2016-2017 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Department of Classical and Modern Languages and Literatures
Erin Collopy, Ph.D., Chairperson
Horn Professor: Larmour
Professors: Barta, Beusterien, Gorsuch, Pérez, Scarborough, Suppe
Associate Professors: Bains, Borst, Cole, Collopy, Edwards, Elola, Farley, Grair, Guengerich, Ladeira, Lavigne, Pereira-Muro, Qualin, Stratton, Surliuga, Witmore, Zamora
Assistant Professors: Bishop, Corbett, Friedman, Jonsson, Kleinhans, Matta-Jara, McChesney, Nakatsukasa, Pascual Cabo, Price, Priestaf, Tecedor Cabrero
Instructors: Beretta, Drigalenko, Griffee, Hays, Mallory, Meier, Selker, Thrasher, Zaier
Adjunct Faculty: Le
CONTACT INFORMATION: 207 Foreign Language Building, Box 42071, Lubbock, TX 79409-2071, T 806.742.3145, F 806.742.3306, www.depts.ttu.edu/classic_modern
About the Department
This department supervises the following degree programs and certificate:
- Bachelor of Arts in Languages and Cultures Fields of Specialization:* Classics, French, German, Russian Language and Area Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Spanish
- Master of Arts in Languages and Cultures Fields of Specialization: Applied Linguistics, Classics, German
- Master of Arts in Romance Languages Fields of Specialization: French, Spanish
- Doctor of Philosophy in Spanish
- Graduate Certificate in Teaching English in International Contexts
*B.A. degrees in Classics, French, German, and Russian Language and Area Studies are being consolidated as specializations within the new B.A. in Languages and Cultures. No new students are being accepted into the phased-out degrees.
Dual Degree Program
- Master of Arts in Romance Languages (French or Spanish) and Master of Business Administration (General Business)
- Master of Arts in Languages and Cultures (German) and Master of Business Administration (General Business)
The department participates in the Ethnic Studies, Honors, Linguistics, Comparative Literature, and teacher education programs (see introductory section of the College of Arts and Sciences catalog text). The department also operates in the Texas Tech Center in Seville, Spain year-round and offers summer language and archeological field study abroad programs in Brazil, France, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Russia, and Spain. During the summer, the department hosts the International Teaching Assistant Workshop for international students.
Undergraduate Program
Resident Courses. Students who are minors are required to take at least one upper-level 3-hour class in residence in the target language at Texas Tech University. Students who are majors are required to take at least three upper-level classes (9 hours), including 6 hours of writing intensive, in residence in the target language at Texas Tech. Students who study abroad with the university programs (which involve faculty from this department) may include those courses among the required courses. Foreign study courses taken through approved exchange programs or other programs affiliated with Texas Tech are not considered as resident courses.
Study Abroad Courses. The department encourages students to study abroad and is very proud of its study abroad programs. Students enrolled at Texas Tech have many opportunities and options to study abroad, and many take this opportunity to enhance their language skills. Resident semester abroad programs are available in Seville, Spain. The department operates summer programs in Seville, Spain; Munich, Germany; San Luis Potosi, Mexico; France; and, in alternate years, Salvador, Brazil, and Russia. In addition, the department offers a classical archaeology summer field course. Students enrolled in Arabic, Chinese, French, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, and Russian have other opportunities to study abroad in the respective countries. During the long semester, students may earn up to 16 hours of credit and during the summer they may earn up to 6 hours of credit per summer semester. Course offerings may include from first year through graduate study. Students should check with the respective language advisors and program directors for specific information on the programs, including prerequisites and other important information.
Foreign Language Requirements and Options. To fulfill the general Bachelor of Arts requirements, students must complete 6 semester hours in the same language at the sophomore level or above. A student who enrolls in the first-year sequence will have a 11-16 hour requirement. Courses taught in English such as FREN 2390 ; GERM 2312 , GERM 2313 ; ITAL 2315 , ITAL 3390 ; SPAN 3390 , SPAN 3391 , SPAN 3392 ; and RUSN 2304 , RUSN 3301 , RUSN 3302 , RUSN 4301 , RUSN 4302 may not be used to fulfill the foreign language requirement for any bachelor’s degree.
