer simulation of process units. |
CHE 4340 - Polymer Processing 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: CHE 3315 . Structure, processing, and properties for industrial plastics processing operations, including extrusion, mixing, calendaring, blow molding, thermoforming, fiber spinning, compression molding, injection molding, and recycling. |
CHE 4341 - Polymerization Engineering 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: CHEM 3305 and MATH 2450 . Polymerization reactions, mechanisms and kinetics, control of properties through reaction and processing, polymerization reactor and process design, degradation reactions. |
CHE 4342 - Polymer Physics and Engineering 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: CHE 3330 . Fundamentals of polymer science and engineering. Solution properties, chain conformation and molecular mass characterization. Rubber elasticity and vicoelastic behavior. Crystalline polymers and morphology. |
CHE 4344 - Polymers and Materials Laboratory 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite or corequisite: CHE 3330 , or ME 3311 . Synthesis and properties of materials including polymers, polymerization, transitions, phase separation, mechanical properties, and processing. |
CHE 4346 - Polymer Viscoelasticity 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: MATH 3350 and CHE 3330 or consent of instructor. Linear viscoelasticity, Boltzmann superposition, experimental methods, molecular theory, and mechanical properties of solid polymers. |
CHE 4353 - Process Control 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: Senior standing; CHE 3315 , CHE 3341 , CHE 3323 ; MATH 3350 or MATH 3354 . Study of the principles of process dynamics and control and their applications to feedback control. |
CHE 4356 - Process Safety 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: CHE 3315 and CHE 3341 or consent of instructor. Introduction to hazards associated with chemical, physical, and biological processes. Prepares students for future industrial employment. |
CHE 4363 - Biochemical Engineering 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: CHE 3323 (may be taken concurrently), CHEM 3305 , MATH 2450 , PHYS 1408 . Introduction to biochemical engineering, including design of processes that involve biological organisms; cellular, molecular and tissue engineering; biomaterials and biotransport. |
CHE 4364 - Chemical Engineering Applications in Biological Systems 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: MATH 3350 or MATH 3354 . Transport phenomena and chemical reactions at the molecular and cellular level in biological systems. |
CHE 4365 - Biotransport 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: CHE 3315 , MATH 3350 or MATH 3354 , or consent of instructor. Mass and momentum transport in living systems. |
CHE 4366 - Biomicrofluidics 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: CHE 3315 . Fluid phenomena at small scales. Science and engineering of miniaturized lab-on-chip devices for applications in chemical, biomolecular, and cellular analysis. |
CHE 4372 - Engineering Experimentation 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: Senior standing in science or engineering. Strategy in experimentation; planning efficient experiments; analysis of data and interpretation and presentation of results; and Six Sigma methodology. |
CHE 4381 - Numerical Techniques for Chemical Engineering Problems 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: MATH 3350 . Numerical methods for integration, solution of systems of algebraic equations, initial- and boundary-value problems, and optimization. |
CHE 4385 - Bioprocess Control 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: MATH 3350 or MATH 3354 and CHE 4353 or consent of instructor. Problems and solutions associated with optimization and control of bioprocesses. |
CHE 4391 - Chemical Engineering Application in Energy Science 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: Senior standing in chemical engineering. An introduction to conventional and renewable energy sources with an emphasis on chemical engineering applications, enhanced oil recovery techniques, and renewable energy technologies. |
CHE 4392 - Entrepreneurship for Chemical Engineers 3 Semester Credit Hours Business plan preparation, types of enterprises and initial steps including key permits necessary to start a chemical engineering enterprise. |
CHE 4393 - Colloid Science and Engineering 3 Semester Credit Hours Pre-requisite: Senior standing in CHE. Introduction to fundamentals of colloid science, interfacial phenomena, suspensions and complex fluids, engineering and assembly of colloidal materials, and enhanced oil recovery. |
CHE 4455 - Chemical Process Design and Simulation 4 Semester Credit Hours Prequisites:C or better in CHE 3322 , CHE 3341 , CHE 4353 , CHE 4322 ; IE 2324 . Design of chemical processes and equipment using computer simulation, flow sheeting, optimization and process synthesis techniques. |
CHE 4555 - Chemical Process Design and Simulation 5 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisites: CHE 3323 , CHE 3341 , CHE 4322 , CHE 4353 , IE 2324 . Design of chemical processes and equipment using computer simulation, flow sheeting, optimization, and process synthesis techniques. (Writing Intensive) |
Chemical Engineering (Graduate Courses) |
CHE 5000 - Advanced Topics in Chemical Engineering V1-6 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: Approval of department chairperson. Individual study of topics of current interest under the guidance of a member of the staff. May be repeated for credit on different topics. |
CHE 5310 - Advanced Chemical Engineering Techniques 3 Semester Credit Hours Application of ordinary and partial differential equations for solution of mass, momentum, and/or energy transfer and transport problems. Primary emphasis is on the mathematical analysis of unsteady state systems and chemical-reaction systems: models, solutions, and model validation. One of five courses required in the master’s program. |
CHE 5312 - Fluid Transport Principles and Analysis 3 Semester Credit Hours Fundamental relations governing mass, momentum, and energy transfer within fluids, with special emphasis on simultaneous transport, process applications, and numerical methods of analysis. One of five courses required in the master’s program. |
