About the Philosophy Bachelor’s Program
Students majoring in philosophy must complete 30 hours in philosophy, including PHIL 2310 , PHIL 2320 , PHIL 3301 , PHIL 3303 , and one course from PHIL 3330 , PHIL 3340 , PHIL 4330 , PHIL 4331 , or PHIL 4340 . Twenty-four hours must be at the 3000 or 4000 level. Majors may substitute PHIL 4310 for the PHIL 2310 requirement. Minors are required to complete 18 hours in philosophy, at least 6 of which must be at the 3000 or 4000 level. For transfer students, at least 9 hours of the major or 6 hours of the minor must be completed in residency at Texas Tech. Philosophy students must receive at least a C in any philosophy course for it to satisfy major or minor requirements. Many students combine a philosophy major with a second major.
Communication Literacy Requirement. Philosophy majors must complete 6 hours of Communication Literacy courses. Communication Literacy courses for the B.A. in Philosophy are PHIL 3301 , PHIL 3303 , PHIL 3321 , PHIL 4000 , and PHIL 4341 .