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Student ID:__________________________ Student Name:_______________________ Advisor Name:_______________________ Catalog: 2016-2017 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog Program: Core Curriculum Requirement Effective Fall 2014 Minimum Credits Required:__________________

Core Curriculum Requirement Effective Fall 2014

The core curriculum is designed to expose all Texas Tech University graduates to areas of study that are traditionally regarded as basic to the intellectual development of a broadly educated person. These areas of study include: life and physical sciences; social and behavioral sciences; mathematics; language, philosophy, and culture; creative arts; American history; political science/government; and the tools of communication and thought. The Texas Tech University core curriculum complies with Texas statutes and Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board rules. Students should refer to college and department degree requirements when choosing core curriculum courses.


A. Communication: 9 hours

Courses in this core component area focus on developing ideas and expressing them clearly, considering the effect of the message, fostering understanding, and building the skills needed to maximize the potential for effecting change through communication. Courses involve the command of oral, aural, written, and visual literacy skills that enable people to exchange messages appropriate to the subject, occasion, and audience.

Students graduating from Texas Tech University should be able to develop ideas and express them clearly, considering the effect of the message, fostering understanding, and building the skills needed to communicate effectively.

1. Written Communication: 6 hours

Course NameSemester Credit HoursTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
ENGL 1301 - Essentials of College Rhetoric
3 Semester Credit Hours
ENGL 1302 - Advanced College Rhetoric
3 Semester Credit Hours

2. Oral Communication: 3 hours

Course NameSemester Credit HoursTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
CFAS 2300 - Communication, Civility, and Ethics 3 Semester Credit Hours
CHE 2306 - Exposition of Technical Information 3 Semester Credit Hours
COMS 2300 - Public Speaking
3 Semester Credit Hours
COMS 2358 - Speaking for Business 3 Semester Credit Hours
ENGR 2331 - Professional Communication for Engineers 3 Semester Credit Hours
MCOM 2310 - Business and Professional Communication 3 Semester Credit Hours


In addition to the 6 hours of composition and rhetoric, a writing-across-the-curriculum requirement includes 6 hours of writing intensive courses in each degree plan.

B. Mathematics: 6 hours

Courses in this core component area focus on quantitative literacy in logic, patterns and relationships. Courses involve the understanding of key mathematical concepts and the application of appropriate quantitative tools to everyday experience.

Students graduating from Texas Tech University should demonstrate the ability to apply quantitative and logical skills to solve problems.

1. Mathematics: 3 hours

Course NameSemester Credit HoursTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
MATH 1300 - Contemporary Mathematics
3 Semester Credit Hours
MATH 1320 - College Algebra
3 Semester Credit Hours
MATH 1321 - Trigonometry
3 Semester Credit Hours
MATH 1330 - Introductory Mathematical Analysis I
3 Semester Credit Hours
MATH 1331 - Introductory Mathematical Analysis II
TCCNS: MATH1325, 1425
3 Semester Credit Hours
MATH 1350 - Analytical Geometry
TCCNS: MATH2312, 2412
3 Semester Credit Hours
MATH 1420 - College Algebra With Review
4 Semester Credit Hours
MATH 1430 - Introductory Mathematical Analysis With Review 4 Semester Credit Hours
MATH 1451 - Calculus I With Applications
4 Semester Credit Hours
MATH 1452 - Calculus II With Applications
4 Semester Credit Hours
MATH 1550 - Precalculus 5 Semester Credit Hours
MATH 2300 - Statistical Methods
TCCNS: MATH1342, 1442, 2342, 2442
3 Semester Credit Hours
MATH 2345 - Introduction to Statistics with Application to Business 3 Semester Credit Hours
MATH 2370 - Elementary Analysis I
3 Semester Credit Hours
MATH 2371 - Elementary Analysis II 3 Semester Credit Hours

2. Mathematics or Logic: 3 hours

Any of the mathematics courses listed above or

Course NameSemester Credit HoursTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
AAEC 2401 - Agricultural Statistics 4 Semester Credit Hours
PHIL 2310 - Logic
3 Semester Credit Hours
PSY 2400 - Statistical Methods 4 Semester Credit Hours


MATH 1351, MATH 1352, and MATH 2350 were 3-hour calculus courses that have been replaced by 4-hour courses: MATH 1451, MATH 1452 and MATH 2450. Any 3-hour calculus course taken prior to fall 2012 will satisfy all calculus and prerequisite requirements that now require 4-hour courses.

