Nov 13, 2024  
2020-2021 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog 
2020-2021 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

How to Read Catalog Course Descriptions

Texas Tech offers nearly 5,000 courses as part of its curriculum. These courses are listed alphabetically by subject prefix within each college and departmental section of this catalog. The courses appear in numerical order, moving from beginning freshman or developmental level courses to graduate, research, and professional courses.

Not all courses listed in this catalog are offered every year. An online class schedule published before each registration period indicates courses that will be available during the upcoming term or semester and when each class will meet. The class schedule can be found at ( The university reserves the right to cancel any scheduled course or withdraw any program from the list of offerings when the best interests of the institution require such action.

Courses are designated by a subject prefix and number along with a descriptive title. Learn more  about interpreting the course descriptions found throughout the catalog.


BOT - Botany (Graduate Courses)

  • BOT 5404 - Advanced Taxonomy of the Vascular Plants

    4 Semester Credit Hours
    A survey of the diversity of vascular plants (emphasis on angiosperms) and the methodology of their classification. Lecture emphasizes modern approaches to systematics; lab emphasizes identification and collection techniques.
  • BOT 6302 - Advanced Field Botany

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    A field-trip and herbarium-based course that will provide students with sophistication in the identification and classification of plants in natural areas of West Texas and adjacent regions.
  • BOT 6304 - Advanced Plant Molecular Biology

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisites: BIOL 1403  and BIOL 1404 , BIOL 3304 , and BIOL 3320  or equivalent. Molecular mechanisms regulating plant metabolism. Intensive reading of current literature is required. Alternate years.
  • BOT 6409 - Advanced Plant Development

    4 Semester Credit Hours
    Molecular and cellular analysis of plant development with emphasis on experimental approaches. Alternate years.

BTEC - Biotechnology (Graduate Courses)

  • BTEC 5001 - Topics in Biotechnology

    V1-6 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Special areas of current interest in biotechnology. Content and credit vary by section number. May be repeated for credit.
  • BTEC 5100 - Scientific Communication

    1 Semester Credit Hours
    Different aspects of scientific communication, including presentation of scientific material, written communication skills targeted toward information organization and summary, and reading and thoughtful analysis of primary scientific literature.
  • BTEC 5301 - Introduction to Biotechnology

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisites: CHEM 3311 , CHEM 3312 , CHEM 3313 . Scientific bases of biotechnology techniques. Applications of biotechnology and ethical and social impact. [GBTC 6301]
  • BTEC 5311 - Protein Engineering

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: BTEC 5338  or instructor consent. A protein-based course to determine the structure-function relationship of protein through protein engineering and x-ray crystallography.
  • BTEC 5312 - Gene Expression Analysis

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Introduction to nucleic acids, gene structure and function; techniques of RNA extraction, quantification and quality determination; applications of next generation sequencing for gene expression analysis.
  • BTEC 5313 - Experimental Mass Spectrometry in Biotechnology

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Mass spectrometry instrumentation and generation and interpretation of mass spectra in analysis of biomolecules. Other preparative analytical techniques, including 2D-gel and chromatographic techniques.
  • BTEC 5322 - Bioinformatics: Methodologies and Applications

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Introduces students to bioinformatics applications and methodologies, especially related to genomics and proteomics.
  • BTEC 5333 - Advanced Bioinformatics

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Trains students in the developmental aspects of bioinformatics. Topics requiring advanced bioinformatics knowledge will be covered. Computer programming, database and web development will be integral to the completion of this course.
  • BTEC 5335 - Capstone in Biotechnology

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisites: Students will be permitted to take this course in their final semester as a requirement for graduation. Students are expected to complete all core courses before taking capstone course. This course can be taken concurrently with other elective courses. Prepares students to integrate the skills and knowledge learned from their coursework and apply it to solve practical problems in Biotechnology.
  • BTEC 5338 - Methods in Biotechnology

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisites: CHEM 3310  or CHEM 3311  and CHEM 3314 . Methodology for identification and manipulation of genes, for protein expression and purification, and for enzyme assays.
  • BTEC 5340 - Advanced Instrumentation Techniques in Biotechnology