CHE 5315 - Experimental Techniques in Fluid Dynamics 3 Semester Credit Hours Experimental techniques for fluid dynamics, including flow visualization, fluid characterization, image processing and analysis. Analytical modeling and statistical treatment of experimental data. Significant laboratory component. |
CHE 5321 - Advanced Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 3 Semester Credit Hours In-depth study of fundamental laws of thermodynamics, property relations for pure material and mixtures, and phase and chemical equilibrium principles. One of five courses required in the master’s program. |
CHE 5323 - Digital Computation for Chemical Engineers 3 Semester Credit Hours The development of current numerical methods for application to modeling of chemical engineering systems. Primary emphasis is placed upon steady state and unsteady state chemical reaction systems. One of five courses required in the master’s program. |
CHE 5340 - Polymer Processing 3 Semester Credit Hours Polymer processing and fabrication technology for thermoplastic and thermoset polymers. The science and art of manufacturing with plastic materials. |
CHE 5341 - Polymer Chemistry and Processing 3 Semester Credit Hours Polymerization reactions, mechanisms, and kinetics, large-scale synthesis, scope of polymer processing, and fabrication technology. |
CHE 5342 - Polymer Physics and Engineering 3 Semester Credit Hours Fundamentals of polymer science and engineering. Solution properties, chain conformation and molecular mass characterization. Rubber elasticity and viscoelastic behavior. Crystalline polymers and morphology. |
CHE 5343 - Reaction Kinetics 3 Semester Credit Hours Analysis and design of chemical reactor operations with multiple reactions; semibatch operations and other complex reactor configurations. Determination of kinetic parameters from operating data. Economic-based optimization, characterization and modeling of non-ideal reactors. One of five courses required in the master’s program. |
CHE 5344 - Polymers and Materials Laboratory 3 Semester Credit Hours Synthesis and properties of materials, including polymers, polymerization, transitions, phase separation, mechanical properties, and processing. |
CHE 5346 - Polymer Viscoelasticity 3 Semester Credit Hours Linear viscoelasticity, Boltzmann superposition, experimental methods, molecular theory, and mechanical properties of solid polymers. |
CHE 5347 - Polymer Crystallization and Morphology 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: C or better in CHE 5342 . Structure and properties in semicrystalline polymers; mechanisms, thermodynamics, and kinetics of crystallization; morphology and crystal structure; thermal analysis, X-ray diffraction, and FTIR spectroscopy. |
CHE 5348 - Materials Applications for Scanning Probe Microscopy 3 Semester Credit Hours The science and technology of scanning probe techniques, including scanning tunneling microscopy, near field scanning optical microscopy, and atomic force microscopy, applied to materials characterication. |
CHE 5363 - Biochemical Engineering 3 Semester Credit Hours Introduction to biochemical reaction engineering and separations. Kinetics of biomass and product information and substrate utilization. Biotransport phenomena, bioenergetics, downstream separation, and purification process. |
CHE 5364 - Chemical Engineering Applications in Biological Systems 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: MATH 3350 or MATH 3354 . Transport phenomena and chemical reactions at the molecular and cellular level in biological systems. |
CHE 5365 - Biotransport 3 Semester Credit Hours Mass and momentum transport in living systems. |
CHE 5366 - Biomicrofluidics 3 Semester Credit Hours Fluid phenomena at small scales. Science and engineering of miniaturized lab-on-chip devices for applications in chemical, biomolecular, and cellular analysis. |
CHE 5372 - Engineering Experimentation 3 Semester Credit Hours Course emphasizes strategy in experimentation, planning efficient experiments, analyzing and interpreting data, presenting results, and Six Sigma methodology. |
CHE 5381 - Molecular Thermodynamics for Chemical Engineering 3 Semester Credit Hours Prerequisite: CHE 5321 . Molecular theories for properties of gases and condensed phase systems. Emphasis will be on free energy changes, phase equilibria, and transport properties. |
CHE 5382 - Methods of Molecular Simulations 3 Semester Credit Hours Theory and applications of computational methods for simulating the statistical mechanics of complex molecular systems. Discusses thermodynamic, transport, and dynamic properties. |
CHE 5385 - Bioprocess Control 3 Semester Credit Hours Problems and solutions associated with optimization and control of bioprocesses. |
CHE 5391 - Chemical Engineering Application in Energy Science 3 Semester Credit Hours An introduction to conventional and renewable energy sources with an emphasis on chemical engineering applications, enhanced oil recovery techniques, and renewable energy technologies. |
CHE 5392 - Entrepreneurship for Chemical Engineers 3 Semester Credit Hours Business plan preparation, types of enterprises and initial steps including key permits necessary to start a chemical engineering enterprise. |
CHE 5393 - Colloid Science and Engineering 3 Semester Credit Hours Introduction to fundamentals of colloid science, interfacial phenomena, suspensions and complex fluids, engineering and assembly of colloidal materials, and enhanced oil recovery. |
CHE 5635 - Advanced Topics in Transport Phenomena 6 Semester Credit Hours Current research topics in transport phenomena, including turbulent flow characterization, atmospheric chemistry and transport, and rheology, with an emphasis on computational modeling. |
CHE 6000 - Master’s Thesis V1-12 Semester Credit Hours |
CHE 7000 - Research V1-12 Semester Credit Hours |
CHE 7121 - Doctoral Seminar 1 Semester Credit Hours Open discussions of recent advanced findings in any field of endeavor, with special attention to their relationship to the philosophy of chemical engineering. May be repeated for credit. |
CHE 7122 - Polymer and Materials Seminar 1 Semester Credit Hours Discussion and presentation of current research. |
CHE 7123 - Bioengineering Seminar 1 Semester Credit Hours Discussion and presentation of current research in bioengineering. |
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