2017-2018 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Department of Psychological Sciences
Robert D. Morgan, Ph.D., Chairperson
John G. Skelton, Jr. Regents Endowed Professor: Morgan
Presidential Endowed Chair: Tang
Professors: Cukrowicz, Delucia, Marshall, Richards, Taraban, Young
Associate Professors: Borrego, Epkins, Garos, Jones, Klein, Mumma, Robitschek, Serra
Assistant Professors: Alquist, Cribbet, Cundiff, Davis, E. Greenlee, Hohman, Ireland, Kim, Littlefield, Piña-Watson, Schmidt, Scolari, Talley, Van Allen
Research Assistant Professors: Dubyak, L. Greenlee
CONTACT INFORMATION: 119 Psychology Building Box 42051, Lubbock, TX 79409-2051, T 806.742.3711 F 806.742.0818, www.depts.ttu.edu/psy
About the Department
This department supervises the following degree programs:
*Degree being phased out; no new students.
An overview of the requirements for the Bachelor of Arts in Psychology is given in this section of the catalog.
The requirements for the graduate programs are extensive and tailored, to some extent, to the specific student and the specific graduate program in psychology. These requirements are also revised regularly to align with the relevant accrediting agencies, such as the American Psychological Association (for the clinical and counseling psychology Ph.D. programs) and the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (for the experimental psychology concentration in human factors, with combined B.A.–M.A. and M.A.–Ph.D. options).
Students in the clinical and counseling psychology Ph.D. programs are only admitted for the doctoral degree, but they may elect to complete the requirements for the optional master’s degree during their work toward the Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology or the Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology.
Students in the experimental psychology graduate programs are typically admitted for the doctoral degree, although a small number may be admitted for a terminal master’s degree or for a combined B.A.–M.A. degree. The combined B.A.–M.A. degree entails a B.A. in Psychology and an M.A. in Experimental Psychology with a concentration in human factors. The Ph.D. in General Experimental Psychology offers concentrations in cognitive/applied cognitive psychology, human factors, and social psychology.
Extensive details are available at www.psychology.ttu.edu in the online handbooks for each graduate program. Application forms and instructions for the graduate programs are also available online.
Graduate Program
For information on graduate programs offered by the Department of Psychological Sciences, visit the Graduate Programs section of the catalog.
Undergraduate Program Offerings, Course Descriptions & Curricular Tables
(Click on program for curricular table.)
ProgramsBachelor’sUndergraduate MinorCoursesPSY - Psychology (Undergraduate Courses)