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisites: BTEC 5338  /GBTC 5338 (Texas Tech Health Sciences Center course). Topics include DNA sequencing and amplification, mass spectrometry, liquid-handling robotics, automated chromatography, and protein-ligand interactions and kinetics.
  • BTEC 5344 - Biocomputing: BioPython and Bioconductor

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Biocomputing distance learning class teaches students the fundamentals of programming directed towards problem solving in the biological sciences and biostatistics.
  • BTEC 5414 - Advanced Plant Biotechnology

    4 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Any genetics course. Principles of biotechnology and genetic engineering. Genetic manipulations applied to problems in plant research and agriculture. F, odd years.
  • BTEC 6000 - Master’s Thesis

    V1-6 Semester Credit Hours
    (GBTC 6000)
  • BTEC 6001 - Biotechnology Internship

    V1-9 Semester Credit Hours
    Research and training in a university, private-sector, or government laboratory. Consent of program director required. For nonthesis students.
  • BTEC 6101 - Biotechnology Seminar

    1 Semester Credit Hours
    Presentation of current research topics in areas directly relevant to biotechnology. (GBTC 6101)
  • BTEC 7000 - Research in Biotechnology

    V1-9 Semester Credit Hours
    Full-time laboratory research under the direct supervision of a TTU or TTUHSC graduate faculty member. For thesis-option students. (GBTC 7000)

CASC - Arts & Sciences Capstone Course (Undergraduate Courses)

  • CASC 3100 - Leadership Development and Team Building

    1 Semester Credit Hours
    Students will acquire skills necessary for success in their approach toward leadership objectives as well as enhancing their teamwork outlook and involvement and critical thinking skills.

CE - Civil Engineering (Undergraduate Courses)

  • CE 1130 - Civil Engineering Seminar I

    1 Semester Credit Hours
    Introduction to the practice of civil engineering.
  • CE 2201 - Materials for Constructed Facilities

    2 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisites: PHYS 1408 , MATH 1452 . Materials science and engineering: properties, economics, quality and sustainability. Metals, aggregates, Portland cement and asphalt concrete, mix design. Wood, masonry, novel materials, semester project.
  • CE 2301 - Statics

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    TCCNS: [ENGR 2301, ENGR 2401] Prerequisites: MATH 1452 PHYS 1408  (may be taken concurrently). Equilibrium of particles and rigid bodies, friction, centroids, and moments of inertia.
  • CE 3103 - Mechanics of Solids Laboratory

    1 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CE 3303 . Laboratory measurements and observation of behavior of solid materials.
  • CE 3105 - Mechanics of Fluids Laboratory

    1 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CE 3305 . Experimental studies of fluid behavior.
  • CE 3121 - Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory

    1 Semester Credit Hours
    Corequisite: CE 3321 . Laboratory determination and engineering evaluation of the physical properties of soils.
  • CE 3171 - Environmental Engineering Laboratory I

    1 Semester Credit Hours
     Corequisite: CE 3309 . Performance of standard analytical methods used to measure water and wastewater quality. Evaluation of limits to data produced by standard methods.
  • CE 3302 - Dynamics

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisites: MATH 2450  (may be taken concurrently) and either CE 2301  or ME 2301 . A study of motions of particles and rigid bodies.
  • CE 3303 - Mechanics of Solids

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisites: CE 2301  or ME ME 2301 . Theory of stress and strain in elastic and inelastic bodies subject to various conditions of loading.
  • CE 3305 - Mechanics of Fluids

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisites: CE 2301  or ME ME 2301 . Hydrostatics; dynamics of viscous and nonviscous fluids; resistance to flow; flow in pipes and open channels.
  • CE 3309 - Environmental Engineering

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CHEM 1308  and CE 3305 . Corequisite: CE 3171 . Water and wastewater characteristics and system design for water and wastewater treatment. Introduction of techniques of solid hazardous waste management and air pollution control.
  • CE 3321 - Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CE 3303 . Physical properties of soils; theories of soil strength, consolidation, and settlement; soil stabilization; slope stability analysis; selected design topics.
  • CE 3341 - Principles of Structural Design

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CE 3440 . Fundamental principles of structural design with consideration for the selection of materials and systems. Team approach to design; oral and written presentations. (CL)
  • CE 3354 - Engineering Hydrology

