Oct 02, 2024  
2024-2025 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog

College of Education

Kamau Oginga Siwatu, Ph.D., Interim Dean

110 D Education | Box 41071 | Lubbock, TX 79409-1071
T 806.742.2377 | F 806.742.2179 | www.depts.ttu.edu/education

About the College

The College of Education is committed to achieving rigor and relevance of all its programs. Working closely with partners in public schools, community agencies, and institutions of higher learning, college faculty have developed innovative programs to prepare graduates for the educational demands of the 21st century.

The college provides degree and certification programs for both undergraduate and graduate students who plan careers in the field of education. College faculty work closely with public school administrators, practitioners in the field, agency leaders, and higher education administrators to design programs that will prepare leading educators for a global society.

The College of Education is accredited by the Texas Education Agency, the State Board for Educator Certification, and the Council for Accreditation of Educator Preparation. Additionally, individual programs hold accreditation specific to their areas of expertise. Texas Tech University holds membership in the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education. The teaching certificate earned at Texas Tech is accepted in a majority of the states in the nation through reciprocity agreements.

Programs in the college are housed in three departments. The Department of Teacher Education offers undergraduate programs leading to initial teaching certificates. The Department of Educational Psychology, Leadership, and Counseling offers graduate programs in counselor education, educational leadership, educational psychology, and higher education. The Department of Curriculum and Instruction offers graduate programs in bilingual education, curriculum studies, and teacher education, language literacy, blended/personalized learning, STEM education, and instructional technology. The Department of Special Education offers graduate programs in special education.

All students interested in becoming teachers or pursuing graduate programs in education should visit the college website for further information (www.depts.ttu.edu/education).

Educator Certification

The preparation of teachers and the provision of knowledge and skills for educators seeking advanced certificates are important functions of Texas Tech University at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. The coordination of the educator certification programs is a responsibility of the College of Education.

Initial Teaching Certificates

Students who want to teach will need to receive a “standard” or initial teaching certificate. Completing the program requirements in the College of Education leads to this initial certificate when all requirements are completed successfully.

A teaching certificate may also be obtained at Texas Tech through a Curriculum and Instruction Master’s degree. Candidates must hold a bachelor’s degree for consideration. See the graduate section of the catalog for more information.


The college’s teacher education program, TechTeach, is a clinically-intensive competency-based curriculum that features a full year of student teaching. The TechTeach program has been developed by Texas Tech University faculty in partnership with public school personnel. Those who complete the new program will be highly capable teachers able to begin their teaching careers as skilled professionals.

Appropriate coursework accompanies student teaching. Teacher candidates follow the school district calendar for new teachers and participate in professional development opportunities with their mentor teachers.

All students seeking initial teaching certification at Texas Tech must successfully complete a series of competency-based performance assessments.

Certification at the Undergraduate Level

The College of Education prepares students for a variety of teaching certificates. For a list of available certificates, please see Teacher Certification Concentrations .

Students preparing to teach at the elementary school level (Pre-K–6th grades) will major in Education with a concentration in Elementary Education. Students who want to teach middle school/junior high will seek a degree in Education with a concentration in Middle Level. These students will also select a specialization in Math, Science, Social Studies or English. Students seeking to teach at the secondary level (7-12th grades) in the areas of Math, Science or English will also major in Education. The students will declare a Secondary Education concentration and a specialization in the selected content area.

Students graduating with an initial certification from the College of Education are also eligible for certification in English as a Second Language (ESL) and Special Education (Sped). 

Students who are seeking certifications in specialized areas such as Art, Music, Agriculture, and Family and Consumer Sciences should contact the respective college for additional information.

General advice on specific degree requirements is available in the Office of the Academic Dean of the college in which the student is enrolled. The student will be advised on certification requirements by an appropriate advisor in the College of Education. See www.depts.ttu.edu/education for additional information.

Degree and Teacher Certification Programs. Degree and teacher certification programs are two distinct programs. Freshmen or transfer students are admitted by an appropriate college to a degree program leading to a bachelor’s degree. Eligible students at the junior level must apply and be admitted to a teacher certification program that leads to a Texas teaching certificate. The certification program includes the state-mandated Texas Examinations of Educator Standards (TExES) exams. Students must pass all appropriate TExES exams for teacher certification.