Foreign language courses 1301 and 1302 or 1501 and 1502 or 1507 are prerequisites for courses 2301 or 2607; a minimum grade of B in SPAN 1502 or 1507 is required to enroll in Span 2607. All first- and second-year courses are sequential and should be taken in their proper order beginning with 1301, 1501, or 1507 and progressing up through 2302 or 2607. If credit is earned for 1507, no credit will be awarded for 1501 and/or 1502. Students with two years of high school French, German, Latin, or Spanish are required to enroll in 1507. Those students enrolled in French or German but judged not qualified for 1507 are required to take 1501 pass/fail with approval of faculty.
Successful completion of lower-numbered courses or equivalent competency is a prerequisite for enrollment in higher-numbered courses. For example, 2302 or its equivalent is a prerequisite for enrolling in a junior-level course, and completion of at least 3 hours at the junior level is a prerequisite for enrolling in a senior-level course.
Upper-level courses allow students to pursue their particular interests in language, civilization, and literature.
Teacher Education. For purposes of certification, teaching fields are offered in French, German, and Spanish. The standard program requires 24-27 hours at the 2000-level and above, which must include 9 hours of 4000-level courses in the specific language (12 hours in German). Students seeking secondary certification in French and Spanish must complete LING 4311 (offered fall semesters only) as part of the teaching field, preferably before their student teaching. Students seeking bilingual education endorsement, ESL endorsement, or secondary certification in French,
German, or Spanish should consult with advisors in the College of Education and in the Department of Classical and Modern Languages and Literatures.
Students who plan to become high school teachers should minor in secondary education. They will be required to take EDSE 4000 for their student teaching experience. The university is implementing a new teacher education program that includes a full year of student teaching (two semesters of the senior year) for students who began their teacher education program in spring 2013 or later. Please see a College of Education advisor to complete a certification plan.
Placement and Credit by Examination. Students at Texas Tech University may attempt credit by examination for degree credit during their freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior years. Students can get more information on the CLEP test at the Academic Testing Center in West Hall. The student is responsible for taking the tests early enough to allow sufficient time for scores to be reported to the university and processed by the Office of the Registrar, which in the case of Arts and Sciences degrees is generally two semesters prior to the semester of graduation. Arts and Sciences degrees require the successful completion of 6 hours at the sophomore level or above in a single language. Therefore, Arts and Sciences students who wish to attempt credit by examination for degree credit in a language other than English should do so before or during their freshman year. In this way, students will have time to complete their language requirement within four years if they do not succeed in earning credit by examination. Seniors must notify their academic dean’s office prior to attempting credit by examination and provide proof of notification upon registering for an exam at Academic Testing Services.
Graduate Program
For information on graduate programs offered by the Department of Classical and Modern Languages and Literatures, visit the Graduate School section.
Program Offerings & Course Descriptions
ProgramsBachelor’sUndergraduate Minor- American Sign Language, Undergraduate Minor
- Arabic, Undergraduate Minor
- Chinese, Undergraduate Minor
- Classics, Undergraduate Minor
- French, Undergraduate Minor
- German, Undergraduate Minor
- Greek, Undergraduate Minor
- Italian, Undergraduate Minor
- Japanese, Undergraduate Minor
- Latin, Undergraduate Minor
- Portuguese, Undergraduate Minor
- Russian Language and Area Studies, Undergraduate Minor
- Russian, Undergraduate Minor
- Spanish, Undergraduate Minor
CoursesItalian (Undergraduate Courses)Japanese (Undergraduate Courses)Latin (Undergraduate Courses)Linguistics (Undergraduate Courses)Portuguese (Undergraduate Courses)Russian (Undergraduate Courses)Slavistics (Undergraduate Courses)Spanish (Undergraduate Courses)Turkish (Undergraduate Courses)Vietnamese (Undergraduate Courses)Page: 1
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