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CE 3305 . Analysis and design methods related to the occurrence and distribution of surface and groundwater; precipitation, infiltration, runoff, and frequency analysis. (CL)
  • CE 3372 - Water Systems Design

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CE 3305  and CE 3354 . Hydraulic analysis and design of municipal water distribution, stormwater collection, and wastewater collection systems. Oral and written presentations. (CL)
  • CE 3440 - Structural Analysis I

    4 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CE 3303 . Introduction to the analysis of statically determinate and indeterminate structures.
  • CE 4000 - Special Studies in Civil Engineering

    V1-6 Semester Credit Hours
    Individual studies in civil engineering areas of special interest. May be repeated for credit.
  • CE 4200 - Professional Engineering Practice Issues

    2 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Must be within two long semesters of graduation. A study of engineering body of knowledge to prepare students for engineering practice including: licensure, the FE Exam, leadership, and responsible engineering practice. May be repeated.
  • CE 4321 - Geotechnical Engineering Design

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CE 3321 . Design and construction of foundation systems, geotechnical site investigation, bearing capacity and settlement analysis for shallow foundations, types of deep foundations, axial load capacity of driven piles, drilled shafts, and auger-cast piles, group behavior of piles.
  • CE 4330 - Design of Engineering Systems

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Senior standing, and either CE 4342  or CE 4343  or corequisite CE 4353  or ENVE 4399  and instructor consent. Interdisciplinary team approach to the design of complex engineering systems; should be taken during last semester of undergraduate program. Oral and written presentations. (CL)
  • CE 4331 - Special Problems in Civil Engineering

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Individual studies in civil engineering. May be repeated for credit.
  • CE 4333 - Special Problems in Water Resources

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CE 3440  or instructor consent.  Individual studies in water resources. May be repeated for credit.
  • CE 4340 - Structural Analysis II

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CE 3440  or instructor consent. Analysis of structures by matrix methods.
  • CE 4342 - Design of Steel Structures

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CE 2201  and CE 3341 . A course in design of structural steel systems by the LFRD method.
  • CE 4343 - Design of Concrete Structures

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CE 2201  and CE 3341 . A course in design of reinforced concrete systems by strength design methods.
  • CE 4351 - Pavement Materials and Design

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CE 2201 , CE 3303 , CE 3321 . Pavement system, material properties and selection, analysis of layered structures, pavement design, life-cycle cost, pavement performance evaluation, management of pavement systems. S.
  • CE 4353 - Design of Hydraulic Systems

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CE 3305  and CE 3354 . Design of open channel and closed conduit conveyance systems for water; includes introduction to HEC-RAS.
  • CE 4361 - Transportation Engineering

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Corequisite: CE 3321 , IE 2341  or MATH 3342 , and senior standing or instructor consent. Transportation modes; railway and airport runway design; basic design and analysis concepts of highway systems; transportation planning; traffic engineering; intersection control; geometrics; pavement engineering.
  • CE 4363 - Groundwater Hydrology

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CE 3354  or instructor consent. Groundwater flow; well hydraulics, development, and management of groundwater resources; water quality; mathematical modeling with available software. Introduction to design of wells and well fields.
  • CE 4371 - Geometric Design of Highways

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CE 4361  or instructor consent. Study of geometric design of highways and streets, sign and marking of roadways, and application of computer software in highway design.

CE - Civil Engineering (Graduate Courses)

  • CE 5102 - Environmental Engineering Graduate Seminar

    1 Semester Credit Hours
    Exposes students to current state-of-practice and state-of-art research in environmental engineering through student presentations, internal faculty and non-faculty speaker presentations, and outside speaker presentations. May be repeated once for credit.
  • CE 5185 - Microbial Applications in Environmental Engineering Lab

    1 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Determine concentration of coliforms, nutrients, and organic pollutants in water. Analyze water quality data.
  • CE 5191 - Advanced Water Treatment Lab

    1 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Design and conduct flocculation, coagulant dose, sedimentation, and disinfection studies and assess impact on water quality.
  • CE 5310 - Numerical Methods in Engineering

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MATH 5310  or instructor consent. Numerical techniques for the formulation and solution of discrete and continuous systems of equilibrium, eigenvalue and propagation problems.
  • CE 5311 - Advanced Mechanics of Solids