Admission to the Teacher Certification (Education) Program. Admission to College of Education certification programs is open to all individuals based on academic preparation, achievement, and availability of space in the selected program. When there are more qualified applicants than can be instructed adequately by the available faculty or accommodated in available facilities, the college will control enrollment in specific programs by limiting the admission of new students. The number of students accepted into the undergraduate elementary, middle-level education, all-level education, secondary education, and career and technology programs is limited. Therefore, admission into a teacher education program is competitive and based on GPA and other criteria. A complete description of eligibility requirements is available in the Educator Certification Office in the College of Education and online. (Entrance criteria may be subject to change.)

Admission to a college degree program does not ensure admission to an upper-division teacher certification program. Students seeking teacher certification may apply to a certification program through an admission process. An online application is available at www.depts.ttu.edu/education. All programs accept applications for a fall start only. Students should apply as early as possible in the spring semester prior to the desired fall start semester. For specific details, consult a College of Education advisor. To be considered for admission to teacher certification programs, students must meet the following minimum prerequisites:

  1. Have a minimum of 60 semester hours (including current enrollment) with an acceptable scholastic GPA. Students seeking any certification must have a 2.75 or better overall GPA.
  2. Possess college-level skills in reading, oral and written communication, critical thinking, and mathematics.
  3. Possess the personal and social qualities and the physical and mental health to indicate a fitness for the education profession.
  4. Pass a content exam in the desired teaching field.
  5. Meet the requirements of all other criteria that may be established for the teacher certification program.
  6. Have a state-mandated minimum cohort GPA of 3.0. If an applicant has met the minimum expectations listed in numbers 1-5, but the applicant’s GPA will reduce the cohort GPA below 3.0 the candidate’s application will be denied.

Admission to upper-division teacher education programs will be subject to additional entrance criteria depending on availability of space in the program selected.

No otherwise qualified student will be denied admission to a degree program, certification program, or student teaching because of race, religion, national origin, age, gender, or disabling condition.

Under some circumstances a student may be requested to leave a certification program. Such a request can be initiated by the college or by the student. Due process will be observed during this time.

Individuals who lack any of the admission criteria due to extenuating circumstances may also apply for admission to teacher education. The Admission Committee will review each request.

Transferability. Developmental courses (e.g., basic introductory reading and mathematics courses) and vocational courses (e.g., auto mechanics, nursing) will not transfer for degree or certification programs. Courses with D grades do not transfer, depending on the guidelines of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, Texas Tech University, and/or the college.

Certification Plan. Any undergraduate student working toward a teacher’s certificate should file a certification plan in the College of Education after 60 hours or, for transfer students, during the first semester of attendance at Texas Tech. The student’s advisors will assist in completing the certification plan. The requirement for filing a certification plan applies regardless of the degree sought, the subject that the student expects to teach, or the level (elementary, middle-level, secondary, or all-level) at which he or she expects to be certified. Degree plans and certification plans are not to be confused because they are two separate documents. The degree plan is to be filed in the office of the student’s academic dean, whereas the certification plan must be filed in the College of Education.

Certification plans are completed during an intake interview with a College of Education advisor.

Admission to Student Teaching. A full year of student teaching is required for students. The following are prerequisites for admission to student teaching:

  1. The applicant must have completed all appropriate coursework prior to student teaching. Additional courses will be taken during student teaching.
  2. Each student must attend an intake interview with a College of Education staff/faculty member and apply for student teaching through the Clinical Experience office during the semester preceding student teaching. Students must attend a scheduled application workshop. Students in agricultural education, family and consumer sciences education, art, or music should consult their department chairperson regarding the proper time to file this application.
  3. Students must pass the content TExES exam in their teaching field prior to the student teaching semester.
  4. The student must have a grade point average of 2.75 or higher in professional education courses and in the teaching field(s) for middle-level and secondary teaching. Students seeking elementary certification must have a 2.75 or higher overall GPA. Students seeking middle-level, secondary, and all-level certificates must have a 2.75 or higher overall GPA.
  5. The student must be able to speak and understand the English language sufficiently to use it easily and readily in conversation and teaching.
  6. The student must possess and demonstrate such personal and social qualities and physical and mental health to indicate a fitness for the education profession.
  7. The student must have met all other criteria that may be established for admission to student teaching.

Under some circumstances a student may be requested to leave a student teaching placement. Such a request can be initiated by the college, the school district, or the student. Due process will be observed in considering whether an alternate placement will be made or the student teaching experience will be terminated.