Cannot receive credit for both MATH 1320 and MATH 1420.

Cannot receive credit for both MATH 1330 and MATH 1430.

Students may use only one of MATH 2300, MATH 2345, AAEC 2401, or PSY 2400 to satisfy the mathematics and logic requirements.

C. Life and Physical Sciences: 8 hours (Two 3 hour lecture classes, each with a related 1-hour laboratory class)

The state of Texas requires that all students complete six credit hours in the Life and Physical Sciences area. Texas Tech University has an additional, two credit hour laboratory science requirement that is not included in the state’s requirement. Courses that fulfill this institutional requirement are indicated with a ‡ symbol. The total, eight credit hour Life and Physical Sciences requirement  can be satisfied by taking two four hour combined lecture and lab science courses (for example, BIOL 1401 and 1402) or two 3-hour science lecture courses along with the accompanying laboratory courses (for example,  ATMO 1300 and ATMO 1100,  GEOL 1303 and GEOL 1101). It is also permissible to take one 4-hour science course and one 3-hour science course along with the accompanying laboratory course (such as BIOL 1401 and ATMO 1300 with ATMO 1100). Credit toward the science laboratory requirement is not granted for laboratory courses that do not share the same course prefix as the lecture course taken to satisfy a portion of the life and physical sciences core requirement.

For information about how transfer students who present 3-hour science courses may complete the science laboratory requirement see “Science Laboratory Requirement” .

Course NameSemester Credit HoursTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
ANSC 1401 - General Animal Science
TCCNS: [AGRI 1419]
4 Semester Credit Hours
ANTH 2100 - Physical Anthropology Laboratory 1 Semester Credit Hours
ANTH 2300 - Physical Anthropology
3 Semester Credit Hours
ASTR 1400 - Solar System Astronomy
TCCNS: [PHYS 1304, 1401+1101, 1403; ASTR 1304+1104, 1401, 1404]
4 Semester Credit Hours
ASTR 1401 - Stellar Astronomy
TCCNS: [PHYS 1303, 1303+1103, 1403; ASTR 1303+1103, 1401, 1403]
4 Semester Credit Hours
ATMO 1100 - Atmospheric Science Laboratory
TCCNS: [GEOL 1147, 1447]
1 Semester Credit Hours
ATMO 1300 - Introduction to Atmospheric Science
TCCNS: [GEOL 1347, 1447]
3 Semester Credit Hours
BIOL 1305 - Ecology and Environmental Problems
TCCNS: [BIOL 2306, 2406, ENVR 1301, 1401]
3 Semester Credit Hours
BIOL 1113 - Environmental Problems Laboratory
TCCNS: [ENVR 1101]
1 Semester Credit Hours
BIOL 1401 - Biology of Plants
TCCNS: [BIOL 1311+1111, 1411]
4 Semester Credit Hours
BIOL 1402 - Biology of Animals
TCCNS: [BIOL 1313+1113, 1413]
4 Semester Credit Hours
CHEM 1301 - Introductory Chemistry 3 Semester Credit Hours
CHEM 1305 - Chemical Basics
TCCNS: [CHEM 1305, 1405]
3 Semester Credit Hours
CHEM 1105 - Experimental Chemical Basics
TCCNS: [CHEM 1105, 1405]
1 Semester Credit Hours
CHEM 1306 - Chemistry That Matters
TCCNS: [CHEM 1307, 1407]
3 Semester Credit Hours
CHEM 1106 - Chemistry Experiments That Matter
TCCNS: [CHEM 1107, 1407]
1 Semester Credit Hours
CHEM 1307 - Principles of Chemistry I
TCCNS: [CHEM 1311, 1411]
3 Semester Credit Hours
CHEM 1107 - Experimental Principles of Chemistry I
TCCNS: [CHEM 1111, 1411]
1 Semester Credit Hours
CHEM 1308 - Principles of Chemistry II
TCCNS: [CHEM 1312, 1412]
3 Semester Credit Hours
CHEM 1108 - Experimental Principles of Chemistry II
TCCNS: [CHEM 1112, 1412]
1 Semester Credit Hours
GEOG 1401 - Physical Geography
4 Semester Credit Hours
GEOL 1101 - Physical Geology Laboratory
1 Semester Credit Hours
GEOL 1303 - Physical Geology
3 Semester Credit Hours
HONS 2405 - Honors Integrated Science I 4 Semester Credit Hours
HONS 2406 - Honors Integrated Science II 4 Semester Credit Hours
NRM 1401 - Introduction to Natural Resources Management 4 Semester Credit Hours
NS 1410 - Science of Nutrition 4 Semester Credit Hours
PHYS 1401 - Physics for Non-Science Majors
TCCNS: PHYS1305+1105, 1310+1110, 1405
4 Semester Credit Hours
PHYS 1403 - General Physics I
TCCNS: PHYS1301+1101; 1401
4 Semester Credit Hours
PHYS 1404 - General Physics II
TCCNS: PHYS1302+1102; 1402
4 Semester Credit Hours
PHYS 1406 - Physics of Sound and Music 4 Semester Credit Hours
PHYS 1408 - Principles of Physics I
TCCNS: PHYS2325+2125, 2425
4 Semester Credit Hours
PHYS 2401 - Principles of Physics II
TCCNS: PHYS2326+2126, 2426
4 Semester Credit Hours
PSS 1411 - Principles of Horticulture
4 Semester Credit Hours
PSS 2401 - Introductory Entomology 4 Semester Credit Hours
ZOOL 2403 - Human Anatomy and Physiology I
TCCNS: BIOL2101+2301, 2401
4 Semester Credit Hours