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Stress and strain at a point; theories of failure; unsymmetrical bending; curved flexural members; beams on continuous support; experimental and energy methods.
  • CE 5313 - Theory of Elastic Stability

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Theory of the conditions governing the stability of structural members and determination of critical loads for various types of members and structural systems.
  • CE 5314 - Theory of Plates and Shells

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Stress analysis of plates and shells of various shapes; small and large deflection theory of plates; membrane analysis of shells; general theory of shells.
  • CE 5315 - Probabilistic Methods for Civil Engineers

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisites: Graduate standing. MATH 4342  or equivalent knowledge of statistical and probability fundamentals.  Examination and application of probabilistic methods in Civil Engineering.
  • CE 5318 - Finite Element Methods in Continuum Mechanics

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CE 5310  and CE 5311  or instructor consent. Theory of the finite element method-constant strain elements; plane stress or strain for axisymmetric problems; application to plates and shells, torsion, heat transfer and seepage problems.
  • CE 5319 - Machine Learning for Civil Engineers

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisites: Graduate standing; CE 5315  or permission of the instructor. Application of machine learning concepts and algorithms in Civil Engineering.
  • CE 5321 - Advanced Soil Engineering I

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CE 3321  (or equivalent) or instructor consent. Introduction to physio-chemical properties of soils; soil structure; soil classification; permeability; principle of effective stress; stress-deformation; stress paths and strength characteristics; partly saturated soils; advanced consolidation theory; secondary consolidation; field instrumentation.
  • CE 5322 - Geotechnical Site Characterization

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CE 3321  (or equivalent) or instructor consent. Modern methods for subsurface site characterization, investigation design, soil strength, groundwater monitoring, data presentation, risk/uncertainty issues.
  • CE 5323 - Advanced Foundation Engineering

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Computer programming skills and instructor consent. Advanced foundation engineering theory and practice, bearing capacity, settlement analysis, piles and pile groups, drilled piers, wave equation analysis.
  • CE 5324 - Geotechnical Practice for Expansive Soils

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CE 3321  (or equivalent). Expansive soil characterization, shrink/swell movement prediction methods, design applications, including foundations, pavements, and earth structures.
  • CE 5326 - Stability Analysis and Design of Slopes and Embankments

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CE 3321  (or equivalent). Principles of stability analysis and design as applied to earth dams, embankments, fills, cuts, and natural slopes; short-term and long-term stability; slope remediation.
  • CE 5328 - Design and Analysis of Earth Retaining Structures

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CE 3321  (or equivalent). Types of earth retaining structures; wall selection; lateral earth pressure theories; design of conventional, MSE, soil nail, tied-back, and drilled shaft walls.
  • CE 5329 - Advanced Design of Bridge Structures

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Instructor consent. Advanced structural design of highway/railway/guideway bridges using the LRFD design method.
  • CE 5331 - Advanced Work in Specific Fields

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Nature of course depends on the student’s interest and needs. May be repeated for credit.
  • CE 5333 - Advanced Work in Water Resources

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Individual studies in advanced water resources. May be repeated for credit.
  • CE 5340 - Advanced Structural Analysis I

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Proficiency in basic structural analysis techniques and computer programming. Fundamentals and applications of modern methods of structural analyses using computers.
  • CE 5342 - Advanced Design of Steel Structures

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CE 4342  or instructor consent. Advanced design of structures, utilizing LRFD design concepts.
  • CE 5343 - Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CE 4343  or instructor consent. Understanding advanced concrete design concepts and discussion of new concrete material technology.
  • CE 5344 - Design of Steel Structures

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    A course in design of structural steel systems by the LRFD method.
  • CE 5346 - Structural Dynamics I

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Dynamic response of single and multidegree of freedom systems; modal analysis of lumped and continuous mass systems.
  • CE 5347 - Structural Dynamics II

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CE 5346  or instructor consent. Design consideration for structures subjected to time-varying forces including earthquake, wind, and blast loads.
  • CE 5348 - Wind Engineering

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Understanding the nature of wind related to wind-structure interaction, and wind loads on structures. Design loads for extreme winds, tornadoes, and hurricanes.
  • CE 5351 - Advanced Pavement Materials

