Twenty-seven semester hours of upper-level math courses are required. The mathematics requirements are similar to those for the B.A. degree, but additional advanced math courses are required. These course requirements may be broadly divided into four components:
Candidates for the B.S. degree must choose their minor from a scientific or technical area, including but not limited to the following: actuarial science, astrophysics, atmospheric science, biology, bioengineering, chemistry, chemical engineering, civil engineering, computer science, economics, electrical engineering, engineering, environmental sciences, general business, health professions (STEM only courses), kinesiology, geology, geophysics, industrial engineering, life sciences, mechanical engineering, microbiology, petroleum engineering, physics, sport management, technical communication, wind energy, or zoology. A minor must include 18 semester hours, 6 of which must be advanced. Courses counted for the minor must be approved by the department supervising the minor.