D. Language, Philosophy, and Culture: 3 hours

Courses in this core component area focus on how ideas, values, beliefs, and other aspects of culture reflect and affect human experience. Courses involve the exploration of ideas that foster aesthetic and intellectual creation in order to understand the human condition across cultures.

Students graduating from Texas Tech University should be able to think critically and evaluate possible multiple interpretations, cultural and historical contexts, and values.

Course NameSemester Credit HoursTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
ANTH 2306 - Anthropology at the Movies 3 Semester Credit Hours
ARCH 2311 - History of World Architecture I
TCCNS: [ARCH 1301]
3 Semester Credit Hours
CLAS 2302 - Classical Mythology 3 Semester Credit Hours
CLAS 2303 - Sports and Public Spectacles in the Ancient World 3 Semester Credit Hours
CLAS 2304 - The Ancient World: Prophets, Warriors, Poets 3 Semester Credit Hours
CMLL 2305 - Introduction to Language and Culture 3 Semester Credit Hours
CMLL 2306 - Introduction to World Cinema 3 Semester Credit Hours
ENGL 2305 - Introduction to Poetry 3 Semester Credit Hours
ENGL 2306 - Introduction to Drama 3 Semester Credit Hours
ENGL 2307 - Introduction to Fiction 3 Semester Credit Hours
ENGL 2308 - Introduction to Nonfiction 3 Semester Credit Hours
ENGL 2351 - Introduction to Creative Writing
TCCNS: ENGL2307, 2308
3 Semester Credit Hours
ENGL 2388 - Introduction to Film Studies 3 Semester Credit Hours
ENGL 2391 - Introduction to Literary Studies 3 Semester Credit Hours
ENGR 2392 - Engineering Ethics and Its Impact on Society 3 Semester Credit Hours
EVHM 2302 - The Literature of Place 3 Semester Credit Hours
FREN 2390 - French Culture 3 Semester Credit Hours
GERM 2312 - Literature of the Holocaust 3 Semester Credit Hours
GERM 2313 - Northern Myths and Legends 3 Semester Credit Hours
HIST 1300 - Western Civilization I
3 Semester Credit Hours
HIST 1301 - Western Civilization II
3 Semester Credit Hours
HIST 2322 - World History to 1500
3 Semester Credit Hours
HIST 2323 - World History Since 1500
3 Semester Credit Hours
HONS 1301 - Honors First-Year Seminar in Humanities 3 Semester Credit Hours
HONS 2311 - Seminar in International Affairs 3 Semester Credit Hours
HUM 1300 - Humanities in the 21st Century 3 Semester Credit Hours
HUM 2301 - The Western Intellectual Tradition I
3 Semester Credit Hours
HUM 2302 - The Western Intellectual Tradition II
3 Semester Credit Hours
LARC 2302 - History of Landscape Architecture 3 Semester Credit Hours
MCOM 2330 - Media Literacy 3 Semester Credit Hours
PHIL 2300 - Beginning Philosophy
3 Semester Credit Hours
PHIL 2320 - Introduction to Ethics
3 Semester Credit Hours
PHIL 2330 - Science and Society 3 Semester Credit Hours
PHIL 2350 - World Religions and Philosophy
3 Semester Credit Hours
RUSN 2304 - Russian Culture 3 Semester Credit Hours
SLAV 2301 - The Vampire in East European and Western Culture 3 Semester Credit Hours
VPA 2301 - Critical Issues in Arts and Culture 3 Semester Credit Hours
VPA 2302 - Yoga and the Creative Arts: Philosophy and Practice 3 Semester Credit Hours
WS 2300 - Introduction to Women’s Studies 3 Semester Credit Hours