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Materials science, microstructure, engineering properties, life-cycle, constitutive models, tests, constructability and performance of soils, aggregates, granular materials, stabilized materials, bituminous binders and asphalt concrete, mix design, sustainability.
  • CE 5352 - Advanced Flexible Pavement Design

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Analysis and design of flexible pavement systems, pavement life-cycle, distresses, non-destructive evaluation, failure criteria, management systems, mechanistic-empirical pavement design, sustainable pavements, design project.
  • CE 5354 - Advanced Concrete Materials

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Portland cement production, chemistry and hydration, concrete constituents, aggregates, mineral and chemical admixtures, mix design, dimensional stability, early-age and hardened concrete, construction, durability, forensic evaluation.
  • CE 5355 - Advanced Rigid Pavement Design

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Pavement types, highways, airports, design factors, materials, traffic, analysis of pavement system, drainage, design methods, performance, evaluation, repair, overlay design, mechanistic-empirical design, design project.
  • CE 5356 - Sustainable Material Systems and Engineering Design

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Engineering design process, infrastructure systems, principles of ecology and sustainability, industrial ecology, design for sustainability, sustainability metrics, material selection, material flow, life-cycle assessment, design project.
  • CE 5360 - Open Channel Hydraulics

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Channel geometry and parameters. Uniform and varied flow.
  • CE 5361 - Surface Water Hydrology

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Advanced study of hydrologic cycle: hydrologic abstractions, surface-runoff mechanics, hydrographs, baseflow separation, data analysis, reservoir and channel routing, and an introduction to rainfall-runoff modeling.
  • CE 5362 - Surface Water Modeling

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CE 5360  or instructor consent. Theory and application of one-dimensional hydrodynamics models. Theory and application of watershed models.
  • CE 5363 - Groundwater Hydrology

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Groundwater flow; well hydraulics, development, and management of groundwater resources; water quality; mathematical modeling with available software. Design of wells and well fields.
  • CE 5364 - Groundwater Transport Phenomena

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Study of sources and fates of contamination in groundwater. Mathematical modeling of reactive and nonreactive pollutant movement. Aquifer restoration strategies.
  • CE 5366 - Water Resources Management

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Models and other technical elements of water resources systems in context of the political, social, and other environments in which they exist.
  • CE 5368 - Surface Water Quality Modeling

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Contaminant transport and fate in surface water. Engineering methods assessing surface water and transport for water and sediment quality. Modeling dissolved oxygen, chemicals, water-borne substances.
  • CE 5371 - Advanced Geometric Design of Highways

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Advanced study of geometric design of highways and streets, signage and marking of roadways. Advanced instruction in the application of computer software in highway design.
  • CE 5372 - Advanced Traffic Engineering I: Highway Capacity Analysis

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CE 4361  or instructor consent. Study of the concepts and methodologies for assessing the capacity and level of service of various surface transportation facilities.
  • CE 5373 - Advanced Traffic Engineering II: Traffic Flow Theory and Control

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CE 5372 . Fundamentals of macro and microscopic traffic flow characteristics, continuum flow models, control of signalized intersections, and traffic simulation.
  • CE 5383 - Bioremediation of Wastes in Soil Systems

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Factors impacting microbiological treatment of organic wastes in surface and subsurface soil environments will be examined for implications in system design and operation.
  • CE 5385 - Micro Applications in Environmental Engineering

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Presents information regarding bacterial cell structure and microbial genetics: metabolism and the role of microbes in the design of treatment process; and water/wastewater reuse issues.
  • CE 5391 - Advanced Water Treatment

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Water chemistry and microbiology; design procedures for municipal water treatment; advanced methods for quality control, renovation, and reuse.
  • CE 5393 - Unit Processes Laboratory

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Demonstrates fundamental equilibrium, kinetic and transport processes to describe basic environmental systems and processes, including design of an experiment relating to these concepts and analysis of data using appropriate models.
  • CE 5394 - Natural Systems for Wastewater Treatment

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Examination of tertiary systems for municipal wastewater; natural systems (land application, wetlands, and aquaculture) and modular facilities incorporating unit operations, biological, and chemical processes.
  • CE 5395 - Solid and Hazardous Waste Treatment

    3 Semester Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Treatment and disposal of municipal and industrial solid and hazardous wastes.
  • CE 6000 - Master’s Thesis

    V1-6 Semester Credit Hours

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