About the English Bachelor’s Program
The program in English requires 120 semester credit hours, including the core curriculum, the major, and a minor. English majors must choose a concentration in literature and language, creative writing, or the certificate program for teaching in the secondary schools. A maximum of 9 advanced hours of transfer credit in English will be accepted for the major. Literature and Language Concentration
Students majoring in English with a concentration in literature and language study literary works from a wide variety of periods and genres. They learn to think critically and analytically about literature and about language itself. This concentration prepares students for many careers—including teaching, government service, and business—and for graduate and professional study in fields requiring extensive reading and writing, such as law, medicine, and business. , ; 6 hours from , , , , , ; and 3 hours from , , , , , , , are required for an English major with a concentration in literature and language. Majors must complete 18 hours at the 3000-level and 9 hours at the 4000-level in the following courses: - 3000-Level
- Theory or Linguistics
Take one of the following: , , , , , - Diversity
Take one of the following: , , , , , , , , Note: A course cannot count for both the Diversity and the Theory/Lingustics Categores - Distribution Courses
Take one course each from two of the following lists. Note that students must choose from categories not fulfilled at the 2000-level. For example, a student who has taken and must choose from Early Global, Later Global, Later British, and Early American for their distribution courses. See below for a visual explanation of this example (note that many other combinations are possible). | Early | Later | Global | Possible 3000-level distribution course | Possible 3000-level distribution course | British | | Possible 3000-level distribution course | American | Possible 3000-level distribution course | | • Early Global: , , • Later Global: , , , ENGL 3342 • Early British: , , , , • Later British: , , , • Early American: , , , , • Later American: , , , , , Note: If students count a distribution course also as a diversity course, they must make up 3 hours with a 3000-level English elective to meet the 18 hours required at the 3000-level. - Two additional 3000-level courses.
- 4000-Level
- Three additional 4000-level courses from the following: , , , , , , , , , , , , or
Communication Literacy (CL) Plan. To accommodate English majors while emphasizing the communication skills they will need to graduate and succeed, the department focuses on developing students’ abilities to articulate and integrate ideas and information specific to three areas. Students will choose one course from each area. Courses that partially fulfill the Communication Literacy requirement for English majors with a language and literacy concentration and their associated areas, are as follows: - Situating in Cultural/Historical Context (, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , )
- Critical Communication (, , , , , , )
- Intercultural Communication (, , , , , , , , , )
Not all courses will be required to fulfill the Communication Literacy requirement. After completing the CL courses, students will be able to articulate and synthesize key components of each area, using writing and other communication strategies. Sample Four-Year Curriculum