E. Creative Arts: 3 hours

Courses in this core component area focus on the appreciation and analysis of creative artifacts and works of the human imagination. Courses involve the synthesis and interpretation of artistic expression and enable critical, creative, and innovative communication about works of art.

Students graduating from Texas Tech University should be able to construct, present, and defend critical and aesthetic judgments of works in the creative arts.

Course NameSemester Credit HoursTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
ANSC 2310 - The Horse in World Art 3 Semester Credit Hours
ARCH 2315 - History of World Architecture II
TCCNS: [ARCH 1302]
3 Semester Credit Hours
ART 1309 - Art Appreciation
TCCNS: [ARTS 1301, 1313, 1413]
3 Semester Credit Hours
ARTH 1301 - Art History Survey I 3 Semester Credit Hours

TCCNS: [ARTS 1303]

ARTH 2302 - Art History Survey II 3 Semester Credit Hours

TCCNS: [ARTS 1304]

DAN 2301 - World Dance Forms 3 Semester Credit Hours
DAN 2303 - Dance Appreciation 3 Semester Credit Hours
DAN 2313 - Dance History 3 Semester Credit Hours
HONS 1304 - Honors First-Year Seminar in Fine Arts 3 Semester Credit Hours
HONS 2314 - Honors Seminar in International Cinema 3 Semester Credit Hours
ITAL 2315 - Italian Filmmakers 3 Semester Credit Hours
LARC 1302 - Introduction to Landscape Architecture 3 Semester Credit Hours
MCOM 2301 - Visual Storytelling 3 Semester Credit Hours
MUHL 1308 - Music in Western Civilization
TCCNS: MUSI1306, 1307, 1308
3 Semester Credit Hours
MUHL 2304 - History of Jazz 3 Semester Credit Hours
MUHL 2307 - Music and Globalization 3 Semester Credit Hours
MUHL 2308 - Musics of Latin America 3 Semester Credit Hours
MUHL 2310 - History of Rock and Roll 3 Semester Credit Hours
MUSI 1300 - Creating the Critical Listener 3 Semester Credit Hours
MUSI 2301 - Essential Elements of Music
3 Semester Credit Hours
MUTH 1300 - Songwriting 3 Semester Credit Hours
THA 2301 - Introduction to Acting 3 Semester Credit Hours
THA 2303 - Theatre Appreciation
3 Semester Credit Hours
THA 2304 - Introduction to Cinema
TCCNS: COMM2366; DRAM2366, 2367
3 Semester Credit Hours

F. Social and Behavioral Sciences: 3 hours

Courses in this core component area focus on the application of scientific methods in the understanding of what makes us human. Courses involve the exploration of behavior and interactions among individuals, groups, institutions, and events, examining their impact on the individual, society, and culture.

Students graduating from Texas Tech University should be able to demonstrate the ability to assess critically claims about social issues, human behavior, and diversity in human experiences.