Students applying for the Music, Art, Family and Consumer Sciences, and Agricultural Education certification programs are not subject to the TechTeach requirements. The requirements for these programs vary greatly. Contact an advisor in the program for more information.

TExES Exams. All persons who have completed teacher training programs and are candidates for initial Texas certification (i.e., those who do not hold a current valid Texas teaching certificate) must pass proficiency tests—Texas Examinations of Educators Standards (TExES)—in their fields of certification. All candidates for initial teacher certification must pass a test on pedagogy and professional responsibilities and a content specialization test in each area for which certification is sought. A fee is associated with all such examinations. To be eligible to take the exams, a student must complete a registration process online. Students will find exam information and access to the registration process at https://www.depts.ttu.edu/education/undergraduate/index.php. Students should also consult the website for exam testing dates and test preparation opportunities.

Recommendation for Teacher Certification. An individual who has maintained the levels of performance stated as prerequisites for admission to student teaching; who has demonstrated the knowledge, dispositions, and skills to teach; and who has completed student teaching or an internship successfully is eligible to apply for the appropriate teaching certificate. Teacher candidates must demonstrate their competency through a series of performance assessments to be eligible for an initial teaching certificate recommendation. The student must apply online to the State Board for Educator Certification at https://tea.texas.gov/about-tea/leadership/state-board-for-educator-certification. The state requires that applicants complete a fingerprint criminal background check before they may be certified. The state charges a fee for the certification process. Upon completion of all requirements, including the appropriate TExES examinations, the College of Education will recommend the student for certification.

While completing the requirements, a student must maintain a 2.75 GPA in the professional education courses and a 2.75 GPA in the teaching field(s). Grades of D are not acceptable in the professional education courses or in the teaching field(s). An overall GPA of 2.75 is required. Students must successfully complete coursework and clinical experiences to proceed from one semester to the next in the program.

Secondary Catalog Policy. Students pursuing a College of Education teacher concentration will use a primary catalog specific to their major. For the teacher education program, students will use a secondary catalog specific to the year they begin their College of Education teacher concentration.

This will be listed on the student’s concentration record within Banner. The use of a secondary catalog year ensures that students will remain compliant with annually updated TEA rules and regulations.

Dismissal Policy. Students who do not adhere to the guidelines set by the university, State of Texas, or assigned school district certification program may be subject to dismissal. See the student handbook for specific details regarding potential dismissal.

Programs Offering Advanced Certification

Supplemental Certificates. Supplemental certificates are available for teachers holding an initial teaching certificate. Students may seek advanced certification in bilingual education, English as a second language, gifted and talented, generic special education, and visual impairment. Details are available on the college website under the appropriate program area. The bilingual and English-as-a-second-language certificates are available through the bilingual program area. Supplemental certificates in generic special education and visual impairment are available through the special education program area. Additional information is available at www.educ.ttu.edu.

Professional Certification Programs. The college offers professional certification programs in the following areas: principal, superintendent, school counselor, educational diagnostician, blended/personalized learning, master reading teacher, professional reading specialist, and certified orientation and mobility specialist. Some certificates may be combined with graduate programs leading to master’s degrees or doctoral degrees in the related program areas. Admission criteria for these certification programs are set by the program area faculty in which the programs are housed. For admission information and details about the programs, see the college website for the appropriate program area. The educational leadership program offers the principal and superintendent certificates, the counselor education program oversees counselor certification, the special education program offers the educational diagnostician certificate, and the language literacy program supervises the master reading teacher certificate and the professional reading specialist certificate.

Recommendation for Supplemental and Professional Certificates.
Students seeking supplemental and professional certificates must pass the appropriate TExES exams. The registration process is explained online at www.educ.ttu.edu. After completing all requirements, students may apply for their certificate online from the State Board for Educator Certification (tea.texas.gov).

Post Baccalaureate Initial Teaching Certification

The post-baccalaureate program is available for initial certification in the areas of family and consumer science, agricultural education, music, and art only at this time. Students desiring to enter the post-baccalaureate program must meet all of the entrance requirements as well as pass the TExES Pre-Admission test (PACT) in their content area prior to admission. Information about the process can be found at http://cms.texes-ets.org/texes/registration-information/approval-test/ (PACT). Please contact an advisor in your content area for more information.

Undergraduate Program Offerings & Course Descriptions