Course NameSemester Credit HoursTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
AAEC 2305 - Fundamentals of Agricultural and Applied Economics
3 Semester Credit Hours
ADRS 2310 - Understanding Alcohol, Drugs, and Addictive Behaviors 3 Semester Credit Hours
ANTH 2301 - Introduction to Archaeology
TCCNS: ANTH 2302, 2401
3 Semester Credit Hours
ANTH 2302 - Introduction to World Cultures and Ethnology
TCCNS: ANTH 2346, 2351; HUMA 2323
3 Semester Credit Hours
ARCH 1311 - Design, Environment, and Society
TCCNS: [ARCH 1311]
3 Semester Credit Hours
CLAS 2305 - Ancient Technology 3 Semester Credit Hours
CLAS 2335 - Archaeologies of the Classical World 3 Semester Credit Hours
COMS 1301 - Interpersonal Communication
3 Semester Credit Hours
ECO 2301 - Principles of Economics I
TCCNS: [ECON 2302]
3 Semester Credit Hours
ECO 2302 - Principles of Economics II
TCCNS: [ECON 2301]
3 Semester Credit Hours
ECO 2305 - Principles of Economics 3 Semester Credit Hours
EDCI 2301 - The Education Effect: Why American K-12 Education Really Matters 3 Semester Credit Hours
EPSY 2301 - iGeneration: Living and Learning on the Internet 3 Semester Credit Hours
GEOG 2300 - Introduction to Human Geography
3 Semester Credit Hours
GEOG 2351 - Regional Geography of the World
3 Semester Credit Hours
HDFS 2303 - Life Span Human Development
3 Semester Credit Hours
HDFS 2322 - Partnering: The Development of Intimate Relationships 3 Semester Credit Hours
HONS 1303 - Honors First-Year Seminar in Social Sciences 3 Semester Credit Hours
HRDV 2303 - Diversity and Cultural Competence in the Workplace 3 Semester Credit Hours
IE 2324 - Engineering Economic Analysis 3 Semester Credit Hours
MCOM 1300 - Foundations of Media and Communication
3 Semester Credit Hours
MCOM 1301 - Introduction to Digital and Social Media 3 Semester Credit Hours
NRM 1300 - Environmental Science as a Social Pursuit 3 Semester Credit Hours
NS 2380 - Cultural Aspects of Food 3 Semester Credit Hours
PFI 1305 - Life, Love, and Money 3 Semester Credit Hours
PSY 1300 - General Psychology
3 Semester Credit Hours
SOC 1301 - Introduction to Sociology
3 Semester Credit Hours
SOC 1320 - Current Social Problems
3 Semester Credit Hours
SW 1300 - The Why and How of Social Services 3 Semester Credit Hours
WS 2305 - Intersectionalities: Race, Class, and Gender in a Global World 3 Semester Credit Hours

G. American History: 6 hours

Courses in this core component area focus on the consideration of past events relative to the United States, with the option of including Texas history for a portion of this component area. Courses involve the interaction among individuals, communities, states, the nation, and the world, considering how these interactions have contributed to the development of the United States and its global role.

Students graduating from Texas Tech University should demonstrate an understanding of the historical origins of the United States and be able to identify and describe the importance of key individuals and events in United States and/or Texas history.

Course NameSemester Credit HoursTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
HIST 2300 - History of the United States to 1877
3 Semester Credit Hours
HIST 2301 - History of the United States Since 1877
3 Semester Credit Hours
HIST 2310 - History of Texas
3 Semester Credit Hours

H. Government/Political Science 6 hours

Courses in this core component area focus on consideration of the Constitution of the United States and the constitutions of the states, with special emphasis on that of Texas. Students who complete their government requirement outside the State of Texas or from a Texas private institution will need to provide a transcript that verifies they have taken a course with the required Texas and United States constitution content. If verification is not provided, students may be required to complete POLS 2107 - Federal and Texas Constitutions, to ensure they have attained the required competency. Courses involve the analysis of governmental institutions, political behavior, civic engagement, and their political and philosophical foundations.

Students graduating from Texas Tech University should demonstrate an understanding of the organization and functions of the different levels of government in the United States, be able to explain the importance of the United States Constitution and those of the states, and be able to comment on the role of civic engagement in United States politics and culture.

Course NameSemester Credit HoursTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
POLS 1301 - American Government, Organization
3 Semester Credit Hours
POLS 2302 - American Public Policy
3 Semester Credit Hours